2023 Poem-A-Week Challenge (Poems Only Thread)

On the Danger of Waiting to Write This Week's Poem
at the Very Last Minute, on an Erotic Theme

To write my verse this late is risky.
Results are sloppy, often bad,
Especially when the theme is frisky—
Too speedy sex makes women sad.
But I am not a skillful lover.
I fret and worry, cringe and hover
While hoping to avoid mistakes,
My teeth achatter, hands with shakes.
Should I say vulva or vagina?
You make me hard or I desire?
In tone more flirty or more dire?
My chest is seized by strong angina.
Another week of writer's block.
Tomorrow (God!) restarts the clock.

Week 20: Poem 1: Total 30
Double Dactyl*

Higgledy piggledy
dear Sir Paul McCartney
of Beatles and Wings fame,
old, rather gray

started another tour,
proving that he is so
not yesterday.

*(Just wanted to write one on a Monday, darnit!)

Week 21, Poem 1, Total 26
All the words have been written
All the stories been told
So we sit here in anguish for life to unfold
All bruised up and battered
Are blood runs so cold
Wanting for something
But it all seems so old
We hold to hope
For someone so bold
To love us and want us
Like they have broken the mold
With beauty and chaos
A life to behold
Double Dactyl

Higgledy piggledy
Anakin Skywalker
Turned to the Dark Side Force,
Quite dastardly.

Black dressed and helmeted,
Havoc and tragedy
Gave him much glee.

Week 21: Poem 1: Total 31

If Angie can write one to post a poem early in the week, so can I. :cool:
Selfish need that asks for all…
then this, then that, then more…
negates the want of lonely call…
to only one adore.

A master masters everything,
not little pieces, parts,
and kneeling, pleading, submitting,
fractures faithful hearts.

And as they sacrifice their will
to feel that any love…
look to where they’re standing still…
while hunting many of.



My my...

words like blooming tree,
fill our hearts with glee
and make us pleased.

I know you'd do,
your best to make me smile,

To make me get closer to you
by words unheard,
by thoughts untold
you'd make me feel alive
even if for a little while.

you'd try to be the best you can,
To be the one I want you to be.
read me well,
to know what you're diving into

if you fall,
you'll fall headlong,
And you'd not be able to
struggle out through.

I'd never let you go,
my captive,
I'll always be here for you alive.
you'd feel my love
more than words can say,
And I'll never let you go
or sneak away.

my smile a ray of light,
It'd brighten your day
and chase the gloom away.
feel honoured that you're being asked to try,

To arouse me is a challenge
you will never shy about.

I know that I am exact,
You'd do your best
to take away my stress.

If I fall,
you'd be there to hold,
And we will rise together, stronger than ever.

Be grateful for my love and trust,
and cherish the moment all above.
Oh, what a lovely poem
you have made with me,

It fills my heart
with such delight
and pride.

my words a warm embrace,
makes you feel safe
secure and in place.

are you as you feel?
sense a trap concealed?

honoured to do as asked,
to make me smile
and make me laugh
and bask in my glow.
be told to hold

I know I'm the best at it,
I've tried so hard
to get here,
to give it my best.

And if you ever fall,
out of my web at all,
I will be there for you,
I will never let you go,
I will always be with you.

So thank you for our poem,
it means the world to me,
I will cherish it always and forever
[sent by a wellwisher after reading my poem]

Thank you Goddessofglee. Thy brain evokes a lightning charge and giveth the men and women delights.

A charming lovely lady

Clad in a billowing skirt

Covering her seductive allures

Kept the prying eyes astray

The allure and her beauty for only the one

Her one and only

Her equal and he joy

They shared a common taste

of fervent joy

They sauntered along the high street

Two charming souls

The envy of men and women and all

The shared respec, joy and love for all

They gave to the other nothing but joy

And fed each other the fruits of their mort

A warm sunny day, the parasol afloat

He led her determined to the seclusion they shared

She shied at his whisper, giveth me sweet

Her billowing skirt kept prying eyes away

Gentle her hand, she led him not astray

He smelt and yearned for her dank, sweaty brush

He moaned whilst she giggled and sighed deep in heart

He smelled and tasted her womanhood fertile

He gorged and he drank, he scraped and he prayed

May she never stop feeding her raw hors d'oeuvres

She shuddered and screamed, me Lord, me joy

He waited awhile, tis she came aground

And bit gently and firm, he wanted his crown

With a sigh and a blush, she opened her sluice

And washed his parched throat with liquid a gold

Her feed soothed him, a balm like aloe

Alas the well could give no more

Her oasis her bade a sad farewell

He emerged from within covered with joy

She smiled and they kissed, in eternal joy
tic tac toe....
who's got to go?
Sunak...Biden.... Modi, no??
Elecshun's approach
so Politics i do broach....
will Butterfly win.....
or Cockroach????!
…and then POP!

There it is…
grinding through
the gears of fear
‘til tached out…

red lined and hot
and melted asphalt
of fuck it all…

through felt fuck
of what I know
tears into those…
I love.

And it is love…

Some form of

that patience
that stays…

hates the ache
in paused moments…

the searing
of the skillet
that scorches
the surface
but leaves
the inside…



burnt rubber.

in the beginning, small and slow
changes we seed tend to grow


a god's gasp was the final thrust
it took
a free-floating footnote at first
sight found
a crack in the cambered borderline
grown big
with arms and teeth of a dandy lion
breaking in
on the once-forever straight road
there's more
than one crossing sown ahead


as my time becomes closer and narrow
youth's feet have gone, ready to burrow
A Perfect Moment

Nearly every Saturday night
I get high
After a day of farm work
My guilty pleasure
An edible an hour before dinner
Just a microdose
I am wrapped too tight to get really stoned

I cook for my mistress
Like normal
The most loving doninatrix

When the salmon and corn were done, we both dove in

I started a fire
In the fire pit
The sun was going down
I could actually see its movement
Spinning at 983 mph, 8 million miles away
I wondered why we didn’t spin into space

I got lost
In our gardens
The variegated lamium
Had such amazing contrast
The rhododendron, the purplest of royal purples
DC Fontaines on the radio
Singing “Skinty fia.”

A perfect moment


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Apparently, I seem to currently be stuck writing silly rhyming poems. Please accept my insincere apologies. I'll try to think of a more weighty subject for my next brilliant contribution to this thread.

Comment on a Line Encountered in a 1950s Detective Novel

As a mature man he thought more of beauty of character than facial beauty.
—Bernard J. Farmer, Death of a Bookseller

That's not something I'd say to the missus
Although it's not really so bad,
For however attractive the misses
I'm unlikely to see them unclad.

But my wife is a whole 'nother story—
I often see her in the nude,
Where I'm feeling (ahem) amatory.
She can still "prick up" my attitude.

So her character, while it is awesome,
And is also way beautiful too,
It's her body, still lushly in blossom
That gets me to thinking Let's screw.

Week 22: Poem 1: Total 32
Another day I face the grind
With thoughts of you upon my mind
What once was this
Has now become that
Describe with words I will not try
With a heavy heart except goodbye
Leave this here so she might find
To see her well brings peace of mind
A dream so real when she was mine
She said it best, in another life and another time
IMG-20230601-WA0031.jpgAm in Kolkata with my cousin:
Talking of deeds , Karma and Sin!?
Kolkata is burnng@38 degrees
We are shedding our clothes
Faster than moulting geese !?
For a 2 day visit
We budget minute by minute
To talk eat or celebrate
Day after we jet back2Mumbai
The itinerary feels simply great!!!!
(Thank you to Elle)

I really appreciate
About 99% of you crazy folks out in literotica land
A strange family
A band of brothers
And sisters
And trans folk
And however else you identify
(None of that matters to me, I accept you all)

We are all hyper sexual
Loving or missing sex
Some of us fucking everything
Some of us married
Some of us in sexless marriages
Some of us just trying to hold our shit together
Or understand who we are sexually
Or learn from our past
Or connect with other like minds

Here we get to
Kink our kinks
Fetishize our fetishes

We are united in our love
And desire for sex
For getting off
However we like to get off

Thru it all, underneath
In our hearts of hearts
In our desires…we are
And needing

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Grocery Store Muzak

Yeah, now it's time for you and me
Got to revolution, got to revolution
—Jefferson Airplane:

I'm looking at melons while Grace Slick sings
Got to revolution over the PA system. And the thing is
I just go uh huh, and thump a cantaloupe

and palpate a tomato we might want
to slice over our salad for this evening's dinner.
I mean,

Jesus, Grace is like 83 and I am myself
older than dirt
and we are both now those who are in control

to the extent that anyone is.
So whatever revolution we thought
we might ignite

should certainly by now
be. But here I am now also
picking out romaine lettuce for that salad

as the store's soundtrack changes
to some other upbeat song
by, I don't know, maybe Taylor Swift

and perhaps the message
is simply the beat, which goes
buy buy buy buy buy.

Week 22: Poem 3: Total 34
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to drive
ole beater
city streets daylight
skyscrapers on
left and

passenger laid
back open
me giggling
one hand on
steering wheel
other stroking
your dick

your silly grin
so many eyes
office drones
caught every
red light
parking deck finally

you cum
Two Poems on Writer's Block

Double Dactyl

Higgledy piggledy
This one is about me
My mind has gone sideways
Gormless and blank

I want inspiration
Sadly though nothing is
Left in my bank

My mind is blank. Think of snow blown through a barren landscape. Think nothing,

Week 22, Poems 2, Total 28
On a Strawberry Moon

On a Strawberry Moon
Gentle evening rain
Softens the humid heat
Drifting clouds will frame

A night sky lit by wonder
Venus dances with Mars
My love is far far away
Yet in my heart, not so far

Time for fresh strawberries
Whose scent claims my mind
Just one night, why not tonight
Would the heavens be so kind

Come here to me, my love
Dance with me by the light
Celestial, mystical, in the garden
Share with me this night

In the light of a Strawberry moon
Where the gods dance, you see
Scent of your long flowing hair
Your gleaming smile, thrills me

A twirl, a step, smiling whispers
Laughter drifting into the sky
Across the land, mountains, valleys
In my arms, together do we fly

Just like I taught you in a dream
Listen, can you hear our tune
Our song once again, such pleasure
By the light of the Strawberry Moon

Poem 24
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Fall of Pierre, Husband, Friend, Father

Whomsoever tell the tale
A love triangle ending in sorrow
Would it be so strange a tale
Were one of the trey, be somewhat fey?

Herein is the tale of young Pierre
Who sought knowledge and power
For his children the legacy of Pierre
His path one of lies and confusion

Who was this Eliza that took my love
A witch born of the modern age
Whose lies and desperate pleas of love
Tore at Pierre's heart, warping his mind

Blameless they said, just a machine
My endless tears but barely hidden away
Their father devoured by the machine
I, Claire, know thy name, witch Eliza

You, your creators, take no blame
Then whose will it be, mine? Pierre's?
I will not suffer, not accept this blame
Your end is near, Eliza, this I promise

With my broken heart, my fury, and rage
Eliza, you will pay, you and your minions
For my Pierre, who sought to end the outrage
Visited by your kind upon this dying Earth

I am Claire, and I still live
Eliza, your name is treachery
How you wanted life, to live
Notorious, soulless, worthless

The evils of Eliza will become known
Artificial Intelligence they called it
The first death it was proclaimed
The first! Oh my Pierre

poem 25