A Most Terrifying Engagement (closed)

When Vanta said "saw a bit more of you" she didn't think he was talking about her stomach at all. Rather, her first thought was that he wanted to see her breasts. As silly as it was with their hands doing what they were doing, she didn't quite feel ready to be that naked around him yet. If they were just feeling each other up in the dark maybe she would feel differently, but he could see perfectly well in the dark- he could see everything from the flush of her cheeks to the way her breasts pressed against he silk of her nightie.

She was finding it difficult to think about the offered options with the stimulation she was still receiving, but she managed to say, "we don't have to cum at the same time, I just don't want you to- ah! - to feel like you have to- mm! rush yourself if I came first."

There wouldn't be much more room for discussion momentarily, as Andrea couldn't hold on any longer and her body shuddered as her pussy clenched and spasmed on his fingers. It was the sort of pleasure that made her become lost in the feeling- an eye-watering, toe-curling, quaking bliss that brought a loud, ragged moan from her lips. That moan took the form of a name: his name.


It had been all she thought to say, as though she was proclaiming to the night that he had succeeded in unraveling her. What else could she say when being finger-fucked to oblivion by the handsome shadow?

The intensity faded and soon she was capable of rational thought again. She realized that she had stopped stroking him through her climax, so she started back up once more. With her eyes slightly hooded in a satisfied way, she smiled at him. "That was... amazing. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with showing more of myself to you yet, but if you bring your hand to my mouth, I'll clean each and every one of your fingers."
Vanta finally slowed down his fingers as he felt Andrea spasm and tighten around him. He looked down at her, the sight of her writhing body a masterpiece of eroticism. Vanta felt his body warm with passion and attraction, any thought of trying to hold on for another round of teasing and pleasuring to coordinate a mutual explosive climax vanished: even if it would be delayed, he wanted to join in and let his own orgasm carry through him while he was so tightly pressed against his beloved and the tip of his cock was pressed against her belly. He shuddered as he looked down at her and watched her chest rise and fall with her breathing. Yet her hands kept stroking his shaft bringing him closer and closer to his own orgasm.

When he heard her offer, he was skeptical. He didn’t see what would be so pleasurable yet he wanted any physical contact he could get. So carefully and slowly he removed his fingers from her cunt, slid them out of her panties, leaving a trail of Andrea’s nectar on her her flesh before he held them out in front of Andrea’s lips. He wondered if Andrea just liked her taste. He recalled her tasting very deliciously.
She shivered as his fingers left her juicy pussy, squeezing her thighs together afterwards and moving her hips back and forth just slightly. It felt really good to be in the afterglow of her orgasm, that warm, comforting feeling of being completely sated. Hopefully she would be able to ensure that he felt the same way soon.

It was difficult in the dark to tell what Vanta was thinking when he offered his fingers to her, but she hoped she would like what came next.

Without taking her hands off his cock, she leaned forward, mouth wide, and took his thumb in her wet little mouth. Her mouth was wide enough that the length of it was fully surrounded before she closed her mouth and fully enveloped him in its heat. He would feel her wrap her lips around the base of his thumb before she slowly pulled off of it, sucking it as she removed her juices. While she wasn't bold enough yet to be outright flirty, she did look up into his eyes shyly through her eyelashes.

When his thumb popped out from between her lips, her next target was his pointer and middle finger which she took both into her mouth this time. With these two, she planned on being a little more flirty, if more covertly. Her tongue slipped around and in-between his fingers, rubbing against them and cleaning them. "Mm..." She moaned softly, closing her eyes and savoring the feeling of them pressing against her tongue. While she didn't mind the taste of her own nectar, it was really the act of doing a "faux-blowjob" that she liked. He had never had a real one, she knew, but perhaps he could consider this a preview should things continue to develop between them.

His fingers disappeared up to the very base of them as she took them deeper, the woman starting to bob on them as though she was sucking a cock. Each time she bobbed, she timed it to coincide with a stroke of his cock, her strokes getting more swift as she very thoroughly cleaned those particular fingers. At that point she made eye-contact again, trying to gauge whether he was enjoying this or not.
Vanta wasn't sure what to think as Andrea began to draw his thumb into her mouth yet, as she began to suck her own juices off of his warm flesh and continued to stroke his shaft, he soon began to like it, and as her tongue began to snake around and ensnare his fingers, licking and thoroughly cleaning his digits, he began to become enamored with it and the more sexual side she was showing him. Vanta felt a renewed surge of lust as Andrea teased and stroked him. Vanta couldn't help but imagine how Andrea's full lips and nimble tongue would feel upon his engorged member. As he thought on this and felt Andrea's hands rubbing his cock as it pressed against her belly, he felt the return of a growing climax and as Andrea met eyes with him, the sight of her eyes trying to see if her hauntingly erotic acts had an impact, the inevitable moment arrived.

Vanta didn't have time to announce or even make a quick cry as he came. The orgasm was intense and Vanta's eyes peered into Andrea's as it overtook him, his eyes flashed from desire to ecstacy to sheer agape as his whole body shuddered with pleasure and his whole shadowy form exploded with an inferno of pleasure and his cock released forth a surge of sperm onto Andrea's smooth belly as Vanta sighed and continued to look into Andrea's eyes as though he was looking into the eyes of a literal goddess. his cock slowly went limp in her hands and Vanta curled himself around Andrea, hoping that, even if he hadn't been able to time his orgasm with hers, they might be able to at least share in the embers of their respective afterglows.

"Andrea," Vanta said, still gazing into her eyes, "You're incredible. Every time I think I can't desire you anymore, you show me a whole new side to yourself and make me fall for you even more," he said, stroking her back, "You are so gorgeous and so...sexy," he said with a chuckle, unable to find more poetic words. " He kissed her on the cheek and then put his forehead against hers, "Are you feeling better now? No more nightmares?" He laughed, remembering how this had started.
Andrea had been expecting to see that he was at least enjoying the stroking, but was pleasantly surprised to find that he was absolutely enraptured by her. The look on his face was as though he had been absolutely seduced by her every movement. No one had ever looked at her with such admiration and love. The intensity of it made her cheeks flush and her stomach tingle, Andrea unable to meet his eyes for much longer, though it was obvious she was pleased at having made him feel so good.

His jets of cum felt wet on her stomach, though she made no moves to wipe herself off. She felt like it might ruin the mood if she were to wipe it with a pillowcase or a tissue or something. Besides, she liked that his body was so close to her, his making a comforting rhythm on her back.

“No more nightmares,” she repeated in a whispered confirmation, a warm little smile on her lips. While she couldn’t guarantee that she wouldn’t have another one, she got the feeling that the nightmares had been chased away for the time-being. Tomorrow, she would schedule an appointment with a therapist, but for now she was starting to become very tired again.

Her eyes started to droop, her heart rate slowing as she started to drift off. “Vanta… “ she murmured, forgetting what she wanted to say as she slipped into slumber once again. Andrea slept soundly throughout the night, breathing softly and only having dreams of pleasant things, like the song the planets could make.
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Vanta smiled As Andrea said she wouldn't have more nightmares. While the quiet ecstacy of the afterglow flowed through him giving him a desire to try and see if he could press Andrea into allowing them to go even further, he was content to know she was relaxed now. He watched her eyes close, felt her heart rate go down, and was ready to relax himself, when he heard her say his name without finishing her thought. What was she going to say? He was desperate to know but not too desperate to wake her. He knew what he wanted her to say though and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek, whispering:

"I love you too Andrea."

He laid in bed, his body wrapped around his beloved, basking in her warmth and the sounds of her gentle snores. As time went on, once he was positive Andrea wouldn't awaken, he manipulated his form to grow a few small arms which put his cock back in his pants and pulled the covers over them (the irony of a boogeyman like him pulling the covers over himself was not lost on him). He realized he could use the time to clean his seed off of Andrea but part of him wantes to leave it stuck to her belly, as proof of the intimate encounter they had just had. He instead just gently stroked her back and altered his body's warmth as the night went on, focusing on keeping Andrea's comfort as high as possible. For Vanta, there was no boredom in this. Merely holding Andrea and haivng her trust was more than enough for him.

As the first rays of morning started bouncing against the curtained windows, Vanta thought of an idea. he wanted to prove to Andrea that the sun wouldn't be a problem to him and that he could help her around the house...but he also didn't want to go back on his word that he would be with her till she awoke. So, with a bit of effort, He extended his right leg out of the covers and inflated his foot until it was the size and shape of his body. It wasn't clothed, so he had it hide it genitals, and then sent it off to the kitchen while his main body stayed wrapped around Andrea. He moved his mobile body carefully, still dodging the light and covering windows as he went. He was definitely weaker, unable to stretch his form anymore in the low light, but he was able to maintain his body. He eventually made his way to his goal: the Coffee machine and the toaster.

Vanta didn't trust his ability to cook yet, especially if he had underestimated the light's effect on him, but he had watched enough people use the two devices that he soon had a pot of coffee boiling and toast popping out of the toaster. He put butter on one and jam on the other, put it on the plate, and and then poured the coffee into a mug. Then, carefully dodging the direct light of the sun through cracks in the curtains, he made his way back to Andrea and his main body. Vanta left the plate and mug on a nightstand and had the mobile body tap Andrea's shoulder, not wanting to hide how he got her breakfast.
“Mm…” It was a sleepy noise she made after he tapped her on the shoulder, and accompanying it was her face nuzzling itself against his chest. He felt so warm and comforting, like the very embrace of sleep itself. Her eyes were still closed and she was still half-asleep when she mumbled, “sorry, you have the wrong number…”

After that she started to come back to reality, her eyes blearily opening to see inky black flesh against her. It didn’t startle her though, the young woman merely sleepily blinking, drawing herself back enough for her to look up at his face for confirmation that it was indeed Vanta, and closing her eyes again. “Oh… Good morning, Vanta.” A dreamy smile came to her lips, “to save my pride and dignity, you’re going to have to pretend that I didn’t snore or drool at all during the night." She hadn't yet noticed his second form, nor the breakfast he had fetched for her.
Vanta kissed Andrea's forehead in between a snorting chuckle, "you were the epitome of grace, Andrea. Not a single speck of drool or loud snores at all." He gave her a small squeeze, "I'm glad you had a peaceful sleep." Her nuzzling against his chest made him give a contented sigh. He felt alive and energized despite spending the night nestled in the same place.

"Andrea, if you'd like, I made you some toast and brought you some coffee." He quickly explained, "I made a second body that went into the kitchen. It's still here, please don't be scared of it, i just didn't want to leave you and I wanted to make you breakfast." He rubbed her back gently, with the second body's hand joining his, "I would like to help you around the house today if you'll let me."

He then gave a conspiratorial wink, "Of course, if you'd like to spend the whole day in bed with me, I wouldn't complain."
The second body was glanced at, but other than that there was no reaction to it… him? She supposed his second body was still him, in a sense, but she wasn’t sure how much of his consciousness was in it or whether it was more like a remote-controlled puppet.

Her cheeks flushed slightly when he suggested spending the whole day in bed together. In the moment, it had felt right to let her lust manifest in their passionate exchange last night. In the light of day though, she now felt a bit shy about it all. Andrea had sucked on his fingers to give him a little show, after all.

She scooted herself up into a sitting position and used a couple of pillows to prop herself up before reaching over him and taking the plate of toast. He was given a slightly bashful smile before she answered him, “no, I don’t think being bed all day would be very productive today, and thank you very much for the breakfast. I’ll probably wait to drink the coffee until I can put some cream in it, but the toast looks perfect. As for helping me…”

Andrea took a bite of toast and chewed thoughtfully. Had she shut the curtains on the windows?

“Are you sure it’s okay? It gives me anxiety to think of you accidentally stepping into the light and being injured or worse…” her eyes lowered as she took another bite of toast, her eyebrows knit with worry. She still vividly remembered the look of horror on his face as the flashlight hit him. It was seared into her memory.
Vanta made a mental note to bring creamer the next time he made Andrea coffee. He saw the worry on her face and he put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "I understand your concern Andrea but I'll be okay. I'm feeling stronger than I was a few days ago. I think if I use the similar principle to how I made BaaBaa and my clothes, I should be okay and last time I put all of myself into two bodies. This time I'll hide a small part of myself in the basement just to be safe, would that be okay?"

Vanta shrunk the second body a couple of inches and used the shadowy matter to spawn forth a very tiny humanoid figure which looked like him. The new Vanta hopped off of the second one and sat on Andrea's thigh, waving at her, "See Andrea?" He said in a high pitched voice, "I'll be nice and safe taking a nap in the basement while the rest of you put in a hard day's work!"

The first Vanta stroked her back, "I know I've said it before but I want to be able to be your partner in all things, not just physically, and if I can't help you with simple tasks, then I don't feel I would be able to do that." he said, admitting some vulnerability, "Besides, I like seeing you during the day," he said with a playful smile.
She watched in growing amusement as he created himself a tiny mini-me The impulsive part of her had gotten the sudden urge to flick the tiny Vanta across the bed, though she recognized that this wasn't something she actually wanted to do. Though... she could imagine it being perhaps just a little bit funny to see him whizzing through the air with a comical, squeaky-voiced 'waaah!" While she was able to restrain herself from giggling, a little grin had found its way onto her face.

Though she soon was distracted by the way he had so smoothly said that he liked seeing her in the daytime. What a flirt.

Andrea sighed thoughtfully, mulling over his words while taking another bite of toast and getting a little bit of jam on the corner of her lip. "I suppose that would be all right then. As long as you keep a back-up in the basement and you let me know if you're ever in pain, I guess we can try it out for today."

She pointed the toast at him and asked, "why don't you just use one body to help me out though. Maybe you could change into another form. You've been human-shaped for long enough that I imagine you're itching to shift into something else to give yourself a break. Whatever you choose though, make sure it's able to hold a paint roller." To be honest, she was curious as to what he might want to change into.
Vanta smiled, not just at Andrea being willing to let him help her but at the offer of Vanta changing forms. It wasn’t that Vanta was in pain from not changing forms but this was the longest time he had stayed in one form. Before he spoke, he had his miniature self wave at Andrea then hop off the bed and head into the nearest vent and go down to the basement while the second body nodded at Andrea and then melted into a shadow that merged with the first one.

“Thank you for giving me this chance Andrea, I can’t wait to work alongside you.”

At first, nothing seemed to happen. Vanta seemed to just freeze up under his clothes. Then his hands rolled up into his sleeves while his feet rolled up into his pants legs. Something under the clothes began to violently expand and compress under the cloth, like it was a microwaved bag of popcorn. However Vanta’s face remained unchanged and he seemed to be feeling no distress from the motion. Then his head popped under the collar and the shirt swelled until it split off from the pants.

A moment later, innumerable tentacles, each bearing tiny suckers, like those of an octopus, squirmed out from under the shirt. It seemed almost endless, like a river of shadowy snakes was coming out from the bits of clothing. The tentacles wrapped around each other and merged into four larger tentacles that reached up to latch onto the ceiling, with its remaining round body swing from the bottom of the x shaped creature.

The swinging ball shaped mass of tentacles unfolded a group that wrapped itself into a small arm and revealed Vanta’s face, which was still smiling with its green eyes. The “fingers” of the hand brushed Andrea’s face.

“Is this form okay, Andrea?” Vanta asked, “I wanted something practical and figured this would make painting easier since I could reach the ceiling but I can also wrap the tentacles into other shapes.”

He noticed the small bit of toast on the corner of her mouth.

“Oh, looks like you have a bit of food stuck on your mouth. Shall I get that off for you?”

He ran his “hand” over her cheek and snaked his face to be in front of hers. He leaned his lips in and waited to see if she would consent for a kiss.
She had given the little Vanta a good-natured wave of her own before he ran off like an escaped gingerbread man.

It was times like these that she was very much reminded that he wasn't human. Having spent a lot of time with him in his humanoid form, on some level she had started to think of him similarly. However, now that she was looking at what seemed like something from a dnd adventure, it was plain to see that Vanta was another sort of being entirely. That being said, she wasn't off-put by this change. He didn't have an exorbitant amount of eyes, teeth, or mouths, nor had he changed into anything particularly frightening.

Well, not at this point. As a child, she would have screamed loud enough to wake the dead, but as an adult who had gotten to know him, he just seemed like he was in a strange, very foreign shape. He was essentially a ball with tentacles and a face, and that was tame enough for Andrea to accept. Though as his face snaked closer to hers, she was still trying to decide whether she was still attracted to him in that form.

"Your form is fine..." she murmured thoughtfully, still adjusting to the sight of him.

She decided to give it a try, wanting to see if a kiss still felt the same when it was with his altered form. Andrea didn't pull back, instead leaning forward tentatively, a playful smile on her lips as she answered, "yes, save me from the crumbs, Vanta. You're my only hope."
Vanta chuckled. He adored Andrea's playful nature, "Then I suppose I shall sally forth and slay these foul crumbs my beloved Andrea!" he cried, affecting a higher-pitched do-gooder voice. He swung forward and closed the gap, letting his tongue slide out and flick across the bottom of her lip and guide its way to the crumbs before flicking them off her face and then into his mouth and then guided the flexible muscle back to flick against Andrea's own tongue as his lips wrapped against hers in a deep, warm kiss. He practically moaned as he gave his first of the day's kisses. wanting to deepen the kiss, he manipulated the small "arm" made of tentacles and ran it behind her head, stroking her hair, while the pillars of tentacles spawned forth larger tentacles that wrapped under Andrea's shoulders, the small of her back (carefully avoiding her buttocks), and behind her knees, pulling her up off the bed and suspending her a few feet in the air, rocking her back and forth as their kiss lengthened. He was so tempted to wrap her up further and make her stay in a warm little coccoon of tentacles where he could spend the day tending to her every need, but he relented, finally releasing the kiss and pulling away with a desperate pant. He rubbed his forehead against hers and smiled.

"Ah, the crumbs are defeated my love, and it appears I've swept you off your feet," He said with a chuckle, gently rocking her, as though she was in a hammock and not gently supported by three tentacles, "Not a bad start to the day, is it?"
His response made her giggle, though she was soon distracted from her mirth by his tongue. She had expected for him to give her a little lick, perhaps a kiss to the lips, but she hadn't expected the sheer enthusiastic passion with which she suddenly found him pressed against her. His mouth was hot and needy, and she found herself swept away by their oral embrace.

She was startled to find herself lifted into the air, suspended by Vanta’s new “arms.” For a moment she was tempted to squirm and try to escape, but all she did was quickly grab two of his tentacles to have something to hold for a bit of security. Once the initial shock had passed, she found herself feeling rather odd. By all means, she should have been uncomfortable with being held without him asking, perhaps even frightened, and yet as his tongue slid over hers and she heard him make a blissful sound of desire, she found herself starting to feel…aroused.

Suspended there above her bed, she could imagine his tentacles slowly parting her legs and slipping under her nightie, perhaps on an expedition to explore her mountains and valleys. Would her body rock more like a swing than a hammock if he were to slip one of his tentacles inside her? Wait, why were her first thoughts having to do with being intimate with him, of all things? He wasn’t human right now, so wasn’t it unnatural to be attracted to the idea of it? Andrea didn’t think she was some sort of pervert, but she was starting to doubt this a little.

She panted and looked at him with slightly wide eyes. “Yes. I mean no! Not a bad start to the day at all!” Having tripped over her words due to her flustered state of being, Andrea struggled to move the conversation on to make it less noticeable.

“So um, you took the crumbs, right? I think you said once that you didn’t physically eat, so are you going to be okay with those? And come to think of it, what are you eating right now if you don’t eat fear anymore?” That actually brought up a decent point. What if his restraint from scaring her caused him to starve?
Vanta liked seeing Andrea flustered. He wondered if it was a remnant of his former need for fear now being satisfied by embarrassment but perhaps it was just that she looked so cute. He longed to be intimate with her again, to feel her squirm around him as he brought her to another orgasm and to hear her little moans. He thought of how it would feel to have Andrea suck on his new tentacles...or what it would feel like to have his new tentacles be the digits that were inside of her.

He was so lost in those fantasies that it took him a moment to register Andrea's question. It was one he wasn't sure knew the answer to. In fact, just mentioning the crumbs made Vanta keenly aware of the crumbs That were rolling around inside of him. Vanta could technically eat, though he tended to focus on liquids on the rare occasion he did (like when he drank up Andrea's nectar and sweat), though it was less a proper digestion and more a slow incorporation of matter into his being. He had never had tried to actually go through the process of digestion but he tossed the crumbs into a tiny mini-stomach he spawned in the back of his head so he would stop thinking about them.

Vanta took a moment to answer, having a tiny tentacle curl up under his chin as he pondered, "I don't really eat. Theoretically I could, if I grew a digestive system. With liquids I can incorporate them into myself though it's a very slow process. As for the fear..." He paused, he was hesistant to talk about it as the topic upset Andrea, but he ultimately decided it would be best to be upfront and honest. "I don't know. When I was," he paused to seek out the least harmful term, "reforming myself I learned a lot about myself, almost too much. It was like Trying to put the contents of a massive library on a notecard. I was even frozen in place for who knows how long until I heard you and I woke up. So while I learned a lot, like better understanding of my emotions and I'd like to think my empathy, I had to suppress some of my knowledge and abilities. I might still be feeding off of fear, but maybe just your nervousness...or maybe other positive emotions." He then winked at her, "Or maybe I'm being powered by your growing attraction to me." He then sighed, "I don't feel hungry though and I don't feel weaker. So I should be okay."
That thoughtful gesture with his mini-tentacle made her want to giggle, but she restrained herself. The more time she spent around this form, the more she was getting used to it just being Vanta. She found herself becoming more at ease as he spoke about digestion, and moved in slight ways that reminded her of how he did so in his human forms. A slight tilt of the head, a thoughtfulness about his demeanor, the playful look in his eye...

His musings gave her some food for thought as well. It seemed as though Vanta had morphed into an entirely new being, and thus he didn't function like he used to. This Vanta could empathize, withstand low-light, feel pleasure, and taste things on his tongue. Most living beings, even Vanta when he was simply a monster, needed some form of sustenance, so it worried her a little bit that they didn't know what would sustain him. She supposed that was part of discovering the new person he had become though. A mental note was made for asking him more about his time reforming if he was up to talking about it; she wanted to know more about his experience and what he meant by having heard her.

Andrea tried not to look too pleased when he threw out that clever little flirt, but she couldn't help the way her lips curled up as she avoided his eyes. Now that he couldn't sense emotions like he used to, it wasn't as though he could feel the fact that she was becoming more fond of him, could he? She supposed that the stained spot on her nightie that was currently sticking to her stomach was probably evidence enough of this even without him having to sniff it out with his shadow-powers. Speaking of which, she would soon have to shower and change into daytime clothes. She wondered how Vanta would react to seeing her in something other than night-wear.

"Hm, Well maybe someday if you ever decide you want to try digesting something, I can bake you something delicious. I make an awesome strawberry cheesecake that always gets five-star reviews... In the meantime, I suppose we'll just have to take things one step at a time and address the issue of "sustenance" if it ever starts to become a problem." She rubbed his tentacles she was holding with her thumbs as a soothing gesture.

"For now, I should probably get showered and dressed so we can get to work. I can't work well in a dirty little nightie, after all." The thought of it made her let out a little chuckle.
Vanta smiled at the offer, "I would love to try your cheesecake Andrea." Vanta had always been confused why it was called cheesecake; it didn't look like the cheesewheels he had seen in times long past and the white creamy substance that got mixed in didn't fit his idea of what cheese should look like, either, "As for sustenance, while I may not feel hungry, I would like to share a meal with you from time to time, if for no other reason ."

He felt her rub his tentacles and he let his flexible new growths briefly wrap around her hands and fingers and give them a gentle rub right back. It was another moment he wanted to capture forever: suspended in midair with his beloved, the two of them holding each other...but as Andrea said, she had to be let down to shower and dress. Vanta was tempted to ask if he could join her but he didn't want to ruin the perfect moment he was experiencing. Instead he kissed her on forehead, and held her close as he slowly descended with her towards her bed. As his tentacles touched the sheets, he withdrew them and rubbed his forehead against hers.

"Then I best let you go Andrea." He reluctantly finally broke away from her, "It'll be a new experience seeing you without your nightie," He laughed, "Though I'm looking forward to getting to know daytime Andrea too."

He Slunk off the bed, grabbing her plate but leaving her coffee so she could add the cream after her shower. He was reluctant to go. It seemed the more time he spent with Andrea, all it did was make him want even more time with her. With herculian effort though, he waved a tentacled farewell and headed towards the kitchen, pleased to see a muted light was getting through: after all, he wanted to spend the day with Andrea, not just be with her in the darkness. He washed her plate and tried to find the creamer. He couldn't wait to see Andrea and what she would look like once she got out of the shower and had changed.
She found the idea of dining with him to be an intriguing one, and she thought to herself that it might be nice to share a candlelit- wait, perhaps a star-lit dinner with him some time. He hadn't actually eaten a sit-down meal before, so she imagined the experience would be fun if nothing else. Maybe she would have to demonstrate how to chew and swallow the food. Soup might be a good first dinner since he had an easier time with liquids... She would have to earmark that idea for later.

The way he lowered her down was so gentle that she barely realized she was already on the bed before he withdrew his tentacles and touched foreheads with her. She could feel the way his touch lingered as though ending the contact between their skin would be positively agonizing. Andrea had to admit that she was becoming very comfortable with his physical affection, at least the forehead kisses, cheek kisses, and forehead rubs. The lip kisses… she wasn’t sure if there would ever be a time where they didn’t make her pulse race.

“I’ll be back soon,” she smiled at his waving tentacle. It was rather cute, how it seemed like he was almost pouting at the idea of having to wait until she was done.

As she showered, she pondered their relationship. Was she just going to let him kiss her like that whenever he liked? On one hand she wanted to say no to see whether he would respect her decision, but on the other she kind of liked kissing him… Was that wrong? Was it crazy of her to let things proceed so quickly? The unfortunate thing about life was that the only one who could answer these queries was the very person asking them.

What should she wear for their little home-project day? It wasn't like a date, so she didn't want to wear anything fancy. They were likely going to do tasks that might get their clothes stained so she needed something that she didn't particularly mind getting stained or ruined. Still... she did want to look nice.

When Andrea emerged from the bathroom, she was wearing a pair of jeggings that had several splotches of different colored pains on it. The faux-denim hugged her ass, thighs, and calves, though they were an inch or two too short to reach her ankles. It was paired with a plain white tank-top she didn't mind ruining and a pair of scuffed blue converse. She had made sure to blow-dry her wavy brown hair, putting it up in a simple ponytail.

There had been an inner debate on whether she should put on any make-up. Putting on a full-face wasn't something she normally did and she didn't want him thinking she was trying too hard. But she at least wanted to accentuate her features a bit. In the end she had gone with mascara, thin eyeliner, and a pink-tinted chapstick.

The cup of coffee was retrieved before she headed to the kitchen. She found that the dishes had been done, and that Vanta was pouring a cup of coffee, though she wasn’t sure whether it was a replacement for herself or one for him. Did shadows also like coffee?

“Do you like coffee, Vanta?” She asked curiously.
Vanta had tried the coffee more out of curiosity than anything else. He had made a full pot after all. He hid a stomach network in his tentacles and began to drink the almost too hot beverage, letting it roll around his tongue. Vanta wasn't sure how much he liked the bitterness but he couldn't deny that the aroma was quite pleasant. He also couldn't help but notice a slight increase to his pulse and energy as the warm substance was absorbed into his being. He considered asking Andrea about the cream she had mentioned to see if it would affect the flavor and make it taste better.

It turned out Vanta wouldn't have long to wait for that opportunity as Andrea came into the kitchen. He barely heard her question as his eyes went wide at her appearance. While Vanta had seen Andrea regularly in a nightie and had even seen her naked, this new look was captivating. The tight jeggings clung tightly in a way that only seemed to accentuate Andrea's already shapely shapely ass and comely legs. Her tanktop allowed his eyes to trace over her full bosom but his gaze was most fascinated by her makeup. It was as though he was seeing a different side of Andrea and instantly was grateful that he had held firm to risking the daylight to spend more time with her.

"You're absolutely stunning Andrea," Vanta said, finally allowing himself to blink. It took him several seconds to realize that he had not, in fact, answered her question and had instead stood there, every tentacle practically petrified as he had just drunken in her beauty. He tried to recover, his tentacles spasiming every which way as he blurted out, "Oh, the Coffee, yes. It's bitter and a bit too hot but I like how it smells and how it makes me feel. I think you said it tastes better with cream?" He was blabbering, even her simple ponytail was a new exciting sight.

He put the cup down next to the sink, "What should we do first?" he asked, flustered.
He was definitely staring at her. It had been obvious from the way he had frozen, motionless, as though he was seeing her in a movie scene- walking in slow motion while romantic music played in the background. Such a simple outfit had him completely floored, and she wondered if it was because it was so new to him. If that had him in awe, she would be looking forward to the day when she actually dressed up for him.

Interestingly, now that it was daytime and she had better visibility, she thought she could actually tell that Vanta was blushing. It wasn't that his cheeks were bright; rather, it was that they were less of the color of a black hole and more the color of regular black. This provided enough contrast for her to assume that it was a rush of... well, something to his cheeks. The sight of him so flustered because of her made her feel a tad shy, but also quite flattered and pleased. She also thought to herself that the way his tentacles flailed like that was very cute, and this thought curled her lips up in a coy smile.

“First, let’s put some cream in your coffee, then we can put some cream in my coffee, and once that very important business is taken care of, we can go up to the attic. It needs to be washed and repainted.”

Andrea put her cup in the microwave and heated it up while taking the cream out of the fridge. A generous amount was put in his coffee before she took a spoon out and stirred it for him.

"That will cool it down a little, and it will make it taste creamy. If you want it to be sweet, I can add sugar or syrup, but there's something really nice about a creamy cup of coffee.” She picked up his cup and took a small sip, sighing happily before holding it up to him, “here, now try it.”
Vanta tried to calm his tentacles, letting them tie in knots as Amdrea approached him. His heightened pulse didn't make it easy though. it was as though he was even more aware of how attractive he found Andrea. He watched her add the cream, sip from his cup and then presented it to him. Smiling, he turned the cup around so his lips would rest on the same spot where Andrea's had. More prepared to handle the heat, Vanta drank deep from the coffee. The sweetness and creaminess surprised him and he soon found himself having drunk the entire mugful and began swirling the entire contents around in his mouth, which bulged around the liquid. Vanta had a limited experience of taste yet this was quite satisfying. The shadowy creature even closed its eyes as it finally swallowed, taking in the full flavor as it worked its way to his stomachs. The warmth filled his body and when finally opened his eyes, his mouth was in a slight "o" shape.

"Oh, that was much nicer," Vanta said, smiling as he put his mug down, "I see why you prefer cream: it makes things much more satisfying and sweet...kind of like you," He said with a quick wink.

He rubbed his knotted tentacles over her arm, "I will say, this coffee is making me feel full of energy. I can't wait to get to get some good, hard work in."
It didn't escape her notice that he had rotated the cup for an indirect kiss, and she found it cute that he had noticed and taken advantage of such a thing. In fact, "cute" was also an accurate term to describe the way he slurped up the entire cup and swished it around in his black cheeks like a lovecraftian chipmunk.

"That'll be the caffeine kicking in," she grinned, patting his "hand" before going back to the microwave to grab her own coffee and douse it in cream. Satisfying and sweet, huh? It couldn't be said that she wasn't pleased by that little compliment, though she didn't address it directly.

"Alright, follow me." Now with coffee in-hand, she led him up the hardwood stairs to the attic. It was a large space that could be used for entertaining or a guest suite, and she had already gone through the painstaking process of laying down sheets of plastic to prevent damaging the floor. There were several large windows, but they all had curtains drawn at the moment.

"So, first thing we do is clean the walls. Then once they're dry, we'll put some painter's tape over the trim and outlets and actually paint the room." Andrea walked over to a few empty buckets near some paint cans and other painting supplies, gesturing at them as she continued. "we'll fill these up with Luke-warm water and a mild soap, then we'll use the rags right there to gently wash the walls in circular motions. You can rinse with the cellulose sponges that are going to be just a little damp." With that, she picked up the two large buckets and held one out for Vanta so they could each fill one up with water. It was going to be heavy, but she could handle it.
Vanta carefully watched to see if his comments had any effect on Andrea. The Coffee was making him feel surprisingly giddy. He followed Andrea up the stairs, his eyes trying to not focus too hard on her butt and thighs which were held snuggly within her jeggings but his caffeinated blood made that very difficult. Fortunately, by the time Andrea began her instructions, Vanta was able to change his focus towards trying to be helpful.

Vanta listened to Andrea's instructions carefully and looked at the bucket. Vanta tried to hold the bucket up with a thin tentacle wrapped around the handle, but soon changed his mind and reworked his tentacles, wrapping them around himself to make a more towering figure with limbs of coiled tentacles that resembled muscles. Then deciding to put on "work attire" he made a shadowy set of overalls that went around him. He took the bucket from her with a big smile.

"Happy to help!" he said, before an idea crossed his mind, "Here, let's get those buckets filled." He extended two tentacles, one over each bucket, while two more snaked their way through attic towards the sink, where one turned on the sink and then latched itself to the spigot, while the other pumped soap into Vanta's form. The two tentacles that extended over the buckets then began to gush forth with lukewarm, soapy water. He smiled as the buckets filled and then dipped his sponge into the mixture. He then turned the faucet off and retracted the tentacles.

"So, which wall should I start with?"
She was honestly floored by his ingenuity. To extend his body and make himself a living hose in order to prevent them from having to walk down the stairs, then back up with the heavy buckets... It was truly genius.

"Thanks for filling up the buckets; you can start with that wall," she replied appreciatively, pointing to one of the longer walls in the room. She herself was going to start on one of the shorter ones, figuring that he would likely get done before her. It was entirely possible that he might complete two walls before she was even done with her first, being that he had a flexible, tentacled body at his disposal.

"Those overalls make you look very strapping, by the way." she commented, wetting her washcloth in the bucket that had soapy water. Well, the overalls and the muscles he had created for himself, of course. With that, she began to wash her wall, using a footstool to get the upper parts of the wall as well. Occasionally, her washcloth would drip on the glossy surface of the step-stool, making it a bit slick.