You in Junior High years......??

Hmmmm, I've been avoiding this thread for a reason. But.. I don't know. You don't have to read if you don't want to-- a part of me would prefer you didn't-- but thanks to the quasi-anonymity this forum provides, I think it's time I spill my guts.

I skipped sixth grade and went straight to junior high, not because my grades were so excellent, but because they were the only things more miserable than me. I'd get low marks because I'd sit in the back of the room and read, and the teacher actually said in one of the parent-teacher-principal conferences that there was nothing more she could teach me. In the meantime I was mocked, beaten up, ridiculed, hated.. But at least I had my friends, this group of girls who kept me around to tease and who used to break into my house and ransack my room after locking my door so I couldn't get in.

Skipping a grade was supposed to get me away from all that, but it didn't. I don't know who was worse; them, or the class I was put into.

In 7th grade my brother died, and the father I knew died with him. My father became cold, standoffish, angry and abusive-- not physically, mind you, unless you count the time he took my dead brother's straight-razor and held it to my neck. As a joke, he said, and sent me to my room for ruining our 'fun'. I thought he was going to kill me, honest to god, and to this day I'm surprised he didn't. I was in the throes of puberty-- overweight, awkward, and alone-- and it was then my manic-depression (as of then undiagnosed) began to surface.

Eighth grade really took the cake though. I started flashing back to sexual abuse when I was six, and my schoolmates were even worse to me. A kid spit chewed-up carrot in my hair; another started a petition to try to get me to kill myself, and got over 100 signatures. Everyone knew I was suicidal, except for the people who should have-- my parents suspected nothing, and neither did my councellor, even after a rough draft of a suicide note was confiscated from me and he talked to me about it. As long as it wasn't with my peers, I was a charmer.

What people DIDN'T know, however, is probably one of my best-kept secrets. It's been called borderline skitzophrenia, dissociative identity disorder.. but the thing that 'feels' the most correct that I've heard it called was demonic possession. At the time I was heavily involved in the darker side of the occult, trying to gain some control over my life, and I had a talent for it.

(Not to mention an altar, a ceremonial dagger, verything I needed for my ceremonies, and my parents still didn't get it. My father was bitter and my mother was gambling and I was getting driven insane by three nephews who wouldn't leave me be and a sister who thought she was my mother.)

I felt this presence in my brain, this entity. It had a name, it controlled my faculties.. I'd be thinking about something so obsessively that I couldn't concentrate on anything else.. And I'd not know what it was I was thinking about.

I eventually tried to kill myself to silence the voices in my head. Two and a half bottles of my dad's diabetes medicine. Three days in the hospital. My father was incensed-- first thing he demanded of me was "What will the people at my work think?" and the second thing was that he ordered me to tell everyone it was food poisoning.

One day in the hospital, I felt whatever was inside me leave.. But it felt like everything good and pure and right inside me was burned away clean. No ash, just smooth walls of scar tissue where my soul was. I was 'saved' for two and a half years before I began to suspect I had a soul at all any more.. I served God out of regret for destroying the one good thing he gives people like me. I serve him now out of joy for his love.

I still have nightmares, problems with my father, and occasionally hear an echo of a voice trying to get inside my brain. I don't know what any of that made me in middle school, besides one fucked up little kid.
It seems this is just an emotional evening all around doesn't it... is it a full moon?
Hmmm lots of you need hugs ......I am starting to feel really horrible about creating this thread b/c it seems to have drudged up some incredibly difficult memories for a lot of you... I am so sorry you guys......


Thank you for sharing sweetie.... ((((((Creamy))))))


OH sweet baby! Thank you for sharing. If I may... you remind me SO incredibly much of my little sister.... who has SO much in common with you it is unreal!
However you are more mature (and I think even a little more "sane") in quite a few ways I must say.... (no offense to my sister I love her and she is smart and beautiful but I also didn't want you to think I didn't view you in another manner as well... that of an equal, a friend).

AS I said earlier on this thread kids can be HORRIBLE cruel... trust me I can tell me equally horrifying stories to coincide with your carrot in the hair one, etc. and some of those are from elem. school! I have worked a lot with kids and I would NEVER put up with that shit, NEVER!
And I absolutely hate it when authority figures don't stand up to that crap and just say things like "oh kids haha" and laugh it off when these "kids" are being totally EVIL! GEEZUS who puts chewed up food in someone's HAIR! goodlord!

I had suicidal tendencies too in 8th grade but for different reasons.. (wish I could be as open as you sometimes dear Endlessly) ...
And boy do I know about how parents can be when they feel ashamed of you (on a recent thread... did you read my post on that...don't want to get into it okay)
It really hurts when they are like that.

OH and I think that what it made you (along with everything else that you are) is a stronger and more incredible and beautiful person than you were to begin with... and I hope you don't ever change the wonderful spirit that resides in that body of yours.

Skibum said:
Jade, anytime you want a lesson, I'll be around. Just keep your feet apart, toes pointed in, and your weight on the inside edges!

Anyone else want lessons?


Wow, wasn't expecting that... great advice... I almost got to try in 6th grade (skiing that is) but fell and it really hurts the knees!) Any tips on how to get up?

I plan to try at some point within the next 3 years... at LEAST!
Will you come with me? I am scared!
Thank you for the hug, Jade.

It isn't a full moon; it is a waning, balsamic moon; the new moon will be on the 30th. The moon is in Cancer, by the way, which makes for a general crabbiness. (Go to clySmic software online, and download the Lunabar program -- it's great for keeping track of these things!)

Really, it was such a godawful time. I never did well with surprises, and it was one damned surprise after another, and none of them good.

I remember sitting in my counselor's office, and she was trying to find out why my grades had taken such a dip, and I had no vocabulary to tell her what was happening at home, and why I was so miserable. I just stared at the wall and wanted to be someplace else. Pretty soon I was -- and I lived there for years. Nobody knew, either. The lights were on, but Patty sure as hell wasn't home.

Blessings to people who work with kids that age, and to kids who can tough it out.

[Edited by CreamyLady on 07-29-2000 at 08:18 AM]
*hugs* Jade, you're one of those people I'm drawn to without really knowing why; I'm sure you and I have a lot more in common than I know.

Thank you for your kind compliments on my supposed 'openness', but you have to know that, before, my post here about my occult experiences and the entity that showed up within me, I told perhaps three people about it.

I don't know, maybe now is the time to share that which is painful.. Maybe that's what my recurring nightmares mean. (I've been having uncomfortably realistic nightmares about being pregnant and having a miscarriage.. Each one gets worse. Don't know what the hell it means.)

I know here isn't the place to get preachy, but it always makes me laugh when people tell me I'm the more devoted to my faith than anyone else they've ever met. For me, it's ChristianSANITY.. Without it, I would have lost my mind and jumped off a cliff a long time ago.

(speaking of Christianity.. Deborah, I'm almost done with the first book in the Left Behind series. It's awful; that stuff is the literary equivalent of crack. I'm addicted.)
Thank you Jade. And you are right. I was a major candidate for depression at that age, and got there also, but first later.

You really think I'm good at that little six stringer??

And I'll jold you to that hug thing at the wedding, my friend ;)

Btw, I did mean Limp Bizkits MUSIC, I couldn't care less about who they are as persons.

[Edited by Xander on 07-29-2000 at 02:21 AM]
Dandruff and Butthair

Those Jr. High years were probably the most formative and detrimental EVER to my self esteem and the person that I am today.

Jr. High was all about fitting in. If you didn't wear Guess jeans, sport 20 zillion friendship bracelets, and have that mega-feathered hair that looked like a giant butt from the back (*lol* as Margaret Cho once described), then ya just sucked.

And speaking of sucking...I was just coming out of my glorious tomboy days, and SOOO desperately wanted for the boys to like me. So much so, that I even started sexual rumors about MYSELF (how pathetic was I?) just to gain popularity among the Y-chromos. It ended up back-firing on me, and put me in situations that I really wasn't emotionally ready for. I was labeled a "slut," but ironically didn't have the experience to back it up. I remember walking into the girl's bathroom one day and while reading "the wall" (a Jr. High newsletter of sorts, so it seemed) of the bathroom stall, I saw in red letters, "Lisa ------- is a wanna-be slut...and her boyfriend has dandruff." Ouch. (Having dandruff back then was not unlike having HIV today.) LOL

I became more and more insecure about myself to the point where I actually DID submerse myself in promiscuity (though not as far as having actual intercourse) just to gain some sort of self worth. It never worked. I lost alot of friends by neglecting them and began to hate the person that I was becoming. Suicide was never far from my mind.

It wasn't until college that I was finally able to recover from all the damage that Jr. High inflicted upon me. I like to think that I'm alot more confident these days, but I don't think any of us really quite get over that need of "seeking approval" of others. Just look at poor Dave-73.

PS--Jade...never underestimate the power of the catholic school girl's uniform, baby. Trust me (and Roger) on this one! ;)
Girls just wanna have fun!

Originally posted by Jade Thanks to everyone who responded!! To address everyone personally as they deserve.....
... ahhh Jade dear .. since i was the only one who responded that you did not address ... i would like to apologize .. i had no idea you were so rigid dear .. i promise i will never act silly in one of your threads again.
Ah, Junior High. The Formative Years?

Junior High? Yech! You would think that the American educational system would abolish it, or at the very least overhaul it and create something that didn't do so much harm to so many children.

I moved from a small ranching community of just a few hundred people when I was 12 to a city of 100,000, so I went from 6th grade in a small school to junior high which had over 1,200 kids. Being big for my age(6'2" at 13)and being from a little town I seemed to attract the attention of kids that wanted to fight me every day, beat me to up prove something or the other just because I was different. Hell, I never did figure that one out! Nor, did I really care. I struggled for all of 7th grade just to fit in. I tried to be as normal as I could. Tried not to attract the attention of the jerks as I called them. I did make friends, but it was difficult for a while.

My father was injured so he was out of work for about a year. my mother had to take care of him and try and raise 7 kids. My younger brother and sister took most of her attention as they had an even more difficult time than I did. So I struggled on, alone, not complaining to anyone about my difficulties at school as I did not want to put anymore stress on my family than they already had. I just put up with school, took it one day at a time and before I knew it I was in 9th grade where things suddenly turned around.

I remember one of my friends in 8th grade looked at me one day and said how much I had changed from 7th grade to 8th. He said I had done good! Wow, just that statement from one of the "in" crowd made a lot of a difference. After that, everything seemed to get better. I had learned how to grin and bear it. It was a very tough period of my life, and to this day I can't say that I have many happy memories of junior high, but it was a period of time that taught me how to be self sufficient and gather up my courage and confidence. Thats about the only positive thing I can say about junior high.

At least it's over.......

And high school was a blast......but thats another story.
OMG those middle school years <shudders>. I was teased for being too skinny and too tall. I was terminally shy and felt like the world was white water rafting and I was in the wading pool. I had no breasts and no hips and then that last summer they appeared but am still waiting for them to really umm develop. I hung out with my fourth grade bf Chick<alias Henry>.
Jade said:

Wow, wasn't expecting that... great advice... I almost got to try in 6th grade (skiing that is) but fell and it really hurts the knees!) Any tips on how to get up?

I plan to try at some point within the next 3 years... at LEAST!
Will you come with me? I am scared!

Just put your skiis on the downhill side of you, across the fall line, and push yourself up with the uphill hand. It's that easy. If you ever plan to ski at Sugarbush, look me up. I'll be the guy in the big red Bombardier!
sounds like alot of people went through hell during junior high years. I wonder if the people who were in the "in" crowd have such bad memories?
I was a loner during that time. My lunch break was at the library, I made my own friendship bracelets to make it look like I had friends, and I was put into the "smart" class because they discovered that I could write and read way above my level. because I was overweight I wasn't allowed to join the rest of my year in physical education.. I don't know how to play hockey, volleyball, soccer, rugby, basketball, softball.. name the game, I cant play it. I was put in the year below me with physical education. I can play tag, run around a field mindlessly, play jump rope and hopscotch. I wasnt even that overweight.. but I was treated differently all the same. I was the last to be picked for any team thing.

I started smoking at 13, I was a compulsive liar, I listened to Led Zep, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Pink Floyd, Bon Jovi, Skid Row, Def Leppard. Sometimes I wouldn't bathe for up to a week, I got into fist fights and I would swear at my teachers. I had my first (and last) real boyfriend at 14 and it lasted for two weeks.
As I got older, things didn't change much. At 16 I still hadn't been kissed, I just wanted to run away and start again where no-one knew me. I had a car by then, and for 2 weeks it was packed with my things so I could run away in the middle of the night.. but I could never wake up during the night, so I never did. (thank God)
Now, at 24 I still smoke, still listen to metallica, pink floyd and Led Zep, I bathe twice a day (making up for it I guess), I tell the truth all the time, (or avoid saying anything) Still have no boyfriend (but had a few casual encounters) don't fight and don't swear much. Oh, and I have 3 close friends :D

I have changed I think :)


And congrats to you b/c you "toughed it out!"
(I for one am proud of you !!)


I am drawn to you to for some reason... totally can't fathom why but I think you are totally amazing in every possibly way!

About the pregnancy nightmare thing... ever looked into purchasing a "dreambook?" Just a thought... but get a good one... perhaps some of our wicca/pagan type friends here may have some ideas on dream interpretation... hmmmm.

[Edited by Jade on 07-29-2000 at 11:05 PM]
*overwhelmed smile*

Wow! Thanks, Jade.. when I need an esteem boost, I know where to go! *giggle* I think you're awesome too.

When do I get that pic though, huh? ;)

NO I don't think you are good at the six string.. I know you are FABULOUS!

If you don't hold me to the hug thing I will be dissapointed.


I think those years were detrimental to the self-esteems of any people that turned out decently today haha.

Gotta love Margaret Cho, she is so damn funny.

And oh man, that sex rumors thing omg!! LOL (sokay to look back and laugh now right?) That dandruff comment really sent me over the edge! haha!!

However, I would have never expected LL that you too had EVER had suicidal thoughts, not even once. (so many women on this board are "connected" ... very interesting...)So, now for your honesty you get the um... hmmm the medal of honesty! (gosh was that hokey or what? It is past one AM so will you forgive me sweet LL?)

Wonder where that uniform went? hmmmm


OMG Isabeeeellllaaaaaa
Will you ever forgive me?
(on knees in begging position... waiting for the isabella fairy to tap me on head with her wand of forgiveness)

I am a fellow fan of alanis btw... will that help my case?


I have missed you wherever you went you guber!

Gosh I agree... we should ban that Junior high shit!

I can relate about moving and having trouble with other kids... This is sad but I feel like I should share back a little... you know how I ended up losing friends? We moved in the 8th grade to a new state, and a (dum da dum dum) public school! AHHH The kids accepted me at first actually. But it was a redneck, inbred hick sort of school and when they found out I was the product of an interracial marraige I suddenly "lost" my "friends." I will never forget that. Those people suck. Now, if I had been athletically talented, then I still could have been "cool," but I was just plain old me and I wasn't rich so damn I had to go through hell!

Of course your story sounds WAY more difficult so I know there is no direct comparison but... you are so strong where you are now. I am rather impressed actually!

Yes and aren't we ALL glad it is over with!
Bring out the champagne!


Gosh I wish I was too tall and skinny!
If only they'd known then what we know now eh?


Where is Sugarbush and I WILL look for your happy ass!
And thanks for the pointers ... haha they actually sound like they will work! (excited... wow the prospect of not falling down...and yet being able to get up if I do! ooooh!!)


Good point about the in crowd... I have wondered that myself and sometimes I think about the fact that they had a lot more to lose....? (which is why they had to make fun of and belittle others to keep themselves on the offensive b/c they knew they sure as hell didn't want to feel how WE felt!... funny thing was you'd have thought that if they knew that it felt shitty to be made to feel that way that they wouldn't want someone to feel that way but... alas... hmmm)

And whether or not you were overweight is unimportant.... they always seem to find something don't they?

ARe you going to quit smoking you think?
I ran away once... but I was older than Jun. high...

Glad to know you bath! hee hee
Thanks for sharing!
Jade said:


And congrats to you b/c you "toughed it out!"
(I for one am proud of you !!)

About the pregnancy nightmare thing... ever looked into purchasing a "dreambook?" Just a thought... but get a good one... perhaps some of our wicca/pagan type friends here may have some ideas on dream interpretation... hmmmm.

Jade: I didn't tough it out. I went away, somewhere in my head. I, me, was gone; I don't know where. The body was there, but the mind and soul were definitely on Planet Zorg or something. I'm not sure if that was being tough or not having other options. No doubt, if "going away" hadn't worked, I might have managed a more permanent solution.

As for the dream of pregnancy, in some cases it can mean conception of an idea, and waiting to "give birth," an act of creation of some kind. Not necessarily having a baby.
All I Really Want

.. no prob Jade .. and Congrats on your Guru status dear!
Alanis insisted I pass along these lyrics as a Guru gift to you:

"All I really want is some peace man
A place to find a common ground
And all I really want is a wavelength
All I really want is some comfort
A way to get my hands untied
And all I really want is some justice"
me when I was younger?? well I was a complete bastard in most ways...very sarcastic/violent and dissruptive I even set a kids hair alight and laughed when he feel to the floor..I realise now how dangerouse I actualy was.... don`t anybody think that I am proud of this because trust me I am not....the poor kid has scarrs on his face because of me and I can tell you it`s not a nice thing to have on my concience....he only called me a stupid name.. not exactly crime of the century.... I like to think I have mellowed a bit....well I dont bully anyone no more..the only thing I will do is make sure that no one takes the piss for real,,,they will proberbly get severely hurt...which is not a good thing it realy is not ,, it can get you in a huge barrel of shit, so don`t nobody take my approach on life... it is a bitt rough when the shit hits the fan.....

I say this to try and putt people off dealing with a problem with there fists....much easier by the way of speach
More of an Otis Campbell-type drunk

Jade said:
Thanks to everyone who responded!!

To address everyone personally as they deserve.....


1) Driving my dad's Chrysler Newport around since he was too loaded to drive himself.
OH geez that is really tough for someone that age to go through!
2) Music was Genesis (The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway).
Still love them!
3) Always being captain of whatever sport team I was on since I probably intimidated everyone else (I have a bit of a Type A personality, so I tend to end up taking charge to this day).
THat is a turn on (yes really)....cheesy sorry but ... anyway....
4) Spending a lot of time watching old movies on the late night shows. JAWS!!

AH another coach!

Actually, it was not tough. Dealing with my dad's binges was more goofy than sad and I have almost all good memories of the old man. It was just the hand I was dealt - all I had to do was play it. Like being at 10 cent beer night at Cleveland Stadium and watching him stop a vendor with a full rack and buying the whole 24 beers. Cost a whopping $2.40 and lasted about 5 innings!

I guess this is part of the idea of feeling old but JAWS came out when I was in junior high!
Hi Jade,

Thank you for the kind words. I've been busy lately so haven't been visiting here much.

Thinking back on junior high, it seems tougher to me now that it did then. I guess being a kid is a lot about being resilient. After 8th grade it all just got better.

And it sounds like you had your own difficult times in junior high also. But I have to say I like the way you turned out. Your one of the bright spots on the board here for me. Always kind and a fun person. I'm glad to see you back around here Jade. I missed you!
Jade said:
Are you going to quit smoking you think?
I ran away once... but I was older than Jun. high...

Glad to know you bath! hee hee
Thanks for sharing!

I am going to quit smoking, but it is very difficult.. 10 yr habits are tough to break! I am going to the gym now, hopfully as I become more active I will feel like smoking less. if not then it is cold turkey for me. ugh! what will I do with my hands??

(yep thought I'd better add that I clean myself regularly.. I could have done some serious damage to my rep!)
moi in junior high? well, i started being an individual. dressing differently, jeans, a ww II marines jacket and a fedora (thats a hat), and i never really outgrew that, although i haven't worn a military jacket since college. i rebelled against getting haircuts and somehow conned my parents into occasionally springing for a $10 "hair styling". of course, this was back in the early to mid '70's and that was the thing to do. this was also the time i started getting into music. i wanted to be a record producer along the lines of phil spector. alas, some things were not meant to be.
jade, i was a d.j. in a south florida rock club in the '80's. going to see poison? tell c.c. Doc says hi and i hope he remembers his licks. last time i saw him, he had some coke on the tip of his nose for about 10 hours! he said he was saving it for his soup.
Hi Jade

Just a clarification. Coaching is not my job (though it sometimes feels like it by April) its just a hobby. If I could make even close... no HALF of what I make now I would jump at the chance to do it full time, because it is damn rewarding. Kind of makes me envious of the teachers out there.
10 cent beer?

10 cent beer!!! In Cleveland!!?? At a Browns game(or Indians)??!! Can you imagine?

Well I guess ya gotta do something to get people in the seats...after spending about a dollar I think I could even tolerate the Browns;)

Just to even things out...How do ya keep a Bengal out of his house???

Make his front door an "End Zone".

Bengals are slated to play the VFW Korean war amputees in a preseason game...

The current line has the VFW by 6