2023 Poem-A-Week Challenge (Poems Only Thread)

World Peace I

It all started one day with a single cup of tea
mistaken for a joke first, soon spread the idea
that all the blood and money and sweat
could be used for more lasting things instead

"First of all, let's please forget that stupid 'race',"
one said straightforward in their neighbor's face
"It's just a bit more, or less, of melatonin."
"And no believe is better, not yours, nor mine."

"Now, in your own mind be you, be kind, be free."
So many were hungry for respect and dignity.
"If everyone has no club, no knife, no gun,
of World Peace we won't need a second one."

It sounds crazy, maybe, I know,
but that's what I'm daily hoping fo'.
Stripped Bare

It was a nightmare but I was awake for it
I walked directly into my worst fears
Maybe they were foisted upon me,
I am not 100% sure.
Laying awake,
Fighting a battle
Burnt out husks of tanks and APC’s haunted my thoughts,
My nemeses when I cannot sleep…
Dark grey against a black sky.

Last Tuesday night I was laid bare,
Smoked some wedding cake to try to sleep.
Stream of consciousness, but awake
While walking laps
Trying to give my mind something to do at 11:24pm
I lost all sense of time and space.
I fantasized I was a comedian,
Telling jokes about what not to do when high.
Then I was transformed into a monster
It was like a dream, but not quite a dream.
My heart raced.
My wife asked me a question that I could not answer.

When finally in bed, I had to face my worst fears:
That I am afraid
That I am a pussy
That I didn’t do my job
That I wasn’t honest about…
That I was afraid I would not remember to breathe.

In my awake dream, everyone was there.
God and the devil…
My therapist was there too.
She lorded over me.
My body was ripped open;
More figuratively than literally.
My bones were exposed for anyone to see.
My organs…
My soul…
My most inner thoughts.
She could see the inner me
She could see everything.

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She might have cancer
and I can't be scared
if I don't feel
what that means
and we snark and say
"well, at least it'll be the 'good' kind"
that's supposed to be easier
to treat
because there's always exception
to rules
but we won't discuss that now
until the tests are back
when the talk will turn to margins
if they're clean
and allow for quick victory

Says she can't even think
about losing her hair
but we both know
that's code
for "I'm scared"
and it's as close as either of us will get
to admitting it
Ars Poetica

Another week, another poèm.
My lyricism needs to be
At beck and call, so I can show 'em
Poetic cleverness, you see.
But writing isn't always easy—
In fact, sometimes it makes me queasy
To situate these words in lines
That are supposed to be sublime.
And what's one's subject? Maybe scheming
With fair Erato's help to write
Seductive verse to thrill, excite,
And conquer? Well, I must be dreaming.
In any case, here's one this week;
It's not flirtatious—rather bleak.

Week 8: Poem 1: Total 15

In perhaps my favorite form, Onegin stanza.
Now, all said and done,
the countdown has begun
I'd love to be in my birthday suit,
no clothes at all, nothing to lose,
what a treat it'd be for y'all,
sorry, it's high on floor 6 on the hill,
be the raven, perch on my window sill
on the window with a broken pane,
no great dane, be wary of the dame

It'd be here too soon,
a virtual party coming soon,
on my b-day around the corner,
be there, be my guest of honour
all are invited, come one and all,
leap year baby born on Feb29,
come on now, just be all mine!
where it'd be, I've yet to decide...

come dm me...
it's for free!

revisiting 22Jan'23!

why didn't you delete this chat?
but don't do it now or it'd be sad,
always delete and restart...
but not now, it's à la carte!

always do it if not too soon,
like titillating trouble tycoons,
toddling tootsie and cocoons,
cobwebs don't stick to brooms,
up against the unseen moon,

please don't remember to forget,
perhaps if we'd be out of breath,
remember the sarcastic trend,
it's ok to find, but don't defend!

words to match
rhymes to catch,
don't mean much
just a bolted latch

I'm trapped in sunny hay
I threw baits to a new prey,
that's the right thing to say,
that'd be the fourth one today

he replied in poetry
I don't think he'll be
craving bitterly for me,
but maybe a tribute
of ballads or hymns
I've yet to see
if I can turn him to be!
the guy went down to see,
sail away to the blue sea!

ok, wow
so poetic
I love it,
but I'm still gloom,
so I'm not yet there,
call me Joyous,
a graceful poise,
if that's not too mean,
we've hardly been seen!

Let's help with a fine Fino,
or make rhymes in Filipino,
we can even try Latino,
just start as bambino,
no gamblers at casinos,
creamy hot cappuccino,
with her arms akimbo,
who? me? I don't know!
silly, but that's my lingo!
I've lost the three rocks you gave me, beach stones
beige and like pumice, pitted and porous.
They felt soluble, looked pale as old bones
but now they're gone. These days are amorphous;
life is ill-defined without landmarks, knowns

to make signposts, draw a map of my days,
tangible, substantive groupings of things
to hold on to, caress, something that stays,
that holds more meaning than memory brings
in fuzzy old dreams, cloudy mists of greys.

I still wear your ring, All My Love engraved.
The diamonds still shine, one last bit I've saved


(no it's not a traditional form; just me trying to make something from zilch inspo)

Week 8, Poem 1, Total Poems 12
alol and ekim collided above a waterfall
her golden globes cherry fireballs
spurred his long pole to rise
as she exclaimed oh in surprise
he thrust it on her like an animal

she whispered sweet prayers a la waterfall
warm silkiness her scent made him caterwaul
as he rocked her cherry fireballs crystallized
alol and ekim collided

he exploded into hundred mite sized softballs
which disappeared down the waterfall
she cried unsatisfied
grabbed an eel and utilized her perfect prize
elicited friction she craved thus her curtainfall
alol and ekim collided
I feel nothing...

Sunday morning, I'm on the edge
after a dozen years of marriage
I feel nothing but pain

My head turns towards consequences
and wonders how, by any chances
I feel nothing but ache

You too have finally had enough
and raise your voice, loud and tough
I feel nothing but shame

I heae the digits' warming-up sound
put on my front, after thrown around
I feel nothing but more of the same

In the agony of viscous minutes' passage
inertia of initial massage sends a message
I feel nothing but stupid

"So, Mister, hands halfway up in the air
you gonna stretch, and head bend there."
I feel nothing but resistance melting

This once, first time, no matter how it hurts
male ignorance aside, I listen to your words
I feel nothing yet of promised relief

Only later, hours clocked away
shocked surprise, I now can say
I feel nothing...

Nothing of the early migraine
the neck-born terrorizing pain
I feel nothing...after all

"Stubborn is a lousy lover", you hear me
a nod and a smirk, you easily agree
I feel nothing but this other four letter word.
Must've said something unsettling
made the quiet part too loud
the truth a dare
he feared taking
reminded that time doesn't lessen
the illicit
because consequences feel more distant

My presence, once poison
those years ago
now more lethal

I simply showed him the warning label

I’ve written about beech trees
Before, but
I am always amazed
By the power of these little trees
So stubborn
Digging in their root/boots
Not letting go
Of their caramel leaves.

In the stiffest of winds
The coldest temperatures
They sit out there
Determined not to give up those
Precious leaves
And tenaciously hold on.
I admire their determination
Their attitude…

Then as the winter gives in
And warmer nights approach
With the peeper frogs trilling their trill
They finally let go of the old…
Tightly rolled green leaves
Emerge in April
To take the place of last year’s.


My heart beats
In three-quarter time
As the word fills around me
Fully surrounds the
Way I think about my future
As your life is drawing nearer
And I can’t fake this journey
With your hands in mine to lure me

Why do I stay here
Dreaming of you?

And my mind stays outside
The lines
And I draw where I want to be
I see you’re here with me
But I don’t want you to see
That I’m forgotten
By an unknown
And I’m here
Breathing the depths
Of the unseen.

Wait for me
I’m here
Wanting to be
Holding you
Close as you find
Your way
Into the Depths of Darkness.
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Week 7 Poem 14

Uh oh, Charlotte is coming

The radio or television is on
most of the time in her apartment.
It’s a comfort like company
is there with her.

If it’s silent, she talks to herself,
about anything,
because silence is oppressive
and she can’t take it.

At work, the others laugh
behind her back, about how she
never shuts up but she is starved
for conversation and any ear
is fair game.

Isolation has made her eccentric
yet she’s a snappy dresser.
She tells us, “I know I talk
a lot, but I do know when
to stop.”
I don’t think she does.
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Works in progress seem to be
the very heart of stories of my life,
the latest was a duo as the rental
was in the process of renovation;
Even in the library, with all the floor-to-ceiling
shelving simply jam-packed with all
the types of books you could imagine, the
odor of the Pine-sol made it seem you
were in a real forest, not a cut and bound
forest of paper and ink and thick leather,
and I would sit before empty screens,
blank paper, trying not to touch the dusty surfaces
too often, and thinking I needed to go back
to making my own tea that would taste
of tea instead of warm sugar water with a touch of
milk that someone waved tea leaves over,
but it was fine since the feeder outside the
main window was always so full of the cutest
little birds--maybe chickadees or titmice--I
think they shall be decent muses,

Week: 9 Poem: 1 Total: 4
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the day went past in a moanful moan,
the night did come as a brightful dawn,
look beyond him, glistening new light
simmering shyly, love delightfully insight!

let me go my lover, let me live just once
I know you're here, let me look that way,
possibly it may be a betrayal,
like a one-night stand,
but at least I'd know,
I did explore another land...

I wanna feel the new feel,
a longing deep within
the passion, the touch
oh, how I miss so much...
Please my lover,
let me go,
I'd love to be with him
even if he calls me his whore!
She, of the alabaster skin
and a slightly freckled nose
beckon me once more

strands of untamed auburn hair
frame green eyes, filled with fire
beckon me once more

lips a light shade of cranberry
and a thousand watt smile
beckon me once more

a look, however quick
says it all
as she beckons me once more.

Out across the horizon
Red sun setting slowly
Amongst the hills and trees
Stars of night blending into
Orange, pink, purple wisps
Clouds drifting and thinning
Twilight magic and mystery
Always and away out west

Dancing bright for all to see
This night, was it this night
There, the king of the gods
His gleaming swirling red eye
Full of wisdom and lust
The lord of lightning and power
His great eagles flying free
Jupiter's glory on full display

With such a dancing partner
Outshining even her lord
Her beauty, the inspiration
Of poets, of artists, of lovers
Her heat, a flashing of clouds
Like a swirling caustic dress
How the world longs for her
And Venus is her name

Their brilliant cosmic dance
Heralded by the green comet
That ancient messenger
Foretelling of love's renewal

Let the gods have their dance
High above, among the stars
I'll dance here with you, my love
In the kitchen, with sizzling kisses

Week 9, poem 1, total 14
This Poem may Contain Gluten

There you’ve been warned
just saying cause
I had a piece of sourdough
this morning and it is possible
though not likely the a
residue could find its way
into my writing.

Actually that’s not true
the gluten insertion was
intentional as I knead it
to make things stick together
and I hope your not homophonic
cause word play is my game

Last night I dreamt I found a photograph
of your two children, where
your daughter had my mother's smile,
your son my father's chin.

I have no progeny, of course,
and neither have I you.

That's what is called regret, of course,
but why I sometimes ask
you what they've majored in, whether
they've found someone to care for,
or a job that feels right.

It's also why sometimes I sleep
and don't want to wake up.

Week 9: Poem 1: Total 16
Ain't many days till my breakdown

Just sitting alone at my barstool
yes, darling, I'm feeling real fine
and I confess, I admire your dress
yet I must decline the next line.

Cause there ain't many days till my
breakdown, this darkness is coming on strong
I'd love to reptile to your come-hither smile
but my downtime will soon be along.

You truly are lovely, sweet darling
your red lips and golden hair crown
are leading me into temptation
but the whirlpool will pull us both down.

Cause there ain't many days till my
breakdown, this darkness is coming on strong

I'd love to reptile to your come-hither smile
but my downtime will soon be along.

So mosey on down to another
though you are the one I desire
leave me alone, to sort out my own
if joined we'd both end in hellfire.

Cause there ain't many days till my
breakdown, this darkness is coming on strong
I'd love to reptile to your come-hither smile
but my downtime will soon be along.
they reached out to me
asked what are we to do
you dropped everything and left
so unlike you
i called you
you answered sobbing
my heart stopped
tears filled my eyes
first thought
your grandchild
your nephew you said
between soul crushing gasps
killed himself

today deep lines on your face
more pronounced
sadness when you smile
no sparkle in your eyes
i dont know why
he was in such great pain
i only know you his aunt
will never be the same