Zhuk's Zhakk

Hi again Z!

You must be good, my friend--you are getting the full treatment here on the poetry board from some terrific writers, like Judo, Homer, Star, Suzie, FairyTat! I looked at all your poems on this thread. My guess is that Vibes and Quickie are your most recent pieces (although I'm often notoriously wrong). Those two poems seem more "evolved" to me than the others.

I agree with Judo and Homer about Dream Flight--it looks like it needs some editing down, some paring back. When I first started posting poems at Literotica some seven or eight months ago, my poems were inadvertantly "prosey." Not in a good way either--just too much verbage. One of the best things I've learned here is how to edit my work. Still learning actually.

Another poet here, Senna Jawa, recently commented to me that imagery is everything in poetry (or something like that--Senna, if I got it wrong, get in this thread and correct me :)). I really see that now--that extra words weaken the images that convey the poem to the reader. Those conjunctions and articles that seem so tiny and innocent accrue and dilute the poem.

Another thing I saw in this poem that I would change is the punctuation. I have ambivalence about punctuation in poetry. Sometimes it is really necessary, I think, and adds to the poem, other times it restricts when it might be better to let meaning be ambiguous.

I liked Homer's advice about reading the poem aloud to get a sense for whether and where to puntuate. Part of my evolution as a poet has been--more and more--to see poetry as performance art. By that I mean I see poems, like plays, as things that are meant to be heard--yes read--but foremost heard. So I read my poems aloud over and over. Then I record them and listen. That helps me know whether or not I need punctuation and where.

There is another, often better, way to deal with pauses in poems though and that is spacing. Obviously, if you are working with a traditional form this is not an option (right Judo and Homer, 'O beautiful progenitors of trad form?). One poet here, Smithpeter, is IMHO a master of that. I have been learning from reading his poems and those of a few others how to work that. Here is a poem I wrote:

leaning quiet

i can mark my
and hush

match breath to


falling back

which is it?

hearing silence
or the wind

or the sigh
of giving in?

I could have used punctuation to tell the reader where to stop, but I think the spacing works better.

My last point has to do with repetition and redundancy. I am fond--some might say overly fond sometimes--about repeating words or phrases. Sometimes the chanting quality works well. However that is different from redundancy where a word or idea is restated by mistake. That weakens the poem. I do that alot in my first drafts and I am forever cutting out redundencies. Here for example, if the woman is "sitting close," then she is, by definition, "nearby." I took them both out in my suggested revision because I think, in this poem, less is more.

Dream Flight

Passenger plane
flying high

pretty woman
tasty pie

Racing heart
throat dry

elbows touch
sparks fly

flowing heat
full supply

wandering hands
settle ply

something soft


Silent glance
pleading try

consent please?
may I?

impish eyes,
smile shy

she nods
lets them lie

Note that I took off the last stanza. This way the poem ends, thematically at least, with a beginning! :)

I hope you don't mind all the pontificating and the liberties I took! Just trying to suggest some other ways to think about it!

I really like your work!
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Re: Hi again Z!

Hello Angeline,

Thank you once again for giving me so much of your time and effort. Much appreciated!

It seems this Z! thing has got stuck on me - let me go back and check who started all this!! :)

I am not good - all these experienced writers probably recognize a raw hand when they see one and they are nice enough to encourage and help me.

I started writing poetry probably 9 or 10 months back and earlier to that I had no interest in either writing or reading poetry. You are partly right about Vibes and Quickie being the most recent ones, as they are some more recent ones too. The sequence in which I wrote the poems that I have posted here is Dream Flight, Vibes, Orchestra of Love and Quickie.

Oh by the way, I have only posted those of my poems on the Lit which I could somehow consider to be erotic or connected to desire.

I am going to change Dream Flight and it will probably be closer to what Judo has suggested. You are absolutely right about your thoughts on puctuation. This poem I wrote as a 'funny' poem' and removing the last stanza will change that. But I am reading each and every suggestion from you very very serioudly and storing it all for further use, memory permitting.

You should not worry about taking liberties or anything, I have posted my poems here to get feedback and learn. You please tell me everything and anything that comes to your mind regarding my attempts at poetry. Sometimes when someone tries to write poetry in a foreign/second language, he/she faces many very peculiar situations.

Quote: I really like your work
Remark: I have taken trouble to read almost all your postings and I know what you are trying to do here! hahaha just joking.


Angeline said:
You must be good, my friend--you are getting the full treatment here on the poetry board from some terrific writers, like Judo, Homer, Star, Suzie, FairyTat! I looked at all your poems on this thread. My guess is that Vibes and Quickie are your most recent pieces (although I'm often notoriously wrong). Those two poems seem more "evolved" to me than the others.
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Re: Re: Hi again Z!

*steps quietly from the back of the room and slaps Z! on the back of the head*

Z!, this may be literotica, but if you spent some time in the other threads, you would see that we post a lot of NON "EROTIC" poems too, dont hide the good stuff.....they dont all have to be erotic or expressing desire...................Go read the writing live thread or the contest threads.................... a lot of great poetry!

Even the sexy Judo, lets loose with a non-erotic poem once in a while...........

Oh BTW, your stuffs not half bad......\

Regards _Land

Zhuk said:
Hello Angeline,

Thank you once again for giving me so much of your time and effort. Much appreciated!

It seems this Z! thing has got stuck on me - let me go back and check who started all this!! :)

I am not good - all these experienced writers probably recognize a raw hand when they see one and they are nice enough to encourage and help me.

I started writing poetry probably 9 or 10 months back and earlier to that I had no interest in either writing or reading poetry. You are partly right about Vibes and Quickie being the most recent ones, as they are some more recent ones too. The sequence in which I wrote the poems that I have posted here is Dream Flight, Vibes, Orchestra of Love and Quickie.

Oh by the way, I have only posted those of my poems on the Lit which I could somehow consider to be erotic or connected to desire.

I am going to change Dream Flight and it will probably be closer to what Judo has suggested. You are absolutely right about your thoughts on puctuation. This poem I wrote as a 'funny' poem' and removing the last stanza will change that. But I am reading each and every suggestion from you very very serioudly and storing it all for further use, memory permitting.

You should not worry about taking liberties or anything, I have posted my poems here to get feedback and learn. You please tell me everything and anything that comes to your mind regarding my attempts at poetry. Sometimes when someone tries to write poetry in a foreign/second language, he/she faces many very peculiar situations.

Quote: I really like your work
Remark: I have taken trouble to read almost all your postings and I know what you are trying to do here! hahaha just joking.


Hi again Z!


How old are you? I dont take this 'slap on the head' treatment from someone much younger than me. :) :) And do you really have to have this thing sticking out in the front of your nick all the time?

OK taking your advice I have looked up the writing live thread, but yet to find poetry on the contest thread.

And taking your advice again, I post some more of my poetry here.


_Land said:
*steps quietly from the back of the room and slaps Z! on the back of the head*

Z!, this may be literotica, but if you spent some time in the other threads, you would see that we post a lot of NON "EROTIC" poems too, dont hide the good stuff.....they dont all have to be erotic or expressing desire...................Go read the writing live thread or the contest threads.................... a lot of great poetry!

Even the sexy Judo, lets loose with a non-erotic poem once in a while...........

Oh BTW, your stuffs not half bad......\

Regards _Land

Re: Ripples

Zhuk said:

- Zhuk
Hi Zhuk, let me join your Literotica welcoming chorus. Enjoy yourself! (BTW, you're not exactly new to Literotica, you've been dormant on Literotica for half a year! You are new only to our poetry board).

Before the rest of the welcoming chorus will tell you how great are your "Ripples" (indeed, you like alliterations), let me mention that I am critical about almost every line of your poem. Also about the too short distance you went along your idea. The poem is not convincing, and it doesn't tell a reader anything that s/he would not know already (your text is quite trite). This poem is like two pieces of cloth sewn together using a thick, visible thread. And the two pieces do not match too well either.

In a couple of places your English gave. I'll just mention the first line, and leave the rest to the natives. When waters break you do not need to panic. Nevertheless it would be an exaggeration to wait for waters to get still, and to meditate with your image ("meditating with my image" sounds a bit awkward too). Instead, get the woman in question into a car, and drive carefully to the nearest hospital.

Best regards,
Re: Ripples

I agree with Senna, you could have taken this a lot deeper.....
I do like the intent of the poem though........I think the use of illiteration, forces your poem. The metaphor of your reflection destorting, like your face from an insult or injury is excellent....You should expand on that idea. I am not as keen at interpreting the use of words, but your verbage could be less common.
Senna, I would like to see some suggestions with your critique.......... I think it would be very helpful to all of us.... I agree with a lot of what you said, but perhaps for different reasons, would you give us some pointers especially in regards to word choice that would make this better.........

Regards _Land


Staring at the still waters,(still waters, common)
meditating with my image,(what exactly are you saying?)
so peaceful and serene,(is there another word for peaceful?)
I am nurtured by nature.( how is nature nurturing you?)

Then as it so often happens,( as it so, ack :p~~)
someone throws a rock,( accidentally?)
shattering the surface calm.( surface calm, mirrored surface would be better)
My face breaks into pieces,( breaks is weak)
distorted and disturbed.( remove and )

This turbulence radiates, ( I have a hard time picturing radiation here)
ripples of rage and hate, ( common place emotion )
upsetting everyone nearby,( what about using a metaphor here instead?)
swamping their shores.

Eventually the great healer, (Time?) ( time taking time LOL, i like this
taking its time, gets to work.( define work )
Spattered pieces of puzzle, (spattered?)
slowly swim back in place,( illiteration here is overated)
as nature solves itself,
and I regain my face. ( is it your face you regain, or just the mask hiding the rage underneath?)

- Zhuk
Re: Re: Ripples

Originally posted by _Land I think the use of illiteration, forces your poem. [/B]
_Land, is it a truly-truly innocent typo? Delightful! :)

(hey, Zhuk, don't get annoyed by any chance, let's fool around here, on this board, a bit).

Re: Re: Re: Ripples

Senna Jawa said:
_Land, is it a truly-truly innocent typo? Delightful! :)


LOL, innocent? I am always guilty of something :p
Re: Re: Re: Ripples


:) You really think you have it in you to annoy me? Get down to earth!

Sorry am in a hurry - will be back later to read and reply.


Senna Jawa said:
_Land, is it a truly-truly innocent typo? Delightful! :)

(hey, Zhuk, don't get annoyed by any chance, let's fool around here, on this board, a bit).

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Re: Re: Ripples


Thanks for the welcome. Yes I joined Lit some tine back, but it seems I have now got stuck on the poetry board.

The fact that you read my poem and commented on it has served my purpose for posting it. I am sure I will learn much from your comments provided I am able to understand all of them. Look out for a revised version some time in the future.


Senna Jawa said:
Hi Zhuk, let me join your Literotica welcoming chorus. Enjoy yourself! (BTW, you're not exactly new to Literotica, you've been dormant on Literotica for half a year! You are new only to our poetry board).

Before the rest of the welcoming chorus will tell you how great are your "Ripples" (indeed, you like alliterations), let me mention that I am critical about almost every line of your poem. Also about the too short distance you went along your idea. The poem is not convincing, and it doesn't tell a reader anything that s/he would not know already (your text is quite trite). This poem is like two pieces of cloth sewn together using a thick, visible thread. And the two pieces do not match too well either.

In a couple of places your English gave. I'll just mention the first line, and leave the rest to the natives. When waters break you do not need to panic. Nevertheless it would be an exaggeration to wait for waters to get still, and to meditate with your image ("meditating with my image" sounds a bit awkward too). Instead, get the woman in question into a car, and drive carefully to the nearest hospital.

Best regards,
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Re: Re: Ripples


Thanks for your time and effort. Agree with you the third stanza needs a metaphor, but it will have to stay there until I think of one! :)

Quote: and I regain my face. ( is it your face you regain, or just the mask hiding the rage underneath?)

It is rather difficult for me to explain this one. The concept of 'face' is different in the eastern cultures as compared to the west.

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Re: Re: Re: Ripples

Zhuk, expound on the difference of face between cultures, i think it would be an interesting topic ....... and thanks for posting your poetry here....it was a fun read........

Zhuk said:

Thanks for your time and effort. Agree with you the third stanza needs a metaphor, but it will have to stay there until I think of one! :)

Quote: and I regain my face. ( is it your face you regain, or just the mask hiding the rage underneath?)

It is rather difficult for me to explain this one. The concept of 'face' is different in the eastern cultures as compared to the west.




I am no expert on such things, but maybe the following poem will give you an idea how 'face' can work in rural areas and traditional families. This is based on a true story and it happened in a nearby village about 10 years back.

Sorry for the long winded explanation.
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Zhuk where are you from?

I understand the face analogy........... but in your poem......It doesnt read that way, perhaps you could give it something to relate to what we over here would call "stature" or "status"
the term saving face comes to mind also.......

Our "face" is our community identity, what we identify ourselves or others identify us by....... the "face" plays well with your poems intent, but doesnt read that way..... You need to lead us to that conclusion some how.

Regards _Land

I am in India.

OK the thing is I am not a serious poet, I just write for fun and I am lazy. Therefore I start writing something, and without working too hard at it, move on to other things! :)

Maybe I need to add another stanza or a few lines to make the poem clearer. The problem is, this poem is very clear to me, but I understand it may not be so for other readers. The remark of the mother "What was the use of nursing you?", will be self explanatory to a reader from India.


_Land said:
Zhuk where are you from?

I understand the face analogy........... but in your poem......It doesnt read that way, perhaps you could give it something to relate to what we over here would call "stature" or "status"
the term saving face comes to mind also.......

Our "face" is our community identity, what we identify ourselves or others identify us by....... the "face" plays well with your poems intent, but doesnt read that way..... You need to lead us to that conclusion some how.

Regards _Land
Re: Face

Z_ I was not confused at all about the story you relayed, but was instead refering to the use of "face" in your shattered surface poem.......................

Zhuk said:
I am in India.

OK the thing is I am not a serious poet, I just write for fun and I am lazy. Therefore I start writing something, and without working too hard at it, move on to other things! :)

Maybe I need to add another stanza or a few lines to make the poem clearer. The problem is, this poem is very clear to me, but I understand it may not be so for other readers. The remark of the mother "What was the use of nursing you?", will be self explanatory to a reader from India.


Re: Re: Face


My fault!!

_Land said:
Z_ I was not confused at all about the story you relayed, but was instead refering to the use of "face" in your shattered surface poem.......................

Re: Dream Flight

Zhuk said:
Dream Flight

Passenger plane
is flying high
a pretty woman
on seat nearby
is sitting close
a tasty pie.

Racing heart, and
throat is dry
elbows touch,
sparks do fly
flowing heat, in
full supply.

Wandering hands
start to ply
they settle down
amid, a sigh
on something soft
that’s her thigh.

Silent glance, a
pleading try
seeks consent
please, can I?
With impish eyes,
smile so shy
she nods to say
Let them lie.

What next? Don't
mean to pry
but, a telltale spot
on, the fly…

I would that was MY thigh your hand was on!

Take me on a dream flight.................

Away from the fearsome throng
Away from the right and wrong....

Above the clouds...into the sun
Into a heaven where we can be one....

Hold me safe in the wings of love
But let me catch the breeze above

Bring me to ecstacy, never coming down
Let the snow bring us gently to the ground........

Re: Take me on a dream flight.................

Thank you dragonhearted.

make me blush


dragonhearted said:
Away from the fearsome throng
Away from the right and wrong....

Above the clouds...into the sun
Into a heaven where we can be one....

Hold me safe in the wings of love
But let me catch the breeze above

Bring me to ecstacy, never coming down
Let the snow bring us gently to the ground........

Re: Re: Take me on a dream flight.................

Zhuk said:
Thank you dragonhearted.

make me blush


Ah, but you see...I can do SO much more than that! :D