You can be replaced

Utter rubbish! Highly doubtful! Post one of your favorite recents and let me be the judge :):

You asked for it. I think the problem I'm having at the moment is that I'm too angry. I don't know if it is the same there as here in Europe, basically politicians are locked into group think and are clueless and are scapegoating the poor for the economic crisis while protecting the bankers and financiers. The rightwing media is lining up behind the clueless politicians, no one wants to admit they haven't a clue and their policies aren't working, they don't want to lose face so they are giving easy targets a good kicking.

eugenics if you want to

crush his balls in a vice
squash the future generation
if he can’t afford children
he isn’t having them for free
as for her, stick a spoon in her womb
scrap it out like an avocado​

save civilization from idiot replicators, screams the headline
between the lines, the untermensch, smoke, drink and fuck
animal lust responding to animal stimuli, she can’t get enough
he’s just a fuck bull, passively ramming home her future
a litter of howling mouths and years of some bitch social guru
he’s wanking to pass the time at Her Majesty’s pleasure
the pieces snugly fit, it’s an obvious conclusion, assumption

Saturday night at the pub
a little bit of dancing
a little bit of fumbling
round the back in the car park
a girl who didn't understand
love could be more than groping hands
he told her he loved her, if only for the day
life was like that, a discount store
you took what was in stock
pleased to leave with change
the lonely walk home through empty streets
through the bleak barren psychology
of cold post coital depression​

the future is the past, is the present, déjà vu days
the biggest indicator of where you’ll die in society
is where you’re born, she eyeballs the bitter truth
life stretched before her like a prison sentence
she chalks off the hours with cigarettes, TV soap
and the occasional lover, she clings to like hope
but like hope, he always has other plans
some other priority on his agenda

I need to get back to writing about loose women.

feminism and your wounded vagina

the specious male privilege of ogling
to call it art is a deceit, you assert
like a school ma’am dishing out the rule
you should have marched in naked
flaunting your assets in all their glory
declaring this is what you become
an old cow who’s been milked too often
your pudendum displayed like a wound
obsessively scratched by men

to feel your pain is to care, I don’t
I am unrepentant of my crimes in the sex war
which had pig me considering a harem in revolution
the spectacle of raving fallopians rearing
from centuries of somnambulant moil
the nightmare of warrior you, a latter day Boudica
afore an army of breasts and triangles of pubic hair
the male species vanquished like infidels
their false god proved impotent

a pity you missed his lardy complexion
his angular pose rooted on the edge of balance
a cluster of anaemic fruit forlornly dangling
as though they survived of a season of drought
too busy nursing your paranoia, like a puritan
on a crusade against carnal love and foul idolatry
what did you expect, Kate Hathaway simpering
or Kate Winslet, lips puckered, legs akimbo
offering the weight of her breasts

I have been writing.... mostly whoring myself out- writing copy - you know, Window Treatments and Montessori Schools and the new Greek Restaurant....and even though it does not make me squirm or pop me out of bed in the middle of the night with an idea that must be written, it is safe and it pays, you know, money. And I get to use Exclamation Points! Fabulous! But I have written a poem here or there, usually go through a short burst every 6 weeks?

Mostly been busy getting old.


Nothing wrong with whoring, its a respectable profession and you even get paid for it, which is something in this day an age. The worker usually has to pay for the privilege of work. OK I'm cynical and sour and I've been reading too much Uncle Buk (again) of late.

The exclaimation marks are a real bonus. Do they provide you with a friendly Italian to get exclaimation marks out of you by pinching you on your bum? That would be a perk of employment.
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You asked for it. I think the problem I'm having at the moment is that I'm too angry. I don't know if it is the same there as here in Europe, basically politicians are locked into group think and are clueless and are scapegoating the poor for the economic crisis while protecting the bankers and financiers. The rightwing media is lining up behind the clueless politicians, no one wants to admit they haven't a clue and their policies aren't working, they don't want to lose face so they are giving easy targets a good kicking.

eugenics if you want to

crush his balls in a vice
squash the future generation
if he can’t afford children
he isn’t having them for free
as for her, stick a spoon in her womb
scrap it out like an avocado​

save civilization from idiot replicators, screams the headline
between the lines, the untermensch, smoke, drink and fuck
animal lust responding to animal stimuli, she can’t get enough
he’s just a fuck bull, passively ramming home her future
a litter of howling mouths and years of some bitch social guru
he’s wanking to pass the time at Her Majesty’s pleasure
the pieces snugly fit, it’s an obvious conclusion, assumption

Saturday night at the pub
a little bit of dancing
a little bit of fumbling
round the back in the car park
a girl who didn't understand
love could be more than groping hands
he told her he loved her, if only for the day
life was like that, a discount store
you took what was in stock
pleased to leave with change
the lonely walk home through empty streets
through the bleak barren psychology
of cold post coital depression​

the future is the past, is the present, déjà vu days
the biggest indicator of where you’ll die in society
is where you’re born, she eyeballs the bitter truth
life stretched before her like a prison sentence
she chalks off the hours with cigarettes, TV soap
and the occasional lover, she clings to like hope
but like hope, he always has other plans
some other priority on his agenda

I need to get back to writing about loose women.

feminism and your wounded vagina

the specious male privilege of ogling
to call it art is a deceit, you assert
like a school ma’am dishing out the rule
you should have marched in naked
flaunting your assets in all their glory
declaring this is what you become
an old cow who’s been milked too often
your pudendum displayed like a wound
obsessively scratched by men

to feel your pain is to care, I don’t
I am unrepentant of my crimes in the sex war
which had pig me considering a harem in revolution
the spectacle of raving fallopians rearing
from centuries of somnambulant moil
the nightmare of warrior you, a latter day Boudica
afore an army of breasts and triangles of pubic hair
the male species vanquished like infidels
their false god proved impotent

a pity you missed his lardy complexion
his angular pose rooted on the edge of balance
a cluster of anaemic fruit forlornly dangling
as though they survived of a season of drought
too busy nursing your paranoia, like a puritan
on a crusade against carnal love and foul idolatry
what did you expect, Kate Hathaway simpering
or Kate Winslet, lips puckered, legs akimbo
offering the weight of her breasts

Nothing wrong with whoring, its a respectable profession and you even get paid for it, which is something in this day an age. The worker usually has to pay for the privilege of work. OK I'm cynical and sour and I've been reading too much Uncle Buk (again) of late.

The exclaimation marks are a real bonus. Do they provide you with a friendly Italian to get exclaimation marks out of you by pinching you on your bum? That would be a perk of employment.

hello, BB :)

I enjoyed yr angry sex poem. It makes me want to have angry sex...or any sex, lol.

I especially LOVED your reference to Boudica. She is one of my heroines. I wept for her courage at the end when she killed herself when her army was defeated. And what gorgeous red hair.

Excellent poem, and just wanna say, you are worth looking up to read your poetry. I lost my muse years ago.... anyway, I read it, loved it and look forward to more!


~ maria
Originally Posted by annaswirls View Post
Utter rubbish! Highly doubtful!
I've heard a lot about you. Would you consent to doing one of the poet interviews? oh, and hello.
Thank you for posting these! I have been away so long, I wanted to read your favorites.

Things seem about the same all over. Hard to not be angry.

You asked for it. I think the problem I'm having at the moment is that I'm too angry. I don't know if it is the same there as here in Europe, basically politicians are locked into group think and are clueless and are scapegoating the poor for the economic crisis while protecting the bankers and financiers. The rightwing media is lining up behind the clueless politicians, no one wants to admit they haven't a clue and their policies aren't working, they don't want to lose face so they are giving easy targets a good kicking.

eugenics if you want to

crush his balls in a vice
squash the future generation
if he can’t afford children
he isn’t having them for free
as for her, stick a spoon in her womb
scrap it out like an avocado​

good lord man, you are angry! I like it. The spoon in a womb image, thank you very much, it is a keeper.

save civilization from idiot replicators, screams the headline
between the lines, the untermensch, smoke, drink and fuck
animal lust responding to animal stimuli, she can’t get enough
he’s just a fuck bull, passively ramming home her future
a litter of howling mouths and years of some bitch social guru
he’s wanking to pass the time at Her Majesty’s pleasure
the pieces snugly fit, it’s an obvious conclusion, assumption

Saturday night at the pub
a little bit of dancing
a little bit of fumbling
round the back in the car park
a girl who didn't understand
love could be more than groping hands
he told her he loved her, if only for the day
life was like that, a discount store
you took what was in stock
pleased to leave with change
the lonely walk home through empty streets
through the bleak barren psychology
of cold post coital depression​

This runs like a song, I can hear it. The indented part more melodic, the rest I can hear someone yelling into a microphone angry dogs!

the future is the past, is the present, déjà vu days
the biggest indicator of where you’ll die in society
is where you’re born, she eyeballs the bitter truth
life stretched before her like a prison sentence
she chalks off the hours with cigarettes, TV soap
and the occasional lover, she clings to like hope
but like hope, he always has other plans
some other priority on his agenda

okay this last stanza really pulls it in. Prosey, could be flash fiction.

Damn you have a lot of energy!

I need to get back to writing about loose women.

good lord I thought you said loose vagina

feminism and your wounded vagina

the specious male privilege of ogling
to call it art is a deceit, you assert
like a school ma’am dishing out the rule
you should have marched in naked
flaunting your assets in all their glory
declaring this is what you become
an old cow who’s been milked too often
your pudendum displayed like a wound
obsessively scratched by men

to feel your pain is to care, I don’t
I am unrepentant of my crimes in the sex war
which had pig me considering a harem in revolution
the spectacle of raving fallopians rearing
from centuries of somnambulant moil
the nightmare of warrior you, a latter day Boudica
afore an army of breasts and triangles of pubic hair
the male species vanquished like infidels
their false god proved impotent

a pity you missed his lardy complexion
his angular pose rooted on the edge of balance
a cluster of anaemic fruit forlornly dangling
as though they survived of a season of drought
too busy nursing your paranoia, like a puritan
on a crusade against carnal love and foul idolatry
what did you expect, Kate Hathaway simpering
or Kate Winslet, lips puckered, legs akimbo
offering the weight of her breasts

nice contrast of the Kates and the danglers. Really, I love the Kate images. A lot.

I had a hard time finding the focus of the anger in this one. The "to feel your pain is to care. I don't." took me one direction, but there seems a lot of resentment toward the over suckled women as well.
"Nursing your paranoia." Love it!
"which had pig me considering a harem" I don't get this.

A lot of good material here, K. Go get some sun, come back to them in a few weeks if you want to de-anger them :)

Thank you for posting them! Much appreciated. I missed your edge.

So I totally hijacked this thread and I am a bitch I know. I have totally forgotten protocol.

Nothing wrong with whoring, its a respectable profession and you even get paid for it, which is something in this day an age. The worker usually has to pay for the privilege of work. OK I'm cynical and sour and I've been reading too much Uncle Buk (again) of late.

The exclaimation marks are a real bonus. Do they provide you with a friendly Italian to get exclaimation marks out of you by pinching you on your bum? That would be a perk of employment.

No Italians, just exciting material Opa!
Originally Posted by annaswirls View Post
Utter rubbish! Highly doubtful!
I've heard a lot about you. Would you consent to doing one of the poet interviews? oh, and hello.
I'd second a desire to read an extended anna interview. Like with a capital "S".

For "second," not "sex," though that might also figure in things.

Jesus, sex... it's like that mold on your classroom's wallpaper--always there, always something of concern, always, well, insistent but icky.
Originally Posted by annaswirls View Post
Utter rubbish! Highly doubtful!
I've heard a lot about you. Would you consent to doing one of the poet interviews? oh, and hello.

Hello Harry Hill. A poet interview? I am really not much of a poet anymore but I suppose I could go under hypnosis or something. :)
Seriously, I love that stuff. I can't retain ANY of it, but I love reading it. Gives me a sense of peace. Like the peace of knowing someone out there understands, that there is a way to make sense of things....

I took logic my freshman year and I fell in love. But I could never find his number and he was always 35 steps ahead of me so I just enjoyed the view.

Well, at least I didn't start with doxastic logic. That really makes the girls squirm.
I'd second a desire to read an extended anna interview. Like with a capital "S".

For "second," not "sex," though that might also figure in things.

Jesus, sex... it's like that mold on your classroom's wallpaper--always there, always something of concern, always, well, insistent but icky.

hmm, never heard sex compared to mold before... I think they have a lotion for that.

But yes, it is always there, and then when it's not we just stare at the place it used to be. Even more icky.
hello, BB :)

I enjoyed yr angry sex poem. It makes me want to have angry sex...or any sex, lol.

I especially LOVED your reference to Boudica. She is one of my heroines. I wept for her courage at the end when she killed herself when her army was defeated. And what gorgeous red hair.

Excellent poem, and just wanna say, you are worth looking up to read your poetry. I lost my muse years ago.... anyway, I read it, loved it and look forward to more!


~ maria

Oh I missed this. You might have lost your muse ( I don't believe you) but you can be my muse anyday of the week. A muse should stroke her masters ego regularly and not just his ego! Yum yum!;)
Hello Harry Hill. A poet interview? I am really not much of a poet anymore but I suppose I could go under hypnosis or something. :)

it'd be great if you would! not the hypnosis, do the interview.
it would allow some of us less familiar with your writing to discover more about it and you, and those who know your work well are bound to have some interesting questions to put forward as they re-acquaint themselves with it.

Angeline said she's busy for a couple of weeks, but perhaps bronze could start the ball rolling? maybe pm Angeline and see when she'd be free to start it?

of course, if you wanted to do the whole hypnosis thing that might work if we post the interview over in the fetish forum :cool:
it'd be great if you would! not the hypnosis, do the interview.
it would allow some of us less familiar with your writing to discover more about it and you, and those who know your work well are bound to have some interesting questions to put forward as they re-acquaint themselves with it.

Angeline said she's busy for a couple of weeks, but perhaps bronze could start the ball rolling? maybe pm Angeline and see when she'd be free to start it?

of course, if you wanted to do the whole hypnosis thing that might work if we post the interview over in the fetish forum :cool:

oh girl don't get me started on the fetish forum I could disappear for a month.
oh girl don't get me started on the fetish forum I could disappear for a month.

You aren't doing it right if there isn't at least a little sting and a small blemish that lasts for a day or so.
What happened around here? Where does a girl go for some mindless flirting? All this intellectual conversation is making me feel faint
and i despaired
of ever seeing....
do you mind
me being
too mindless to flirt