Another Writing Challenge

abashed-dreamer, you're right. Talking about what worked and what didn't is an excellent idea.

You gave two examples of what didn't work, and I think the reason was obvious. No one who wasn't struggling to make an artifical word count would include that many adjectives in a single sentence. It was too much and as you said didn't "work".

So what did work? Can you see examples in these three scenes that made you say "Wow!" or at least "Mmmm"?

Oh and thanks for the "talent" comment. Made me blush :D


The only Tonight's the Night I found was posted by a male and in 2001. Am I missing something, here?

I am assuming it hasn't been posted yet, maybe?
I think WSO's story is still in the queue waiting to be posted. She said she'd drop a link to it here when it was accepted.

it's still waiting,

came online to check, but it's still not through yet. i do promise to post a link. next chance i get to check will be my tomorrow morning. not sure why the hold up, maybe backlog of work...?


i am not a male DVS

You had to check?:eek:

Just kidding, you know.
uh oh

here's the link to Tonight's the Night

as of 7am kiwi time, it stands at already having 10 votes and is showing a 3.8 rating. the only story i have below 4. interesting eh? i want to know why the low rating. mind you it also shows 0 views rofl

ps: congratulations on your loss of virginity DVS, was it better than the first time? rofl

pps: i have suddenly received a couple of way too hot to open feedback emails though whew... *wiping brow* so the story can't be that bad.
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creeping up... 4.0 at 12 votes.
11am my time 3.8 at 15 votes (687 views)

still can't believe it was so low when i logged on though.

somebody please feel free to explain this

11 votes equalled 3.91
12 votes equalled 4.0

in plain basic english so a simpleton like me can understand please. what number did the 12th voter hit?

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Yes, I was wondering the same thing. How can a +1-5 vote end up with a less than 1 pointage?
I have my calculator in hand and waiting for this. Don't make it too diffcult to understand, OK? My math isn't what it used to be (and it never was that good).
11 X 3.91 = 43.01
12 X 4.0 = 48

48 - 43 = 5 so the 12th vote was a 5

probably on the 11th vote the score was not exactly 3.91 but rounded to that. 11 votes equaling to 43 votes give a 3.90909090909 score which rounds to 3.91

i'll look at this again in the morning...

maybe it'll make better sense then.

i've figured (finally) why it's ranking so low. it's not realistic to expect a guy to sit there and keep typing while his woman is taking him to paradise, no matter how much he is trying to tease her by doing it.
i am getting some amazing feedbacks though ;)
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LOL, there is an old saying...
A man has two heads. But, only enough blood to run one at a time.

if you're talking about the story dear, he was typing gobbledegook you know... nothing he typed made sense. :p

19 votes in one day so far... gee that was quick! showing at about 3.95 last time i looked.

i am reminded now why i never take note of the first weeks votes. rofl

19 = 3.95
20 = 3.95

19 x 3.95 = 75.05
20 x 3.95 = 79

79 - 75.05 = 3.95
the 20th voter voted 3.95 wow i'm getting there
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wildsweetone said:
19 = 3.95
20 = 3.95

19 x 3.95 = 75.05
20 x 3.95 = 79

79 - 75.05 = 3.95
the 20th voter voted 3.95 wow i'm getting there

WSO, try this

19 X 3.95 = 75.05 You can't have .05 points so it probably is actually 75 points. 75 / 19 = 3.947 rounds to 3.95

20 X 3.95 = 79

79 - 75 = 4

20th vote = 4

it's becoming clearer than mud to me now.

23 votes 4.0

i think it's time to go get that pillow and scream a little

AND the other one is doing no better also. *sigh* i think i need to go hide for a month ;)

ps Ray, i am understanding the voting, ty for helping *hug*
ok time for the nitty gritty please

how is it possible that the 1,2,3,4,5 votes turn into part points?

i.e. 19 votes at 3.95 points

if 1 vote is 4, 1 is 3, 1 is 2, that equals

3 votes at 9 points, right?

how come the .95?
Originally posted by WildSweetOne

how is it possible that the 1,2,3,4,5 votes turn into part points?

i.e. 19 votes at 3.95 points

if 1 vote is 4, 1 is 3, 1 is 2, that equals

3 votes at 9 points, right?

how come the .95?


The "score" you see is the average of the votes. 19 votes at 3.95 points actually means that there were 19 votes that averaged 3.95 points each (rounded to 2 digits). So there were 19 votes that totaled 75 points. 75 divided by 19 is 3.947 which rounds to 3.95

In your example 3 votes for 9 points would equal 9 divided by 3 or a score of 3. No fraction. But try this

1 vote : 4
1 vote : 5

2 votes 9 points total. The average is 9 divided by 2 equals 4.5

The score that you see at this point would be a 4.5

This is why on Lit with most stories scoring somewhere between 3.5 and 4.6 a 1 vote can be so powerful.

If your story has an average score of 4.5 with 100 votes that is 450 points with 100 votes. A 1 vote comes along and now you have 451 points and 101 votes. Your average score just went to 4.46

But lets see how a 5 vote affects our story. 4.5 with 100 votes equals 450 points. A 5 vote comes along. Now 455 points and 101 votes for an average of 4.504 rounds down to 4.50 The scrore hasn't changed. Interesting huh?


1508 words

I've been lurking and thought I'd give it a try.
It's a single scene with 1500 words. He originally "came" at about 900 words, but with a bit of rewrite, he lasted until 1500.

Apologies in advance - the original challenge was for an oral scene, this is a masturbation scene. The essence I think is the same though - a thorough description of a "single" act -

If I cheated, let me know and I'll come back and make this post go "poof".

Postponed Pleasure

Feel free to be brutal.

If the math is not clear.
You can always tell what one vote was, as Ray says, by considering total points. To find NewVote:
NewTotal - OldTotal= NewVote

In the example, there are 19 votes at 4.5 average.
So OldVotes x OldAverage = 85.5 Oldtotal

There are then 20 votes with 4.32
So NewVotes x NewAverage=86.5 NewTotal

Simply subtract: NewVote= NewTotal - OldTotal = 1.

Obviously, if you get something like 1.03, there is a roundoff problem and the actual vote was 1.

So the effect of a 1 vote where there are about 20 votes is a decrease of .18.

The effect of a "1" is always SEVEN time the effect of a "5". A "5" vote, in the "Old" situation above raises the average to 4.525. It adds .025 to the average, which is one seventh, roughly of .18.

In simple terms, if you want to stay at the 'hot' 4.5 level, and you get a "1", you must get SEVEN "5" votes to bring you back to 4.5.!! This number is independent of the total votes: A "1" hurts you very little at 200 votes, namely.017 but the benefit of a "5" is also reduced, so you must still get SEVEN "5"s to pull up to where you were.

For each anti fan or "1" vandal you must attract 7 of your strong supporters to come and vote 5's and be honest about it. (One person, one vote).

In case you want to 'neutralize' (remain at 4.5) these are the figures:
For each "4" it takes ONE "5" obviously.
For each "3" it takes THREE "5"s
For each "2" it takes FIVE "5"s, and as stated
For each "1" it takes SEVEN "5" s.

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Re: thank you jack


wildsweetone said:
now, who's open to bribes?

I am!

i need about 70 of you!

If you mean you've gotten 10 ones (and thus need 70 fives) on one story, you either are not doing something right, or you have a large cartel of enemies! (Hard to imagine!)

While I approve of some way to neutralize a "1" vandal's work, if there is a piece getting lots of ones (not you dear), that should be allowed for. As many have said, a simple solution to the vandal is to eliminate the top and bottom 2% of the votes. (assuming s/he doesn't have lots of helpers).

What's frustrating to me is that the "1" vandal is usually anonymous and does not really say anything that would be helpful even though nasty; just 'you suck.' or, more recently,
'what makes you think you need copyright protection? who'd rip off a piece of trash like that?'

only teasing dear :) i'd have write upsidedown and inside out to get that bad (notice how humble i am rofl) i'm still teasing by the way. lol

i think the main problem here is that the authors are in one pile and the readers in another.

the basic reader is here to jack off (or try to). the grammar doesn't matter too much if it's not badly in-your-face, the title doesn't matter at all.

the things we authors strive to achieve, matter only to us authors. yet that's what we mainly want the votes on.

there should be separate voting areas for authors and readers. unfortunately that still doesn't eliminate a nasty author vote.

when i vote i consider:
does it make sense?
is it possible?
is it interesting?
did it turn me on?
did i get any other emotions from it?
was i dragged along helplessly with the story? (meaning was it so good i ignored everything else)
was the ending delicious? (did it have a twist or innuendo or something to make me hunt out the authors other stories in the hope for more of the same)

I agree that authors' input is best. I'd like to see ratings from those whove posted at least five stories, let's say. Also feedback.

But I guess it's up to us to try to help each other. (not merely compete).

So, are we thinking there is an actual voting vandal here? Are we jumping to conclusions, or is there actual proof someone is out to sabotage the voting?

I have seen my votes go along fine, then all of the sudden WHAM I will be hit with a 1 for no apparent reason.

But, I don't have any hateful feedback. I don't have much feedback at all, and the little feedback I get has all been good (some I am keeping to myself :devil: thank you very much).

I am just curious how widespread this vandal seems to be. After all, unless he/she/they have access to multiple IP addresses, he/she/they can't damage a story into the ground. But, if a story is close, a single 1 can make it very difficult to keep the coveted 4.5 rating.
Re: thank you jack

Oh, I forgot!!

wildsweetone said:
now, who's open to bribes?

i need about 70 of you!


If the payoff is sufficiently tempting, you now only need 69 people.

Do you now contact me in these negotiations? ;) I will patiently wait for your call.