A Pirates Life for Me

Your a Panzy (Funny spelling and everything.)

It is four here. (I am so tired.)
We're currently in the same time zone, cats. Besides, I usually go to bed at 3.
Name: Rynver Shynylye Zheyn

Age: 28

Gender: female

Race: Rythul

Job: A PGC Representative, has never seen war but argues in her father's place at many of the meetings of the PGC. She is also a talented prosecuter.

Specialties: Politics, languages, archery, fencing, singing, dancing, pretty much anyting that could be called refined. She is very gifted and knowledgeable in law as well.

Equipment: No armor... no weapons... Her body guards have all of those things. She is supposed to wear her home planet's ceremonial clothes and is expected to be lady-like. She does carry a little device that keeps her entire log of notes and anything else she needs at only a few taps of her pen away. She is rarely seen without her little pet, it is very small and is dragon like with red fur. His name is Rath.

Physical description: Her skin color is lavender, her people vary from person to person, some are dark purple and blue, and other's are very light purples and blues, much like herself. Her hair is a brillant emerald color and in it are several silver blossoms just waiting to bloom as it were. She stands at about 6', very tall for her people, and weighs about 160lbs. She is very beautiful, has the grace and beauty of a powerful young woman.

History: Rynver was born to the Great Garithard Zheyn. She was expected to be very successful from a very early age. And luckily she was. She was put through many tutors and went to a great many schools throughout the short time she has been in the universe. She was known for preparing fully for any argument she would get into and knew how to talk to people to get her way. She was a debater and great mediator and it wasn't long before her father was sending her to a very prestigious school to become a prosecuter. If there was one thing that Rynver was not it was someone who didn't know what they were doing. If she wasn't sure about something she looked it up. If there was even the tiniest bit of doubt she would investigate... it was what she did. She put many men away for crimes but one of the more memorable cases was the one with a pirate, which had him put away for a long time. He escaped not too long ago and people are curious to see if he is going to exact revenge. this was very early in her career, before she switched to a lawyer and began defending the innocent. One of her first cases called for her taking a bank over and setting free the slaves.

As she was the oldest of all of her father's seven daughters it was she that would step up and take over all that he ruled. Her father was no king that was for sure but he was one of the powers in the PGC. She had investigated heavily into this to make sure that she would not be jumping into something that she could not handle and when her father retired she took his place without any complaints from her planet.

For the past year she has been arguing against furhter wars on innocent planets and she is making several people very angry, other PGC officers are starting to side with her on some of her arguements and that's why there is a plan in action to take her out of the picture... perhaps that is how she ended up on WS9 and not Osiris for the next council meeting...
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A very interesting character, Ultimate. Now, refresh my memory: are the Kreeyar and the PGC two separate entities that are at war or are they one in the same?
They are fighting one another as far as I know... Both have their own agendas and both are fighting against the pirates and free planets... *sighs* It's all kind of fun to work out...
Ahh, so the PGC are fair game for pirates, as well as are the Kreeyar. I'm guessing that you want the lawyer to get captured or something like that? I'm sure Max would be glad to carry the info back to the Captain, because once the ship reaches WS9, he's heading out to gather some information that could prove useful.
lol that was the plan. She's considered to be quite influential to the PGC and with them trying to get rid of her she's pretty much just on WS9 trying to find out why the hell they were forced to stop and so far away from the planet that the council meeting is on.

If she were to be kidnapped it could cause problems as it were... lol
aye Kreeyar and PGC are the two big "empires" as it were, theres still some free planets, and wildspace forms kind of a neutral zone. So we can fight PGC and Kreeyar. Ren hates them both, the kreeyar dehabitated Ogdru, and the PGC captured him and killed his crew, as well as maimed him in his escape.
lol so of course Rynver is in some trouble when they find her... she's not exactly unknown... probably one of the better known actually...
rengadeirishman said:
aye Kreeyar and PGC are the two big "empires" as it were, theres still some free planets, and wildspace forms kind of a neutral zone. So we can fight PGC and Kreeyar. Ren hates them both, the kreeyar dehabitated Ogdru, and the PGC captured him and killed his crew, as well as maimed him in his escape.

Well, when the crew reaches WS9, Max will request permission to go explore for a little, knowing that with the repairs that need to be done, the ship will be in dock for at least a day. He will then return with some rather valuable information that Captain Ren may find quite profitable.
ultimate_nerdslut said:
*smiles* your information is kicking and screaming...

Oh no, Max wouldn't kidnap someone and have them kickin' 'n' screamin'. Oh no, they'd be out cold. :D

Don't worry, Ultimate. You won't be seeing Max anywhere near ya. In fact, he won't even make a move to kidnap you. He'll let the captain do that. :D

Plus, he'll have other information other than the presence of a high PGC official. Potentially more profitable info. ;)
ultimate_nerdslut said:
you have to remember... it's like 2 or 3 there

Yeah, I think it's just after 2:30 am there. He's usually still on much later. But, oh well, his choice. I ain't going to argue.
*Gives nerd a traditional 7 coarse Irish meal consisting of a potato and a six pack of beer.*