A Reminder of Forum Rules

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Hello all. Thank you for taking a moment to read this post. :) This is a quick reminder of Literotica's Forum Rules.
*As most of you should know by now, characters engaging in anything sexual (including "thinking/dreaming/daydreaming", witnessing, etc.) need to be eighteen or older. Similar, an adult reminiscing about anything sexual that happened before they reached the age of majority is a no-no on Lit.
For further clarification: Typically Literotica has allowed stories featuring "high school seniors" as it's been a consensus that they're 18. (And/or the site is willing to turn a blind eye.) That means if you try to add a freshman, sophomore, or junior (in HS) it's likely the story would be rejected due to "common knowledge" of their ages.​
This is considered a hard limit of Lit. Frankly, I suppose, you could try to write just about anything you want and await approval or denial upon submission. However, because of the rules, discussion of said things will not be allowed in Story Ideas.​

*If you feel you want/need an image in your Story Idea thread, the Pic Posting Guidelines will apply. This includes: No copywritten images or ones with web site logos or URLs on display. No images of "real people" who are not yourself. Also, no "hard core" images are allowed. Lit defines "hard core" as:
Actual or simulated:
(A) sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex;
(B) bestiality;
(C) masturbation;
(D) sadistic or masochistic abuse; or
(E) lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person.​

*No Emails (be it yours or someone else's) or phone numbers are allowed. If you wish to give your "real name", do so at your own discretion/risk, but do not give someone else's. Do not spam Lit with other story sites. They do not have to be pay sites to be considered spam. Even your own blog could be spam depending on how you advertise it. Also, if you are not a Literotica author you are not allowed to advertise your for sale writings from another site.​

*Very important to Story Ideas is rule 10:
10. Please do not post story submissions to the forums.
You may post short snippets (less than 3 paragraphs or so) for discussion.​

Story Ideas has also adopted the "soft rules" Literotica established for the Fetish & Sexuality Forum.
Post Here
Literotica on 03-05-2011 said:
Please keep this a SAFE place for conversation. Try not to ridicule someone just because you think their fetish (idea) is weird. Yours might seem equally weird to someone else! If you can't post without being sarcastic and rude, then please save your comments for the General Board!

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to PM me. If you feel someone else is violating any of these rules, please hit the "report post" button or PM me. :)
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