afternoon delight

My Erotic Tale said:
First off Lady C edited the first two pages of Annora's
tale "Afternoon Delight" although her ruff bed side
manner is endearing the edit alone is valuble! tHANK yOU
LadyC~ for the PM's and enlightenment and your
open mindedness!

I never said that editors should not be used, I stated some
I have used, till I came of my own ...hehehe grammar tool!
<grinin'> The reason I came was to find out why so
many who clearly see faults in an author continue to
repeatedly find time to comment 'get an editor' I saught
any of three people, the three who left the less than
favorable comments to see what exactly warranted
the grammar police to site annora so many times,

Okay, maybe I was not getting this the first time.

Here's the thing. The comments could be personal, or it could be someone who is not the kind of views that you are getting. They may even 1 bomb you. Has happened to me lots. There are plenty of assholes on the site, but that are people who know what they want to enjoy. You probably won't see comments from them, because they will enjoy your story and move on to the next. Look at the difference in views vs. votes. Big difference, huh?

When you read a book, do you sit down and write the author or editor a note? Probably not. You enjoy it or not and move on. You get a chance to become a target here. Sometimes it can be helpful, other times not. Just roll with the punches and keep writing.

It would be a shame to stop.
My Erotic Tale said:
well perhaps I wasn't clear enough about why I
posted this zen master tale:

You and several others 'critic' Annora's story, the words used were 'I couldn't finish the story because of all the grammer/puntuation problems it has!" Your mind told you? That the story was bad because? and yet you and others ... not just ladyC <sorry, didn't mean to point a finger> said ... it was a good story dispite the grammer problems, right? your mind told you this too?

I read Annoras work, I know that as in every list here at lit some stories are better than others, I don't have a problem with grammar issues so the story or some tales are quite good. Some need more than an edit if you know what I mean, but I too have some I will probably remove from my list this year to keep a higher standard of stories. self standard thank you <grin> policing myself <smile>

anyway ...the topic at hand won't understand the tale if you believe that only good grammar stories are worth reading. You like poetry? there are very little perfect written puntuation with poetry, a forgiveness for creativeness, this is a very valuble tool, to feel the story the way the author felt it when writing, with passion, then the re write would change this correct, perhaps a note: this story was written with passion and not for grammar? see what I mean?

but the mind said, grammar above all things, hey that's an editors world and or literary correctness, I understand but each write is like a letter from a ...someone and reading intorduces them to you and their style is what it is, I'm only sure of the type mind that injects it's way upon another rather than guide them...see it now? I see that you feel you were trying to guide A~ and were but A got a letter among the many, unfavorable!

I wanted to find out why and how come a finger got pointed to her tale and the gathering of 'oh lets down this story for it's grammar, I may know why, I found some answers, I came, I seek, I find, I converse, I bow humble with the quest for a sign of why? I mean no disrespect till it is shown a dishonorable person, this I haven't seen, monkey chatter is not a dishonorable pass time <grin>

I come only with the sword of truth
and the shield of honesty in search
for an answer to a question that crossed my...
E-mail <laughing>

Thank you (~_~)


Looks like I've caught the TALE on this one!
So let me make this clear ... Mr. Zen master
Leave these people alone! We have had this
conversation before and Literature is not on
shelf's by being in poor form. Perhaps your
recommendation for Anona to post a simple
explanation of how your so called Passion
writes are presented, then the READERS
know what to expect or may choose not
to read it. There's nothing more frustrating
than waiting to finally get to read a story
and it be undesirable, the wait was more
exciting than the story, or disappointed
because the authors style was a passion
write I didn't understand. Or tell Anon
I will edit her stuff, either way let me know!

You know where I stand, just checking up
on you two! Night! ooops kiss: bows!:
Ninja Nookie said:

Looks like I've caught the TALE on this one!
So let me make this clear ... Mr. Zen master
Leave these people alone! We have had this
conversation before and Literature is not on
shelf's by being in poor form. Perhaps your
recommendation for Anona to post a simple
explanation of how your so called Passion
writes are presented, then the READERS
know what to expect or may choose not
to read it. There's nothing more frustrating
than waiting to finally get to read a story
and it be undesirable, the wait was more
exciting than the story, or disappointed
because the authors style was a passion
write I didn't understand. Or tell Anon
I will edit her stuff, either way let me know!

You know where I stand, just checking up
on you two! Night! ooops kiss: bows!:

Don't know you Ninja but if you can manage to get Annora to accept to have you editing your story, I can assure you that plenty of people will be happy about it.

That's the bulk of what countless people have asked of her. Nobody has said that she's lacking the imagination for writing "good" and "entertaining" stories...all everyone is saying is that she's lacking the punctuation skills to make her stories enjoyable. Most people give up after 5 minutes of scratching their heads trying to understand what any given writers has written. Well, in Annora's case, WE give up after 30 seconds because that's all it takes to be lost in the labyrinth she insists on calling "writing".
Art O' Art where for Art thou Art?
I need the who's who so I can play!

Originally posted by My Erotic Tale
First off Lady C edited the first two pages of Annora's
tale "Afternoon Delight" although her ruff bed side
manner is endearing the edit alone is valuble! tHANK yOU
LadyC~ for the PM's and enlightenment and your
open mindedness!

Art if this is ruff like a dog? Or did you mean Rough!
I love messing with you, Grammar Police woman here!
I got handcuffs too! Editing your work is a habit, Dear!

I will assume this is LadyCibelle (Lady C) If your 'open mindedness' has aided the Tale then I am pleased to meet you! I haven't actually read enough of this to make a valid comment but from the last couple posts, when in Rome! When at Lit! Do as the lit-ites do! If you choose to go against the grain well then it's going to be ROUGH! I like rough, I like the scratch of an emotion. The excitement in living, feeling anothers power or weakness in their words. Moving a mind with literature. Okay I like being a Bitch I just don't know who to bitch to? So this look like as good a place as any!
LadyCibelle said:
Don't know you Ninja but if you can manage to get Annora to accept to have you editing your story, I can assure you that plenty of people will be happy about it.

That's the bulk of what countless people have asked of her. Nobody has said that she's lacking the imagination for writing "good" and "entertaining" stories...I have read Annora's poems but not her storiesall everyone Who is every one? always ask that!is saying is that she's lacking the punctuation skills is this her only problem? That's not as bad as ...well!to make her stories enjoyable. Most people give up after 5 minutes of scratching their heads trying to understand what any given writers has written. this staement seems unclear, but I might ask that a group claims this? Well, in Annora's case, WE give up after 30 seconds because that's all it takes to be lost in the labyrinth interesting term, not harsh yet riddledshe insists on calling "writing". well that says how you feel about Annora?

I can not argue with you Dear! If you don't like the Author then don't read them. Although I like to see how people progress in their writing! I like Annora's Poems, well a couple. I haven't had a problem with her, I don't know her. I guess I need to read her to make an opinion huh? Figures! Here we go again!

oh Lady C?
I was curious, not being the GRAMMAR POLICE
or anything but I noticed this in your signature
and loved it, till ...

"Wind Dragons create tornadoes or Twisters at their fansy, but are very easily knocked over...">
Your a wind Dragon! Hey, you, the smartest dragon
of the branch. You love reading and writing,
but are quite shy. Your IQ is probably sky-high
and your stories can win trophies. Your not
very good in sports, or maybe you are, and just
not inrested.. You are very wise, smart, and

is this interested or truely in rested?
Okay slap me!
Let me through...I'm an Editor!!! :)

Ninja Nookie said:

Art if this is ruff like a dog? Or did you mean Rough!
I love messing with you, Grammar Police woman here!
I got handcuffs too! Editing your work is a habit, Dear!

I will assume this is LadyCibelle (Lady C) If your 'open mindedness' has aided the Tale then I am pleased to meet you! I haven't actually read enough of this to make a valid comment but from the last couple posts, when in Rome! When at Lit! Do as the lit-ites do! If you choose to go against the grain well then it's going to be ROUGH! I like rough, I like the scratch of an emotion. The excitement in living, feeling anothers power or weakness in their words. Moving a mind with literature. Okay I like being a Bitch I just don't know who to bitch to? So this look like as good a place as any!

I think Art meant "ruff" as in a bitch barking..loll Which would be befitting to me as "BITCH" is my midlle name:D

Yep LadyCibelle or LadyC as people who get to know me call me. I'm the one who started this ongoing "war"? with Annora...well not really started it as plenty of people had complained to her before I even arrived on the scene but I'm the one who had the guts to do more than complain....I took one of her stories and edited it, sent it to her and what I got as a "thank you" was a pile of shit!!!

I'm not complaining here, getting shit is better than getting's still acknowledgement:p

If you like being a bitch and don't know who to bitch to....well please be my guest...come and play with me:D
Ninja Nookie said:
I can not argue with you Dear! If you don't like the Author then don't read them. Although I like to see how people progress in their writing! I like Annora's Poems, well a couple. I haven't had a problem with her, I don't know her. I guess I need to read her to make an opinion huh? Figures! Here we go again!

oh Lady C?
I was curious, not being the GRAMMAR POLICE
or anything but I noticed this in your signature
and loved it, till ...

"Wind Dragons create tornadoes or Twisters at their fansy, but are very easily knocked over...">
Your a wind Dragon! Hey, you, the smartest dragon
of the branch. You love reading and writing,
but are quite shy. Your IQ is probably sky-high
and your stories can win trophies. Your not
very good in sports, or maybe you are, and just
not inrested.. You are very wise, smart, and

is this interested or truely in rested?
Okay slap me!

Not responsible for the spelling mistakes in my "dragon" sigline. It was written like that on the website where I took it...didn't touch anything apart from copy/pasting it.

What everybody doesn't seem to understand is that I have absolutely nothing againt Annora!!! I didn't even get involved until 2 days ago when I took upon myself to read one of her stories to see what everyone was complaining about....Fuck how many times will I have to repeat THAT??????

My problem is not with Annora per's with her inadequacy to recognize that she has a GIGANTIC problem with punctuation! Her stories could be good, I'm pretty sure of that, if only they were readable!! Unfortunately they aren't...lack of punctuation or badly punctuated makes it very difficult for anyone who has more than a 3rd grade schooling under his/her belt.
Ninja Nookie said:
Art O' Art where for Art thou Art?
I need the who's who so I can play!

Originally posted by My Erotic Tale
First off Lady C edited the first two pages of Annora's
tale "Afternoon Delight" although her ruff bed side
manner is endearing the edit alone is valuble! tHANK yOU
LadyC~ for the PM's and enlightenment and your
open mindedness!

Art if this is ruff like a dog? Or did you mean Rough!
I love messing with you, Grammar Police woman here!
I got handcuffs too! Editing your work is a habit, Dear!

I will assume this is LadyCibelle (Lady C) If your 'open mindedness' has aided the Tale then I am pleased to meet you! I haven't actually read enough of this to make a valid comment but from the last couple posts, when in Rome! When at Lit! Do as the lit-ites do! If you choose to go against the grain well then it's going to be ROUGH! I like rough, I like the scratch of an emotion. The excitement in living, feeling anothers power or weakness in their words. Moving a mind with literature. Okay I like being a Bitch I just don't know who to bitch to? So this look like as good a place as any!

Hey Nin~

wow I am honored, bet that alby-a hound dog
pulled you from your novel, didn't he? hehehey!

yep same shit different folks, not the rainbow
poet society this time (jim, jthserra and sack and
who ever that other GAY guy was. This time
it was the writers not poets.

Lady C~ was gracious enough to edit Annoras story
two pages of ? and for that she does deserve a thank
you, so I thank you Lady, bows,

Nin, I came here after reading comments on annoras
story afternoon delight (bet your heading there now?)
the begining of this post holds those comments <grin>

Lady C~ honorably admits to her ROUGH bed side
manner <thanks for the lesson teach> and that
she wishes annora to get an editor, which after this little situation A~ is offish to an idea for editors but is continues to write. I am glad to hear this, so no it's not the he man woman haters again. <grin> just I found it as singled out but not sure why and by who, probably sad sack or jim. pointing a finger and starting the snowball effect and innocent honest writers got caught in the cheer section to rally and gather the ...
GRAMMAR POLICE ....hehehe I know you hate that word!

so read the whos who in the first two posts in this thread and go for it! this should be fun! but Lady C~ was helpful and insightfull about the events leading to the bombardment of nasty remarks left on A's story, then A~ posted some nonfavorable comments on (not lady and not whiskey but the other one) so eye for an eye I guess, things really should simmer down and all get back to writing and PRAISING inspiring and encouraging others. but you know MY sermon on that note:

Thanks Nin, honored ... bows (~_~)

two monks are walking along a muddy road in the
pouring down rain and they come to a young girl
who wishes to cross the muddy road but unable
from the sticky mud and puddles of rain.

One Monk offers her his back and piggy backed
her to the other side and let her off.

The two monks traveled a great distance till they
decided to stop for awhile and rest, immediately
the one man scorned the other monk for touching
a female, "this is not allowed, what will the masters
think, what if she tells, you don't know her why did
you risk so much and your vows ..."

"I set her down back there, why are you still
carrying her?" the other monk said
If a story is written and no one understands it does it matter

We went back and forth when i was in college debating about if you needed to comunicate with your audiance to make something "art".

In my oppinon it is a lot easier to make the case that literature needs to be able to be read. That is why we agree on things like spelling and grammer so that we, as a community, can communicate.

My choreography teacher always said that it is important to know the rules so that when you break them you do it knowingly and for a REASON.

You can break grammer rules with my blessings if you are doing it to create a feeling, or help the story flow. If you are just doing it because you are lazy or because you are afraid the editor will somehow change the meaning of your darling story then it is pretty much inexcusable.

Basically if you are not communicating with your audiance why bother having one. If your story loses its ablity to be understood it becomes just squiggles on the screen.

Sorry for any and all spelling and grammer errors i dont have an editor for my posts. I think the meaning is clear though.

Re: all PC's from Afternoon Delight

Art ...

here you go hun!
the story so far .... for I see it differently
and I believe it is because others do not
know the others who have all been tied
to the same problem. Some one lashing
out in comments and then the Authors
become defensive.

first ...

Annora had a similar attack of verbal lashings
and one votes from the ...rainbow poets society
(the gay men, jthserra sack and ishtat) Art, went to discuss
their antics and it blew up but didn't pop, like a
pimple that never heals. Just a lot of soreness,

these manly men attacked arts stories and poems
one votes and so forth. I added my two cents.

(some where in here Annora claims to not want
to write anymore and Art talks her back into it.)

then ...Her story posts "Afternoon Delight"

I see by the public comment section that some
were not happy with her "Punctuation?"
come on, there's got to be something deeper!
So I looked!

My Erotic Tale

look at this ...

You owe an apology to LadyC
02/01/05 by Chagrined
Let me see, just in the first few para’s:

Ended up DOA you want to go out? Isn’t this a Dead On Arrival?

Then why say “I couldn't do that; this was a living human.” 4 sentences later? Are you pronouncing on a zombie? Shouldn’t the sentence have read “this had once been a living human being”???


what is the definition of 'was?'
to have been... WAS could be used with a stronger
sentence to follow to back it's meaning and so forth.

Chagrined doesn't seem to be an editor but a friend
defending his or her mistress the Lady C
this is human nature and and like a dog
scratching for fleas, it's to be expected!

chagrined's other recomendations,

Love this one ” The phone jangled my nerves awake before my mind woke up. I reached out to stop the annoyance in hopes to not wake up.” First, because you never said you were asleep, then because from the gist of the rest of the story, you never did wake up.

I love this sentence, for the poetic and or reality that does exist a rehlm between asleep and awake. This was more of a picking at I believe. So far I read the story part way, to see what the fuss was and I got hung up a few times. But the strong, yet mingled weak person created a fabulous charactor to build upon. An editor would help.

Oh and I loved this one: “His face cracked into a beautiful smile I loved that face” You love the smile, that his face cracks, or both? Period or “full stops” are not just for breakfast anymore, you know!

this should be 'lips' not 'face' but other wise If your unable to read this story on what you are showing me here, honey I can show you a few others that were better to harp on than this, like I said Chagrined is defending a friend (that's where she stands)
pay attention Art

You owe LadyC an apology. You really do need an editor. And if you are getting 5000 hits then I would have expected better.

chagrined's final say say's it best.

Whiskey7up writes first

Afternoon disappointment
01/31/05 by Whisky7up in Canada
A favourable comment from MET is often a good guide as to whether I will like a story. But NOT this time, I'm afraid.
I have no idea if this story is any damn good because I got fed up trying to work out, too many times, what you were trying to say.
Look at this:

**** The market was exciting the scents the sounds. The people it was so alive we enjoyed the shopping. ****

At first I thought...."Huh?..The market was exciting the scents???"

I spent so long working out that you meant to say, "The market was exciting; the scents, the sounds, the people. It was so alive; we enjoyed the shopping."

It becomes tedious having to do this and I stopped reading.
Some punctuation makes a hell of a difference.

this post says it all ...
Whiskey's in ability to read Annora is because of the pace that he reads at, AS WELL, as Annora's inability to place comma's where they should be. chagrined could of made a great point with this one. Elementary comma's while listing in a sentence. But read it slow and know that Annora also writes poetry. Not the readers problem, I hear you thinking it. But as a poet reader slowly placing the list before you, you know to break it up so ...

Basiclly Whiskey pointed out the most obvious and no
one replied to him, here's where it twisted.

Lady C sent Annora a PM or an Email feedback either way it was not excepted well by Annora from what I read from this thread alone. Annora posted a comment on the public comment to LadyC about her PM or feedback, this should have been sent back PM or FB But Annora clearly states she wanted comments public. So wonder what that FB said that upset Annora because then along comes the handsome man and my hero Art. Just kiddin sugar!

Art's reply was to the GRAMMAR POLICE. for those who do not know what this is, well it's Art's pet peave! People who knock others for their writing styles or grammar. Which was clearly done here! If you can not read something, it is human nature to point the finger and say "It is he/she's fault. In this case the READERS can not decifer a WRITER. So don't read her again, it's simple. In fact may I ask, do you plan to read Annora again for her ...

quote Lady C~

You want war!!!
02/01/05 by LadyCibelle in Canada
Well you got it!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tried to be nice to you, I didn't want to demean you which is why I sent you a mail instead of plastering this board with how bad your "writing" *makes me want to puke associating writing with you in the same sentence* is. It'll show me to try and be nice to an undeserving pile of CM like you!!!

I'm not your friend, don't want to be your friend and DEFINITELY NOT asking for your stupid COW!!! My friends are literate and show some decency when somebody points mistakes to them.

You're only crying foul because I showed you in black and white how shitty your "writing skills", (I apologize to the REAL WRITERS, to call THIS drivel "skills", are. You didn't ask for my help, true, my bad...but what's the problem really??? You want to go and cry to mommy because someone had the guts to tell you to your face how pitiful your stories are???

Not only are your stories pitiful but you're even incapable of writing a pile of shit to me without making grammatical mistakes in it....what kind of school did you attend?? One for the mentally challenged..or should I for those who lack brains???

but, here is the first comment, before this one.

This story, in particular, shows a lot of potential. If only the lack of punctuation wasn't so distracting I would have said that your story was good...but because I got distracted over and over and over and over and over again....well it makes it very painful to read. An editor would take care of your "punctuation problem" and you would have fewer people complaining about your stories if you used one.

I see where the fire flickered here. The Dance of Anger shows it's begining, which is why I am sure, that is why Art is here:)

You want war!!!
02/01/05 by LadyCibelle in Canada
Well you got it!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is the red light, this is where the alarm sounded,
this is where I found it to be so hard to swallow. I met LadyC, here. I did not see are a warrior ready for WAR. But then neither was Helen of Troy!

I think I caught the tale end of this but I hope every one learned something from this. Comments are or can be gifts. Encouraging and inspirational or demeaning and belittling by the pompus. If you do not like a story then why inflict negative un-less negative is their nature, pay attention Art. <<<< you can not change the stripes on a tiger dear. If a friend falls into a pit of vipers then lend a hand and leave, because your not going to change earth to water or wind into fire. Except the jackles laugh and let it not sway your step my friend.

Art, I am here if you need me, but this clearly seems to be people defending their way of life. These people hold grammar like a preacher holds a bible. How can you change that my friend. Except them like you except Annora's 'OK' story with grammar issues. Others do not. If a constant hounding is shown, like every story Annora writes gets the same exact comments from the same peolpe, then there is a focuss point my dear. But not here, in fact you may have made a few friends with your enlightening way I'm sure.

Bows humble (~_~)

and the other comments

Please read this...
02/01/05 by Annora in USA
Lady Cibelle attack my work on this venue. Tell me the problems that the over 5000 readers, overlook. But DO NOT
send me email!

I'm not asking for your help. My story rings of truth to stop and explain each sentence to my reader. Well, it makes me come out like I find them ignorant.

I do not know you. I don't want to know you.

I want no email from you.

Attack me here in the open. Don't blind side me, again. We are not friends nor ever will be.

a delight~
01/30/05 by My Erotic Tale
Afternoon Delight is a superb tale

"The lightening was nature's most stunning work of art. Crackling across the darkened sky the long fingers of silver seemed to have a life of their own."

Your work of literary Art shines head and shoulders
above the rest sweetie~ anm Annora delight~
next time it rains I'm looking for a barn. <grin> [/B][/QUOTE]
Last edited:
Re: Long comment from Mr? or Ms Ninja


Sorry if I confuse your gender but since I don't know I'll assume that you're a guy....more level headed than a woman could be (at least in my opinion :))

I'm not sure if I should read in your extensive comment that you were saying I was wrong or right in what I did...but I'll tell you what I got out of it. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

First of all..let me correct one of YOUR assumption. Chagrined is a man, neither my sub nor my lover...simply one of the great writer that I edit for. I hadn't known he had come to my "rescue", not that I needed any rescuing, until someone pointed it out to me.

His opinions are his and his only and I'm in no way responsible for them.

As a writer of poetry myself I can understand the intricacy of pacing. And my comment wasn't in no way inferring that Annora wasn't a good poet (I read her latest creation in poetry and I have to say that she's good....REALLY GOOD!!!!). But being a good poet doesn't make anyone a good writer. Writing poetry is one thing but more often than not you cannot write a story the same way as you write's almost impossible to do.

Unfortunately, Annora writes almost all of her stories (if not all?) as she's writing her poetry which makes it really difficult for the average reader to understand what she's trying to convey.

To set the story straight....and please forgive me if I repeat myself for the thousand time here....I had seen Annora's work complained about by plenty of people previously, even saw the thread she had started ("Come on, come after me") and read what everyone involved had said.....what I got is that people were complaining of her inadequacy to punctuate properly. Then 3 or was it 4 days ago I decided to take upon myself to read one of her story, her latest (Afternoon Delight) to see if it was as "bad" as people complained about.

In no way was I trying to be insulting or demeaning to her when I took her story and edited the first two pages, then decided to send it to her (via Private feedback, which unfortunately wasn't the best medium to see my edit) so she could see what good a little editing would do to the comprehension of her story.

Then...she got in my face on the PC portal..and yeah being a hot-blooded woman I saw red and retaliated...she said she didn't want me to contact her I got the dirty laundry out on the open for everyone to see on the PC portal.

Then, Art, being the good friend that he is (And no, in case you're wondering I'm not being sarcastic here), came to Annora's defense and added fuel on the fire. Most probably his "Grammar, or was it Punctuation, Police wasn't meant at me solely but I took it personally. It all degenerated from there....I'm not pointing any finger at Art because in posting this thread here he managed to do something really good.... (don't know if he'll agree with me but it's my opinion).....get us to talk, since he's appointed himself Annora's knight and she's incapable of accepting a part of the blame....well we (Art and I) were able to talk to each other and explain both our point of view in the matter.

I don't know if it'll do any good, Don't know if Annora will ever change and frankly I've decided to wash my hand of the Annora I told Art, I won't be caught helping someone who doesn't want to be time and energy is too important to waste it on someone who doesn't want it.

Next to last point: Art had mentionned the "rainbow poets society" to me and I had no idea what he was referring to....well now I do know and I remember the "war" that happened between Art and Sack a while ago....but please someone...tell Art that I'm not in that society....not a rainbow, don't consider myself a poet even though I write poetry.

Last but not least:

Ninja Nookie said:
I met LadyC, here. I did not see are a warrior ready for WAR. But then neither was Helen of Troy!

I'm not a warrior, I hate war and fights of any kind....I'm a pacifist...BUT....when attacked I'll retaliate with everything I have...and then some.

It takes a while to get used to me but when people know me they say I'm charming and loveable.;)
I think it's kind of sad, though. That this girl, whoever she isn't, doesn't take enough pride in her work to make certain it's readable. If there are quite a few people telling you that your work has a lot of potential if you would just clean it up, it seems a shame not to do so.
brightlyiburn said:
I think it's kind of sad, though. That this girl, whoever she isn't, doesn't take enough pride in her work to make certain it's readable. If there are quite a few people telling you that your work has a lot of potential if you would just clean it up, it seems a shame not to do so.

You've managed to say in a few sentences what the multitudes has been saying for I don't know how long.

Thank you for being this concise :)
Thanks Nin~

There was a couple things I didn't catch and am
very thankful for your reading it and your

I like what you said about focuss on the
comments that come more repetitious,
Annora's poems posted today and funny
the feedback is flooding in. Funny how
publicity works, to bad it wrong kind.

How you costume a fox and get into
the chicken coop to blend in and not arouse
suspicion among the cocks and hens. To keep
peace in the hen house? Simple! <grin>

Hey ladyC

I don't believe you wanted 'war'
silly term for a closed minded approach
you stated Annora couldn't come herself! I asked
her not to because I felt it would disrupt the
tranquility or calmness that such a delicate
situation needed. It's way to easy to yell out
and cut some one down, but to share knowledge
and both learn and feel better about our encounter
and sharing, is much better.

Nin is a 4'9 red head and full of fire.
'She' helps me interpret literature!
Thanks Nin~

I have learned from this thread
this is good
My Erotic Tale said:
Thanks Nin~

Hey ladyC

I don't believe you wanted 'war'
silly term for a closed minded approach
you stated Annora couldn't come herself! I asked
her not to because I felt it would disrupt the
tranquility or calmness that such a delicate
situation needed. It's way to easy to yell out
and cut some one down, but to share knowledge
and both learn and feel better about our encounter
and sharing, is much better.

Nin is a 4'9 red head and full of fire.
'She' helps me interpret literature!
Thanks Nin~

I have learned from this thread
this is good

Thanks Art :)

I'm glad to see that you're not mad at me for everything that has been posted by me on this thread, maybe you were at first but I don't feel you are anymore.

Art: I understand you telling Annora not to come...but I can assure, when my blood cools down I'm approachable and I can admit if and when I was wrong.

Please tell Annora that I harbor no ill feeling toward her. I guess it was a misunderstanding on both (her and mine) part. Please, let her know that I wasn't joking when I said her two latest poems were awesome!!!

Ninja: I'm sorry if I thought you were a goes to show that you're the exception to the rule:p
The Strength of the Tiger and
The Wisdom of the Dragon~

yep Nin ...S~
can kick a mans Ass
then pick him up and buy him a beer
then go to school (high school) to pick up our son
and teachers tell her ...
"You get back to class little girl" <grin>

I repeat: we all have learned there-fore
it is good thread! Yes!

I leave this offering of my self ...
perhaps it could use an edit ...
an older tale of mine I feel it will
show my nature, and an ironic
spar that to me meant a lot <grin>

Crotching Tiger and Ridden Dragon #3
The Strength of the Tiger and the Wisdom of
the Dragon

Across a land of literal hills
I met some one different from me
but that's ok ...I felt at ease
perhaps the soil will enrich
what was planted, a friendship seed (~_*)
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