You in Junior High years......??


You naughty naughty boy... what am I going to DO with you hmm?


That was so cool, I hope Endlessly read about that interpretation of her dream....


So glad to be forgiven!

You live you learn right!


That is very mature of you. The lesson in life about settling things with your words and not your fists often goes unlearned.


YOu can't be THAT old!



Yep kids are resilient as hell!

Your post, I must say, made me feel so good, wow!

I missed you too and did notice your absence.


Yes, very true, my sis has been smoking since 14 yrs old and she is only 19 now and hasn't come close to quitting.

And don't worry about your rep! WE know about you and showers (lol)!


OH GOSH that is soooo gross about CC. Well, he was pretty wild last night let me tell ya! He got up there and said he loved "tities" and wanted to see some and suddenly the whole damn place was like a sea of nipples.
It would have been such a lit fest b/c two of the boobie showing women that were on men's shoulders were facing each other and they started rubbing their breasts together and everyone got really excited. I never realized Poison had such a thing for breasts!
B. Michaels looks exactly the same but Bobby D. oh my gosh, totally different!


Oh I totally agree the pay is crap, but if it is a hobby then that means you must really like it!


AT the concert I got TONS of "free beer"...... (dumped on me).

[Edited by Jade on 07-31-2000 at 09:21 AM]
Jade said:

Where is Sugarbush and I WILL look for your happy ass!
And thanks for the pointers ... haha they actually sound like they will work! (excited... wow the prospect of not falling down...and yet being able to get up if I do! ooooh!!)

Sugarbush (the best place to ski in Vermont!), is in the town of Warren. And while I don't pretend to be a great skiier, I am fairly competent. I taught my kids to ski, and now they are all better at it than I am.

And if all else fails, I can hook you up with the Guarantteed Learn to Ski program.

(I apologize for the blatant advertizing. I DO NOT get a commission for selling lessons! lol)
I don't know.

The first dream I had went through the entire pregnancy.. It was the most vivid dream I ever had, I could feel a child inside me (not that I know how that feels firsthand); it went from first trimester through third, the father abandoning me, my church chastizing me for becoming pregnant out of wedlock, heartache and this intense love for this baby.. I ended up miscarrying the baby, alone. The father didn't even care. I woke up sobbing, was shaken for the rest of the day.

The more recent one was stranger.. I was a black woman. I gave birth to a healthy baby, and then there was like, time-lapse or something, and I was pregnant again.. I gave birth in a recliner, a few close friends were there. But all that came out was this huge blob of congealed blood.. the doctor delivering started asking me what I thought the baby would have looked like, started asking me about the names, and in my dream I just screamed.. I kept screaming and screaming and crying, and he started to sing 'thank heavens for little girls..' I woke up screaming.

Weird, I know.

Sure hope you are willing to work with cowards..... (but eager cowards if that makes a difference!)


OMG! That was not a dream, it was a NIGHTMARE!!
Geez.. wonder if Creamy has thoughts for un on that?
10 cent beer night was an Indians promotion that turned out poorly. Kind of like Disco Sucks night in Chicago with less restraint . . .

Actually, the Bengals were the last team in the NFL to establish a web site. Turns out, they couldn't put three w's together . . .

Wow..Middle School..Let's see what i can dig up..

- My first relationship with a girl
- Thinking Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer were the coolest
- being a "gansta" chick for 7-8th grade and ending up deep in grunge land
- wearing bright red Gap jeans..
- getting my name ring on my 13th birthday
- being an A- student, and having few friends
- trips to Soho with Dad
- struggling to pass any and all math regents
- breaking my ankle and losing the lead in the school play
- Being diet concious, even then I felt fat
- Sleep away camps...sneaking out..
- Lots of zany sexual experiences..Handjobs in parks...

Now? I'm a great student in college (my adventures have gotten a whole lot wilder), and trying to calm down and settle into impending (2 more semesters!) adult life. It's scary to think about being in the real world.
My middle school years were spent as an outcast, although my personality suits that very well... My troubles didn't begin until high school.

Throughout high school, I slipped deeper and deeper into depression and other psychological problems... For a while you could have probably characterized me as being insane-- really-- not the "what a zany guy" insane, but the real thing. Part of it had to do with my lack of friends, and part of it was due to the rebellion I had against my father. It wasn't until I graduated high school and fell into rigorously taking classes did I feel some relief from myself. In college, I began to question my sexuality, and came to the realization of my bisexuality. For a while, this sent me deeper into my own personal Hell, since the notion that any alternative lifestyle was evil has been drilled into me for years. I'm just now (like, within the past month or two) accepting myself and hopefully climbing out of the Abyss. There are still many things that trouble me (like the inevitable confrontation with my father over me being "bi"), but I'm doing a lot better now...

Not sure why I chose this thread to rant on, but some of the other posts seemed similar.

Rand al'Thor
The Dragon Reborn
PhantomP: OH the memories your post brought back!!
All that sneaking out... I had totally forgotten about that!!! Thank you thank you! Also, I am SO jealous of you graduating!! Oh, that day just HAS to come for me eventually! (sigh)... now I am depressed dammit.

RAND: Well, I always have something to say to Rand al Thor, being a Jordan fan and all, but since he never responds to me, I am not sure why I bother... all the same, I am going to try on the off chance he actually reads this...

Rand, when did you find out about your dad and how did you initially react. That is really a hard thing to go through!
I'm not sure what you mean, Jade... Find out what?

And I'll always trry to find the time to respond to you... :)

Rand al'Thor
The Dragon Reborn
Sorry Rand, let me just re-word that... very poorly worded on my part, woops.

What I meant was, I wanted to know what it was like when you realized that you were bi and (I misread and thought you had told your dad) ... was hoping to find out if you had any ideas on how to tell him.

Also do you find your self leaning towards men or women or are you smack dab in the middle?
I was the fat,dumpy, kid that got shoved in lockers in school, now I make those self-same jocks, do push-ups, when they piss me off. :)

::::Giving Endlessly a big hug:::: Don't let the bastards grind you down.

LL, I hear ya about the Catholic School outfits, I went to Cath School for 8 years, I still fantasize about 'em!

SS, you listening :D
Jade-- I have no idea what I'll do about dear ol' dad. Whenever he does find out, he'll probably beat the shit out of me and/or disown me (no exaggerations at all). Usually I'm one of the rare 50/50 bi people, but that generally shifts to both ends of the spectrum. Right now I'm leaning towards guys, because there is an incredibly sexy guy that I'm around a lot... <just imagine me making Homer Simpson's drooling sound!:)>

Rand al'Thor
The Dragon Reborn
I think I'm a lot nicer today than when I was in junior high. I was going through my stuck up brat phase then.
*Eve* said:
I think I'm a lot nicer today than when I was in junior high. I was going through my stuck up brat phase then.

EVE: I am totally shocked! I would have never thought of you that way!! (fainting....)

BUSHIDO: YEA, make em do push ups when they piss you off (eeeevil but I like it hehehehe)
That's OK, Jade... No reason to reply to poor ol' Rand. *sniff* *sniff*


Rand al'Thor
The Dragon Reborn
Rand al'Thor said:
That's OK, Jade... No reason to reply to poor ol' Rand. *sniff* *sniff*


Rand al'Thor
The Dragon Reborn

OMG I am so sorry.... woops... I replied... um.. in my head.. somehow I thought I had here but apparently not haha.

What I wanted to say and thought I had said (haha) was that I hope you go for the hot guy and that I get to hear the juicy details!
;) ;)

Also I think it is ummm planetout or something similar that ellen degeneres's mom has an advice column and many parents of bi and gays visit there when their kids come out seeking help... you may be able to send him there to help him when you tell him.
Jade, you've got to tell me the syntax for quoting! :)

"What I wanted to say and thought I had said (haha) was that I hope you go for the hot guy and that I get to hear the juicy details!"

This guy is confusing... He "seems" gay/bi, but from talking to him I think he's straight. Anyway, he's moving soon :(, so I guess I'll never know.

I've been to some of the "out" sites, but I'm not worried about it yet. I have no reason to come out right now... Besides, when I do, I'll be too busy getting my Dad's foot out of my ass to send him to a website... Remember, I live in a small town in Texas. :( :)

BTW, Jade... I was working on an erotic story for about a month (just submitted it a day or two ago), and one of the main character's names is Jade. Hope you don't mind. :) It makes sense, though, since her eyes are a pretty big part of the character and they are bright "jade".

Rand al'Thor
The Dragon Reborn
Bushi...hanging on every word babydoll.

I think I have heard this all before somewhere....LOL

Now..about that Easter Bunny???? ;)

I was the smart kid in high school. I suppose I had my share of boyfriends...but still wasnt Lil' Ms. Everything. I was a cheerleader, but didn't quite fit in with that group...having more to discuss than the latest fashions and the cutest boys.

Kinda an oddball really...not much has changed! :)
Don't even go near the Easter bunny::::raising shotgun::::

Back Away, Back Slowly Away from the Easter bunny.....

Now that School uniform.......:p
Are you saying you want to LICK the school uniform? That's what it looked like to me.....:)
Jade said:
*Eve* said:
I think I'm a lot nicer today than when I was in junior high. I was going through my stuck up brat phase then.

EVE: I am totally shocked! I would have never thought of you that way!! (fainting....)

Well believe it. It's sweet of you to say though.