🧠 What Are Your Intrusive Thoughts Trying to Convince You of Today??

My inner voice is telling me to just walk out of work.

The bed rot is real but I know it’s just seasonal. It’s the month. It’s the weather. It’s a month with the highest suicide rates in the state. I just have to get through this month and it’s almost over.
My inner voice is telling me to just walk out of work.

The bed rot is real but I know it’s just seasonal. It’s the month. It’s the weather. It’s a month with the highest suicide rates in the state. I just have to get through this month and it’s almost over.
Hugs! You got this!!!!!
That I haven’t graduated from this place; I’m still dick-deep and my legs aren’t churning like they used to.
That I can barely take care of myself, much less take care of other people. That everyone around me is doomed to a life of misery and deprivation.

Depressive OCD is fun, kids! Get into it!
Go home early... Go home early... Go home early... Go home early... Go home early... Go home early... Go home early... Go home early... Go home early... Go home early... Go home early... Go home early...
It doesn’t matter how hard I work…
I’m just never going to be good enough…

👆on repeat all day today 😐😓