You learn something new every day

here you go:

According to Quizilla, I'm a Water Goddess.


Water Goddess. You like peace and serenity and are
usually content with life.

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Fancy that...

All you forgot was to close the image tag with a slash [/IMG]. I sent you the code in a PM. If it doesn't come across as code, I'll explain.
Crikey, ff, I never had you down as a Water Goddess. The saying is correct, you do learn something new everyday. LOL!!!

(Svenskaflicka, it does suit you well. ;) )

Loulou :kiss:
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If anyone cares: Goddess of the Night. (Beautiful yet a strange darkness and sadness lurk about you.)

Perdita (whose wardrobe is mainly black and grey)
I'm waiting for someone to confess they were revealed as the "Goddess of the Garderobe" and can't wait to see the accompanying image. :eek:
I have a weird-smelling frying pan, that I've been trying to de-smell for several weeks. I've cleaned it atleast 10 times, but the darned thing still smells. Today, I went to extreme measures and tried to do the same thing as you do when you want to get rid of the smell of cigarette smoke - you pour a little vinegar on a saucer, and leave it in the room for a couple of minutes, and the vinegar will absorbe the smoke.

Today I learned that you shouldn't heat vinegar up in a frying pan...:(

Sleeping With Windows Open Tonight
Lemon juice works. When my mother visits she insists on cooking with curry and garlic so instead of burning the house down to get rid of the smell we use lemon juice.
What I learned today...

Q: What do you call a group of blondes lined up side by side?

A: A wind tunnel.

Don't you just hate blond jokes that imply that they are just talking about women?

I have learned today that without flour I can't make a proper pizza pastry ...

And lemme tell ya something else, CrazyAngel...there are some things you can't cheap out on, and flour is one of them. Never use a house-brand flour for anything, especially for pie crusts. The dough will be sorry and impossible to work with. Gold Medal or Pillsbury--there may be something regional in your area that you might favor, but when it comes to flour, leave the store brands alone. They don't cut it.

I just learned that I'm not the only one here with a Tuxedo cat with an asymmetrical mask.
Would someone please tell me why I give in to go try those little quizilla things? Or just shoot me the next time I go to do it?

Goddess of Wind, calm and cool and under control. You don't like getting personal with too many people.

Like I didn't know that?

Whisper :rose: