You see

Rybka loved ee cummings. ee cummings drove me absolutely nuts. no matter what i picked up of his, i couldn't figure it out. it just seemed like gobbledegook. and then just the other day i picked up a book i have laying around here and let it flip open to whatever page and lo and behold 'my sweet old etcetera' popped out in front of me. i read it thinking it would be the usual confused feeling i get and i was stunned. i actually understood what he said, how he said it.

sometimes people say things and they don't make sense or fit into the mold we'd like their words to fit into at the time; never looking back is our own loss.

Both E.E. Cummings and Rybka drove me nuts, the more you delve into cummings (that being true of all good poets) the more you discover (check out his sonnets). Rybka I miss alot. It is sad to say, that (how long was it?) I started work on something I owe to him, and I haven't finished it.

PS Good to see you again!
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Do you mean when you are reading poetry or writing it? I can imagine myself scolding the screen "What is your motivation?" or What is MY motivation. The only thing is, sometimes the poem seems to have it's own motivation... wait, I guess that is your point.... if you are writing a poem that seems to write itself, you should go and ask it "What are you? What do you want?" Would that come in the editing phase? or as you are writing? Before?

Probably a good idea for both, but I had meant reading. Something that I owe in part because of you and WickedEve. Something you need to do with Celan.

But on a much lighter note, in writing my "Pablo Neruda..." I did ask. "Well this is going around in circles (but with a nice spin) and garbage but I hope semi amusing" was my answer.
Both E.E. Cummings and Rybka drove me nuts, the more you delve into cummings (that being true of all good poets) the more you discover (check out his sonnets). Rybka I miss alot. It is sad to say, that (how long was it?) I started work on something I owe to him, and I haven't finished it.

PS Good to see you again!

:D they drove you nuts in a good way. :D i'll hunt down cummings, now that i've had one nice experience. Tzara put up a sonnet of his - i didn't realise he wrote sonnets. i'll delve further, i promise.

Rybka set me a challenge two years ago now, and i too am still working on it. it's not forgotten, it's just happening at my own pace. i think he would have understood that... though probably given me a kick up the bottom to get me moving quicker on it. ;)

i pop by now and again when i've time. rarely post but love reading the 30/30 and a few other poetry threads. it's good to see you too. :rose: