A Pirates Life for Me

Wait the head of security is setting loose prisoners? Oh boy that will be fun.

By the way I liked the captians emergency probe idea. Not that it can luanch with a fried cpu.
he doesnt have too, there are a few blood filled kreeyar approaching our sarconian friend just waiting to be exsanguinated.
cats said:
Wait the head of security is setting loose prisoners? Oh boy that will be fun.

By the way I liked the captians emergency probe idea. Not that it can luanch with a fried cpu.

It launched long before the captain destoryed the ship's computer system. Plus, the probe wasn't affected by the order, especially since it had already left. It'll do what it was programmed to do.
rengadeirishman said:
he doesnt have too, there are a few blood filled kreeyar approaching our sarconian friend just waiting to be exsanguinated.

Waiting to be what? And might I ask you to clarify what you said, Renegade?
i wrote ina few kreeyar coming the same way as angelus charrie. and exsanguinated means to have the blood removed from, its one of my favorite words.
rengadeirishman said:
i wrote ina few kreeyar coming the same way as angelus charrie. and exsanguinated means to have the blood removed from, its one of my favorite words.

I noticed. But I wasn't talking about setting Kreeyar loose for Angelus' character. I meant for Max, so he can have a little sport with his meal. :D

And I particularly like the word defenistrated. Can you guess what it means?
anyway lads and lassies, it is 5:09 here in b-more so sleep calls. I finally get to see transformers today so im quite excited.
Safistic, thats my word it is like bravado except to safisticated inplace of courage.

(I felt left out so I posted. :p )
rengadeirishman said:
anyway lads and lassies, it is 5:09 here in b-more so sleep calls. I finally get to see transformers today so im quite excited.

Oh that's a good movie. They should have made it in IMAX 3D, that would be awesome! Plus it would give some of those with weak hearts a heart attack. :D

Good night to ya, Renegade.
Well, it certainly seems that nothing is going to happen tonight, but I'll be watching it nonetheless.

This post is basically to inform those whom it may concern that after tonight (which ends in about 2 hours for me), I will be offline until Sunday evening. So, if no one pops online between now and when I log off for bed, I'll see ya in a few days.
Ah that brings back memories for me. Safe trip.

Soory but tonight will be slow for me, if I am on at all.
Back. My trip was to Vegas. I saw The Phantom over at the Venetian and Lance Burton over at the Monte Carlo. Both were pretty good shows.
rengadeirishman said:
never been to vegas, is it really as big a deal as people say?

I don't know. How big do people say it is? What I can tell you is that you would be mad to drive down the Strip. Traffic is horrendous, and the drivers nuts. I saw some moves made by drivers there in Vegas that drivers here in Phoenix wouldn't dare make, and drivers in Phoenix are (I think) rated the rudest drivers in the nation.

Anyways, something positive: everywhere you look, there's either a casino, a resteraunt, a store, or all three in one. As for the casino/hotels on the strip, they are huge and flashy. You can easily spend all day wandering around one of them, and not see everything. In fact, I believe Cesar's Palace is the biggest one on the strip. Massive place.
rengadeirishman said:
phoenix drivers cant possibly be ruder then baltimore drivers.

We've got wider streets out here, than cities back east. Means more room for rude drivers to be even ruder. Plus, we've got snow-birds that show up every year, and that really brings out the worst in other drivers. Think about it: how do you think an already rude driver will behave if he's stuck behind gramma who's in the fast lane, doing twenty-five in a forty-five zone?
Hm... wow what an interesting convo I just had with my ex and kinda still boyfriend... he is so frustrating and I can't help but love him...
Sorry I was reading something... well, he and I 'broke up' about two years ago... He and I are now deciding to try again because we both want to get back to where we were when we were happy.

A lot of things have happened that make me sad...

He's hooked up with two women, can't say I blame him, we weren't dating... And I told him about my own 'hook up' as it were. He's not angry, and I'm not angry. I just am worried about how drunk he was when he did this because there are way too many uniform chasers out there...

And I told him this and he says there are things he wants to tell me but he can't yet...

It's just interesting is all.
rengadeirishman said:
im sorry love.

Nothing to be sorry about... I'm just making sure that he used a condom and that no other woman is moving in on my man... I told him about the guy I was kinda with and he is teasing me a little but he says he is fine but he wants to be where we were... and I want it to and I think that we can do it... I can't wait til he gets back.
I'm sorry I'm crashing your thread Ren, but I wanted to say hi to UN. It doesn't seem as if she's looking at the IV ooc.

*sheepish grin* sorry!

*huggles UN*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!