2002 Literotica Award Nominations: Most Influential Writer

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I would like to nominate, X-Factor. He is a wonderful author and his novella has gotten me through many a night alone!
I would like to nominate Master_Vassago. Grins, of course I am not biased, but he does write extremely good stories, nicely paced, full of action and well put together. In the short time he has been on lit. writing he has shown his ability to write in different catagories and at the same time keep ongoing stories progressing. Not to mention his stories are hot, he has the ability to draw you into his stories and make you feel as if you are there. That to me makes a good story teller, and although there are many here on lit. my vote goes to him.

vassagos_babydoll :heart: :kiss:

I wish I could nominate all of the authors who've had multiple stories hit and stay on the top lists. Seems to me those folks brought a great deal of fun to the readership, and were a credit to Literotica.com.

Since I can only nominate one person, I'll recommend a fella whose name hasn't been suggested already, but who has met the Top List criteria under 2 names: BatsandGlamor plus as FitofJealousy.

Thanks to all the nice folks who have made the effort to create well crafted tales.

The Hermit:D

I nominate Chicklet, because her writing style has influenced me to be more thoughtful we I'm forming a story
Second for BatsandGlamor

I've gotten nice feedback from other authors with stories competeing with mine on the most popular lists, but BatsandGlamor has been unbelieveable supportive and encouraging.

There were many times last year when the constant so called "troll" voting left me feeling 'screw this', but B&G kept me going. When he found out I was looking for a job, he even gave me a couple solid leads. Then he threw my name into this posting before I could place his. I've never seen him promote himself, or pat himself on the back. I HAVE seen him post many, many stories that the voting indicate were VERY popular and widely enjoyed.

I can't imagine anyone more deserving of close inspection for the most influential award.
My vote goes to Bearlee....Hands down the best......

Between Dawn and himself they are a great tream

The only way that Dawns voice could get any better, or sexier... is if she were whispering all those words in you ear in person:D

This is one lucky couple!
I nominate...


He creates believable characters and tells interesting stories about them. His work is consistently well-written and filled with the kind of telling details that make a story come alive.

In short, he's one of the best writers ever to grace this site and his continuing series Those Autofellatio Blues is a classic.
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