
You are correct, WSO. I did behave badly. I keep telling my road rage prone hubby that other people's behavior is no excuse for bad behavior on your own part. And here I go and do it. Again. I'm supposed to be a grown up.

It does not matter that MW has libeled me across the board, blatantly accused me of the worst thing that could happen here, continued on to lie about me in an effort to assassinate my character and went so far as to bring in reinforcements to lend credence to that libel.

All that does matter is that I rose to the bait and went in with swinging fists when I should have simply ignored his ravings. My writing and my character was never an issue until I let him make it one. I am deeply sorry for subjecting this board to it and I will endeavor not to do it again.

For the record:

I did not discuss the Gawd story with anyone until I posted on the thread regarding it. I have no intention of posting any other story beneath any other in name. Since this experiment is over, I will have Laurel transfer it under my name to prevent future confusion.

I did not ask anyone to vote on it either through email, PM, IM, telephone, face to face, chat room, bulletin board, or mental telepathy. That would have ruined the point of the exercise, which was to figure out if a 750 word story could be effective here.

I do not read MW's stories and I have only voted once on any of his stories. I gave it a 5 and did not pass on advice.

You can either believe me or you can believe MW's accusations, neither of us can offer a shred of proof one way or the other that Laurel isn't willing to dig up. Your choice.

You may choose to believe, as MW and Co. no doubt will, that by attempting to regain my integrity and stop behaving badly that I am tacitly admitting to guilt or that they are correct. This is not so. My only intent in posting this is to apologize for those caught in the middle or on the peripheries of this argument, to admit that I was wrong in doing so, and to give notice that I am going to quit behaving like a child.
Where were we?

I'm just wondering if my understanding of this is flawed in any way. We're all supposed to accept and believe that someone 'said' something in a chat room.

All I see is what's in print here: allegations, specious statements and personal attacks that tell far more about the attackers than the victims. I't funny too, how some seem to revel in victimhood.

Deeply shocked? I'd have to care first. I don't care because I wasn't there, I don't know, and I have no way to verify anything.

Now on to a point I thought we were talking about.

Writing in 750 words, or 300 for that matter, is an exercise I found extremely useful. I sat thinking: "How much of this drivel I'm plopping down is necessary to the story? How much could, and should, be deleted as superfluous?" Five pages turned into 300 words. Interesting. I think it's choppy, but I feel I've sharpened an editing skill; it wasn't a waste of time.
Re: Where were we?

VeraGem said:

Writing in 750 words, or 300 for that matter, is an exercise I found extremely useful. I sat thinking: "How much of this drivel I'm plopping down is necessary to the story? How much could, and should, be deleted as superfluous?" Five pages turned into 300 words. Interesting. I think it's choppy, but I feel I've sharpened an editing skill; it wasn't a waste of time.

i liked your stories VeraGem, i'm glad you had a go at the short ones. yes the things you've discovered I've also discovered. it was a really interesting experience and a worthy exercise.