Anyone interested in a new thread? Sign up list.

I was so disappointed by the movie, it was supposed to wrap of everything and tell all the secrets behind the x-files but they didn't release any significant info till it came out on VHS. The ending especially bothered me, with the aliens and of course Scully being knocked out when the UFO passes over.

I'd be in for RE. Was Raccoon city one of those planned communities made especially for people who work at a nearby company? Let's try to do something than what happend in the last thread. That's one of the things I liked about X-men, you started it off the bat drastically different than the other thread and made it so if you wanted to be in, you had to create a new character.

I'm thinking about making another X type thread based on my characters from Black-Ops and X-men, they rocked and I was sorry I couldn't play them more when I pulled out of the thread.
Quiet_Cool said:
Anyway, I don't think I'm the only one...I've been gone for one day, and everyone is playing with everyone's stick...
You started it Mr. 'I have this great riverside cave'! And as for all the the non-stick-related stuff, that's all, um,... *looking around to see who's not here right now* ...Khadgar's fault! :D

I love the idea of another horror thread, but I don't have any experience with RE, is there a website that explains enough about it for me to be able to be in the thread?

Oh and bad news for those of us in threads with Ravenloft, he's lost his ISP for a while (he has no idea for how long yet). :(
crysede said:

You started it Mr. 'I have this great riverside cave'! And as for all the the non-stick-related stuff, that's all, um,... *looking around to see who's not here right now* ...Khadgar's fault! :D

I love the idea of another horror thread, but I don't have any experience with RE, is there a website that explains enough about it for me to be able to be in the thread?

Oh and bad news for those of us in threads with Ravenloft, he's lost his ISP for a while (he has no idea for how long yet). :(

I haven't actually jumped inot one with Ravenloft yet, at least this time around, but thanx for the heads up. As for a site about RE...I'm not sure. If you look, you'll probably run into a lot of crap about the movie, which sucked...and had nothing to do with the game... Maybe we can piece this together though, before we try to start it.
And my cave is actually quite'd know that if you'd come back with me...unfortunately...the idea of that quality time alone with you...well, let's just say the stick couldn't handle the friction, and the interior is currently charred to a crisp...I know, that's what vaseline is for...

A night under the stars perhaps?
Racooon City was a regular city.

I've only played the first game and part of the second, and I didn't own it. I did see the movie. It was alright. I just like seeing someone actually taking a video game and making a movie out of it, even if some people say it was crappy.

and smoooches to Arc!
*gives Crysede the Fist-Of-Vengance* my evil fault.... yeah i'll except that... ooo what about my sexy fault? LOL! no.,.. tht wont work
uh... am I allowed in ? Sorry, I forgot my stick...

Hey, I dunno if this is the right place to do it, but I'm trying to recruit som players for my ORP Rave, Sonicpopper. If any of ya are looking for a new thread, Sign up!
(So far there's only one )

Hello everyone. I would be interested in a Resident Evil thread. How did you guys and gals run the last one? Were all the players survivors I would imagine? It seems that Quiet Cool is right and the Nebula thread idea is dead. Maybe it was just too grand of a scope?? Anyway, count me in on a Resident Evil thread.

Originally posted by Quiet_Cool
And my cave is actually quite'd know that if you'd come back with me...unfortunately...the idea of that quality time alone with you...well, let's just say the stick couldn't handle the friction, and the interior is currently charred to a crisp...I know, that's what vaseline is for...

A night under the stars perhaps?
Hehehe, that's one of the nice things about being a girl, we have our own lubricant. :D And a night under the stars sounds good, so long as we don't get trampled by a woolly mammoth or torn apart by cave lions - that would kind of kill the mood (and possible us)...

I looked at your thread Trey, but I've never really been into the rave scene so it's not my kinda thing. Maybe the problem is that no one's sure about what sort of plot is possible at a rave? I'll bet the thread would do better if you posted in as an SRP - you know, sex, drugs, rock n'roll :)

Well, we had Desperation in the first one, a new town with the same problem, as in the games they had several labs under several cities. We made Desperation one of them. I think we only had one survivor, and not for very long. Our main problem was that many of those involved were long timers, who tended to disappear for periods of time. When they went, the thread went to. it seemed pretty good, but happens.
If you check the list of thread, you'll have to check the 90 days or more lists, you can bump it to the top and we can all skim through it...let me know if you want me to do that, or one of you can if you want.
I just bumped Nebula One. I give it one more chance, then let it go.
Oh, and're overlooking the value of a good Mammoth stampede. Enough of them moving all at once, and the ground vibrates. The washing machine didn't invent the spin cycle effect, y'know.
I say start from scratch, different players this time around it seems.
PmTick said:
I say start from scratch, different players this time around it seems.

Good idea, I just wanted to get an idea of how you ran the thread last time, since it sounds like a great idea. I beat the first two resident evils on my playstation, but got my butt kicked on the third one, lol.

chewbacca71 said:

Good idea, I just wanted to get an idea of how you ran the thread last time, since it sounds like a great idea. I beat the first two resident evils on my playstation, but got my butt kicked on the third one, lol.


I beat RE: Director's Cut, and Nemesis without much trouble, but the second one, I only finished one disk.
Anyway, we mostly just created characters of whatever type we wanted, used the creatures, and started off. We only got a few pages into it I think, less than five or six. Not too much plotline, just how we each got into the city and whatnot. I think it started off well, in fact, I'd like to start it the same way, almost to redo the old thread. I'll bump it to the top so we can each peruse it, then we can make a new Casting Call. I'll do both now. The ony guidelines I think we should impose are that everyone has to be human, no monster creature or anything. Or maybe we should have someone set up the back plot, decide where the base of operations is and whatnot. thoughts?
Ok, thanks for bumping up the thread Quiet Cool, now I see how you all started. I liked the way it was going, you seemed to be all having a good time playing it. Did you have an OOC thread seperate to put plot information into??

RE up in OOC mode right now.
Okay, let's see what you think of this one...
I owe Ravenloft for the basis of this...I'm thinking Mystic West style, but not quite the same (Of course, the one I was in might have been different from the original one). Much more serious...Western horror, possibly extreme horror...Zombies and whatnot, but nothing that would be overly conscious, necessarily. Werewolves and vampires might be too much for that type thread to work. I would want it based on the time period...not necessarily historically accurate, but distinct in the type of people involved, separating it from other horror threads.
One of those deals where there's something going on, but no one's sure why. Develop the reason as the plot rolls by.
I like the Mystic West idea!

A tabletop game I play called Rifts has a West book. There are cybernetically augmented gun slingers and psi-slingers. Totally cool. I love playing in that setting, but I usually stick to the low powered classes like the regular Cowboy. I can have just as much fun (if not more) with that low powered character than I would with a Super Slinger or something.
QC I would be interested in teh western horror idea. Have you ever seen the Bruce Willis movie, "Last Man Standing"? Walken's character might be good for something like that.

I have a question. If I understand your idea correctly, your going to have vampires, werewolves and all sorts of stuff like that IN THE OLD WEST??? Is that right?? IF it is, I'm intrested. I'm not much into the Un-dead and such, I've never played in that or read much in the Horror genre, Sci-Fi and Fantasy have always held my interest, but I'd like a shot at the RPG if you get it off the ground and can give me some details.

If my description is right, would it be possible to play a historical figure, slightly altered for the game. You know, something like Billy the Kid, Vampire Hunter?? Would that be allowed??

Or Am I totally missing the idea here??
i'd love to.

i know Tyrael knows of Trigun. he had a vash pic.

would there be much call? i mean, thats one of my all time favourite anime series'. i have all 26 eppi's on cd lol
Also the Star Wars thread looks very promising ... I think I am out classed there with the writers & knowledge.

Debating weather to join that or not.