🧠 What Are Your Intrusive Thoughts Trying to Convince You of Today??

That today would be a good day to delete this account, delete my socials, and to stop trying and accept that this last birthday was the pivot point in life where I simply am not interesting, attractive, or desirable anymore.
I hope you don't
We don't know each other really but I've always liked the friendly, funny way you post
That today would be a good day to delete this account, delete my socials, and to stop trying and accept that this last birthday was the pivot point in life where I simply am not interesting, attractive, or desirable anymore.
One of the maxims that I have tried to live my life by is "this too shall pass." Nothing lasts forever. Not the good. And certainly not the bad. Things will change, and you can affect how those changes happen. Identity the things you can change and work to make them what you want. As for the things you can't change? Fuck 'em. Just don't give up. Nobody wins by quitting.
That I can eat a bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs without any consequences
I agree with your thoughts. Unless you’re lactose intolerant.
I am the cause of everyone problems.
Definitely not 🫂
That I shouldn't post anymore on my thread, because I've shown every angle of myself, and I'm not interesting enough to hold conversations with.
I’m sure those who frequent your thread don’t care if they’ve seen every pore, they’ll still enjoy it. If you like sharing, keep doing it 💛
I agree with your thoughts. Unless you’re lactose intolerant.

Definitely not 🫂

I’m sure those who frequent your thread don’t care if they’ve seen every pore, they’ll still enjoy it. If you like sharing, keep doing it 💛
I'm not, but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't stop me even if I were!
It’s been suggested that I post pics that leave more to imagination…
Is that the same as saying you don’t look good enough to post shirtless? 🤔
Are those no-good thoughts naughty thoughts, or trainwrecks waiting to happen thoughts. One of those two I can get behind. In the case of the other, you have my sympathy.
Neither exactly. But more in the realm of the second. Thanks 🫂
It’s been suggested that I post pics that leave more to imagination…
Is that the same as saying you don’t look good enough to post shirtless? 🤔
No definitely not the same thing. I don’t know who said it or in what context but they might be referring to the fact that a lot of women like photos that tease more than they show.
Post the pics that make you feel good to post. And I’d assume good faith of the suggester.