Americans: how many states have you had sex in?

Five I believe

New Hampshire
New Jersey

Came close in Vermont once; what a nice cow that was.

Maybe Rhode Island but it's so small.
An English friend and I were just talking about all the places we had Done It, and in the course of that, I counted up all my U.S. states where I've had sex. Turns out it's 25, or exactly half.

How about you?

Somewhere over twenty, but probably less than 30. I took a 3 plus month-long roadtrip with a girlfriend post-college. Some States visited were driving through, so not counting those. That was thirty years ago. In Canada I've had sex in five provinces. Two of those on the same roadtrip.
I can also attest to three other countries outside of the States.
Should have been a poll (though I don't think it can offer 50 choices) to identify which states Litsters have fucked in the most.
Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado, Minnesota, Missouri and Kentucky.
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If masturbation counts, 48. Otherwise I think I'm at 15.
Interesting question.

Off the top of my head:
I think 12 plus DC. (I've been to 40 states in all.)
And at least seven other countries.
New York , New Hampshire , Mass , Maryland , Ohio , Indiana , Illinois , Missouri , Tennessee , Kentucky , Mississippi , Louisiana , Georgia , Florida ,Oklahoma , Colorado + California as far as I can remember .

Forgot South Dakota and Wyoming !
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Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Colorado, Maryland, New Mexico, Louisiana. All with the same lady.
40 states. But, that's also counting getting roadhead on an Interstate highway. Otherwise, 39.
None. But I'm not American.


England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Egypt, Aden (Yemen), Sri Lanka, Singapore, Australia (Victoria, NSW, Queensland, South Australia), what was Yugoslavia, now Croatia and Bosnia.

And before I was of legal age (so by the rules of Lit I didn't have sex :rolleyes:): Gibraltar, Spain, Tangier, Morocco.