🥳 Your Lit Year in Review [2023] 🥳

Lit has been good to me this year.
I've made new friends.
Grieved the loss of old ones.
Popped my cherry by meeting my first IRL litster.
Shared some photos.
Shared some stories.
Shared more photos.
Collected some cool songs for my playlist.

All in all, pretty stellar
Is it that time already?

Well, I got hitched to my boo @sallysparrow23.
That was nice.

Found some people who made me laugh.
I'd list you but I'm too lazy and if you can read this, then it's probably you.

But also realized a larger portion if you fuckhats do better on ignore.

other than that, I'll keep to my little sandbox and come out when the fists start flying.

and yeah, in case you were wondering,
I'm not the same Amy that I once was on the first go round.

I have my reasons.

but hey!
That's lit baby!
Is it that time already?

Well, I got hitched to my boo @sallysparrow23.
That was nice.

Found some people who made me laugh.
I'd list you but I'm too lazy and if you can read this, then it's probably you.

But also realized a larger portion if you fuckhats do better on ignore.

other than that, I'll keep to my little sandbox and come out when the fists start flying.

and yeah, in case you were wondering,
I'm not the same Amy that I once was on the first go round.

I have my reasons.

but hey!
That's lit baby!
It was the classiest event of the year. 😘😋
This has been a rough year. Personally it has had a major loss in my life that I will have to learn to live with, but never get over.
My wife and I are still in that bedroom rut where we go long stretches without sex. However, she is still the love of my life and best friend.
On another note, I submitted my first story since 2012 when I re-edited a couple of my prior stories that were already posted.
My kids are growing up and soon ready to leave the nest. I’m holding on to that for as long as I can.
I did some authory things in 2023 on Lit. (I publish under a couple of names, m but I Chat and Forum under others.)

First off, I started writing srories again, and submitted two that I felt good about. Alas, they both went into LW category (my first venture into LW), so the ratings were terrible, but I was fascinated by the comments. Overall, a good experience.

Secondly, I started writing poetry again. Some were autobiographicals from my stripper days, but I also branched out and tried some styles that were new to me, including a series of sonnets that I really loved. Kind of a creative explosion that produced 40 poems in less than two months.

Finally, I was able to restore a bunch of my stories that had mysteriously disappeared from Lit a few years ago. A friend here found most of my stories on an archive site, so I was able to retrieve and re-submit them. Most of my original body of work is back on the site.

Personal life was a mixed bag. Hoping 2024 will be an upgrade.

Peace y'all 💘
I had a pretty good year I guess. Better and better as the year went on. I felt a little bit lonely and isolated last year and early this year, I was going through some changes and some of them weren't really things I could talk to friends about. I started looking for chatrooms where I could talk about stuff.

So I found literotica. I was in Live Chat first, and I started out liking it, but I had some weird experiences. Just like the last couple weeks I tried Forums, and I really like it. I feel like I found a place where I can be comfortable and have fun and be myself.
So I found literotica. I was in Live Chat first, and I started out liking it, but I had some weird experiences. Just like the last couple weeks I tried Forums, and I really like it. I feel like I found a place where I can be comfortable and have fun and be myself.
You would be surprised how many good people are on these boards willing to listen and give advice. Also, how many people seem to be going through the same things.
At least that’s my experience.
I estimate from the 'My Content' page that I have probably made ~1000 posts in the Forum this year past. I like to share the things I find elsewhere, pictures especially. Maybe I just enjoy the 'Likes' and favorable replies. :)

The Lit Forum is a friendly place for me. Sometimes I wander over to Lit Chat, although that is a little more fast paced than I like. And the stories are still delightful. I need to write more.

All told, re Lit, it has been a good year.
This is my first year in Lit, and I have had some great conversations! I am a very busy person and unfortunately did not have time for many conversations. 😔 But for the few that have stuck with me, big thanks! I have learned a lot about myself with the help of some people, I have grown with their help. Much appreciated! I really don't think I could have navigated through my problems without their help. I have also learned alot about other people. 😘😉 It's been great.
Sweetdreams is made of this
My year on lit was almost nonexistent. I’ve been here since 2006 and almost 25K posts in and this was easily the lowest post count year I’ve ever had. I think this is the first year I haven’t had a single srp going since I joined and honestly it’s all a little bittersweet. I miss a lot of my time at this place.

My real life has been up and down, the highlight being the marriage to my lovely wife.
It's been fun. Reconnected with some people and made some new pals. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd say it was really good.

There's still time left in 2023. Tell us how it went before you celebrate the new year.

So much has happened this year. I have met many people and made some friends. My ex husband passed away this year and Lit kept my mind occupied from all that has happened. I look forward to 2024.
So much has happened this year. I have met many people and made some friends. My ex husband passed away this year and Lit kept my mind occupied from all that has happened. I look forward to 2024.
Sending love, good vibes, and best wishes for a good 2024 your way. And hi from TX :) ❤️
2023 on Lit…

I’ve somehow managed not to chase @nitewolfaz1 away for 15 whole months! We’ve been to some awesome places and made some amazing memories despite living on opposite sides of the country.

I’ve made a few new friends on Lit this year and one of them has turned out to be quite a lovely surprise.

I haven’t spent as much time on Lit this year because my job has nearly sucked the life out of me and I’ve been focusing a lot of my time and energy on being the best mom I can be. The downside to that is that I haven’t invested as much time into my friendships as I have in the past. I need to do a better job of that in 2024.