A Song for Everything

Electric Light Orchestra - Little Town Flirt​

Another of my favourite ELO songs
My Mother Told Me
Song by Datamotion, L.B. One, and Perły i Łotry

Told Me
Dream of You
Song by Camila Cabello

He's a bad dancer
He's a right answer
He's a shy singer
Most of the time, that's just him and I

Bad Dancer
Bad dancer
Well it’s Michael Jackson dancing to bad. So that makes it a Bad dancer

The Shore
Song by Matt McClure

Out of balance and you fell into the ocean again
My heart was sinking when I saw you didn't know how to swim

The Shore
Song by Matt McClure

Out of balance and you fell into the ocean again
My heart was sinking when I saw you didn't know how to swim

"Have you ever crossed your borders?
Where the ocean meets the sky
Now and then and in the evening
Is where a man might go to die"

Kingfishr, "Heart in the Water"

Song by Ja Rule

Haha, yeah
What up ma? How you been?
Yeah I know, I know, hehe
It's all good (Murder Inc)

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