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hey tyrael, ever since i saw that Vash AV, i knew i'd speak with you some time. lol Trigun rules
yeah, so what are we going to do about the western with the vampires and such?

and of course trigun?
I think the western horror is a go, so I'll start the Casting Call, OOC. If Ravenloft says no, then I think we should end it though, given its relation to Mystic West.
Ravenloft has lost his ISP connection and doesn't know when he'll be able to get back so I don't know that you'll be able to find him to talk to him about that. :\

I know...I've already been told to go ahead with it by someone he knows, that he probably won't mind. I just meant that I'd concede to his wishes should he feel otherwise.
A suggestion

It looks likewe're pumping out quite a few decent thread ideas here, and getting some support on the threads to boot. Think we should start another of these threads? SOme people don't even open the threads if they're so long...don't want to do catch up reading. This might get more people to join in the thought process.
sure "Even MORE thread Ideas."

i have an idea, but it's not for a thread. i like you people here lol and i'm thinking. why don't we all set a time and open up a Lit room in Yahoo chat or something? then we can use audio, or have short little RP's that take place quickly, or just talk. it would be cool useng voice and hearing you people. anyway just an idea.
I've got a new casting call. It's kind of a pre-cursor to By the Blade it deals with a group of warriors fighting demons in midevil Japan. Perfect for anyone interested in horror stories.
Hmm ... intresting Ideas guys.

Voice chat huh Khadgar?? Okies that mean I have to get a better mic head set. Mine sucks eggs. Either that or I talk too softly.


uh, you don't need to get a new mic LOL
*looks over at his mic* see, that used to me a headset. now, rip off the yead past, *laughs* my mic can hand from my ear and kinda work, it still works, but it's weird. i wouldn't worry about it Arc, and hey, who said being softspoken is bad?
I'm softspoken as well...


Sorry, had to be

Anyway, I could go for the chatroom idea, but I don't have voice chat at all. i could always pick the equipment up, that'd be no problem. i almost bought the video chat stuff, but I don't have enough rom for such a thing, besides, i don't want people realizing how messy the office
Let's keep this idea open...
I have, however, been having some trouble with Netscape 6.2 and chatrooms for some reason. Anyone know why that might be?
hmmm... i donno, i use IE, so i don't know about the netscape prob you're having.

this is good! i have now... uh... 4 or 5 people thinking about doing it, *smirks* but only two of us have mics... oh well. it'll still work.
I've been having some weird problem with my explorer lately. It seems sometimes when I'm either downloading or uploading there's an error that causes the program to crash, and then send a report to microsoft. Anybody know anything about this crap?
no, but my base explorer dies all the time.... pisses the hell out of me because it resets my systray!
Damn, how do you guys ever manage to surf??

I'd be keen for a chat in yahoo.. would have to be a weekend or evening NZtime though for me... cant do that from work :(
sure, i may not be here next week, but the week after that, if we're all interested, then i'll be there! actually..... we COULD do this now if everyeones good lol
The chat idea sounds like a cool one, If you have yahoo messenger and one person has all the others on their messenger , they can make a conference just on the messenger without going in to a chat room. My yahoo messenger login is in my profile if anyone is interested.

good idea! but i have an old version of yahoo msg, lol i don't upgrade for some reason.
Just a note...

Guys, just wanted you to know theres a new thread being started today, theres an OOC and Casting Call page for it. Thread should start in one week.
Trying to get my new thread Rise of the Demon off the ground. Deals with Ancient Japan and demons. Fun for all :)