Reveal the most random fact about yourself.

I can wiggle one ear by muscle control alone, which apparently only about 20% of the population can do. And I can do the same with the other one, which is rarer still. Together, or alternately.

I've yet to find any practical use for this but I'm confident that if I confess to it on Lit, someone will suggest a bedroom-relevant application. (Other rooms are available, ofc). 😉
Have you read Act Of Oblivion by Robert Harris?, it's a decent "fictional" read about the Regicides and the hunt for some of them.
Yes!!!! I LOVED that book!!! So of course, I had to read Precipice when it came out, which was also great. Trying to figure out which of his books to read next...
I visited the RCMP HQ in high school, took a trip for a couple of weeks and did all kinds of stuff there. But the coolest part was getting to drive around their remote-controlled bomb-disposal robot and use it to destroy a fake phone bomb. I got to keep the wrecked phone!
I had learned how to masturbate to the point of orgasm by the time I was 7. Maybe that's not the most random thing, but its a thing....
Hmm, let's see, what else... I'm very good with hands, & fairly ambidextrous. I mean, I'm good with power tools, & dealing cards, & yeah, wanking myself & partners.
During my Navy days on a submarine, we collided with a Japanese freighter in the South China Sea - which ended up killing their Captain and another of their crew members. Back in port, I was questioned as to MY role in the collision - even though I was the throttleman at the time (the guy that controls the steam to the main engine turbines)...
I have no fear of heights, and when I’m in a dangerous location, I have to remind myself to be careful and stay away from the edge. Otherwise I’m just as concerned standing on the edge of a curb as I am on the edge of a cliff.