Aine - A New RP Thread (OOC)

Well, since the tokens activate when touching the ground, with you naming the victim for the avatar in it, if you drop one the creature will have no target so it will attack the nearest thing on sight. Which will be most probably yourself.

Regarding the light saber: the worst thing it can happen is the thing to simly don't work, right?

Or it could short circuit and blow your hand off. It all depends on how bad a job was done of building it.

As for the avatars, do they do anything other than attack?
KOTR? Nope and I even lack the knowledge about what it is.

We are trading in magical tokens and high tech parts.

KOTR is an abbreviation for Knights of the Old Republic, a popular Star Wars video game RPG.
The skunks can smell really bad. And tend to have a really nasty temper.
You can ride a drake, too. The fairy class creatures are somewhat intelligent, so you may speak with them.
KOTR? Nope and I even lack the knowledge about what it is.

We are trading in magical tokens and high tech parts.

Star Wars : Knights of The Old Republic =P You can assemble lightsabers, but you need :
Focusing Lens
Workbench (just a bench with tools on it found around the place)
As I previously stated, its not my regular kink. I'm more fond of fantasy RP's.

Since when did Star Wars stop being fantasy? XD

Besides, it's set hundreds of years before the movies.
Bite your heads off, boys. I'm not putting my hand on that argument.
oh, never mind
i'm off to have a shower and lunch. Have fun with those tokens, jedi.
Sorry to say this, but I must be off for the night. We'll continue the discussion later.

Good night.
Just letting you know, I may or may not be on for the rest of the week. I've got a birthday thing coming up and I don't want to think about Online Responsibilities. So Aine will have to wait until either mid-week or end of the week.

Qyron, I hope this gives you enough time to expand your bio and race bio. I need that information ASAP please. Thanks.
Just letting you know, I may or may not be on for the rest of the week. I've got a birthday thing coming up and I don't want to think about Online Responsibilities. So Aine will have to wait until either mid-week or end of the week.

Qyron, I hope this gives you enough time to expand your bio and race bio. I need that information ASAP please. Thanks.

Take as much time as you want, Wolfsister. Since we've waited this long, we can wait a little longer.

The new OOC for the Ain has been completed. Feel free to mosey on down there.

If there's any information I have left out, contact me and I'll get it up there ASAP. Also, anything you want to add to the FAQ section would be appreciated.

I'll try to get the IC up tomorrow.
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where are you

Questing I have not heard from you in a very long time I miss you terribly and I want to where you are. I wish you would contact me. I wrote a poem just for you.
Questing I have not heard from you in a very long time I miss you terribly and I want to where you are. I wish you would contact me. I wrote a poem just for you.

We all want to know where QM went, so you aren't alone, except for having written a poem for her -- you're the only one I know of that has. :D

What do you know about questing Maiden? We used to talk but lately no idea where she is.
QM has disappeared from all of our radars lately. All we know is that she isn't around, to be honest. There was no explanation from her. But I can think of a number of things, like a connection outage, kids, vacation etc. Or (heaven forbid) some kind of injury - but lets hope that's not the case. Either way, there has been no word and thats pretty much it.
Thanks for the help

She meant alot to me, we got to really know each other on messenger and then one day she was just gone. I do not think she knew how much she meant to me. Maybe she just did not care. But none the less thank you all for your help. It sucks cause I would have done anything for her. I love her even still. Well if she ever checks back I wrote this for her:

The Forbidden Dream

Questing for a dream
A dream I should not dream
For this is, a dream, a dream I should not heed
For it is a dream, I can’t say, I believe is taking place for me
For it involves a maiden who far exceeds the girl of my dreams
For she is the one I have been questing for, the one I have sought for, fought for, or would die for
Why you ask? Just let me say it
It will take me just a bit, because you are a dream, I dare not heed
It is this I am afraid to heed, not the dream, but, you
A dream, a dream, I want to dream, a dream that I need to heed of a beautiful woman that far exceeds my biggest personal dream
Now I must ask you, Questing Maiden of whom I love, will you live it with me, believe it with me, and shall I dear say L$# my love, expand it with me?

I really hope she tries to get back in touch with me at some point. :)
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