🏆👌Tell Me Something You Did Right Today 👍🎉

It's a general 3-5 inch snowfall,and we don't measure drifts we want official readings.

There is no 8'' reports in the whole state.
Well, that’s what I got not to mention when the city plow truck comes by and the end of the driveway has a couple feet of snow. :rolleyes:
Youngest broke down crying at her first juijitsu class tonight. Coach walked her out and I got down on a knee to talk about what was going on. She said it was hard and she wanted to go home. I reminded her everything is hard at first- swimming, gymnastics.. but she did those things and she can do this and I believe in her. Asked if she needed a hug, gave her one, and back out she went to start back in the "hard" warm up. She finished it, sparring, and belt tackle with smiles and laughter. Coach and I shot each other a thumbs up at the end. 😆 I did good parenting! Woot, woot!
Right: made Hungarian goulash in the slow cooker. Smells great!

Wrong: added water to bottom of slow cooked. It’s sealed not to take water and leaked all over the kitchen counter. Whooops!