Are there any adults in the Republican Party?

Did you see the way Matt Gaetz and his Republican accomplices burst into a closed door session of the House Intelligence Subcommittee and threw an enormous temper tantrum? No adults in that group of Republicans.
Nope. Spoiled teenagers, rapest and bigots only. Women have to grow dicks and cut off their boobs. 🤣🤣🤣
I heard a congress critter complain that the Dems had put armed guards in front of the SCIF to prevent Rethuglicunts invading the depositions again.:D:D
Trump-friendly columnist warns that he ‘needlessly drove his presidency into the ground’ with insane tweets

Trump-friendly conservative columnist Rich Lowry is warning that President Donald Trump’s unhinged tweets are destroying his chances of being reelected.

Writing in Politico, Lowry laments that Trump has once again completely failed to meet Americans’ expectations of calm and steady leadership during crises ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic to civil unrest in the wake of George Floyd’s death at the hands of police.

“The president has worsened his position with his profligate tweeting, unpresidential conduct and refusal or inability to step up to the magisterial aspect of his office,” Lowry argues. “Sounding sober and factual from the presidential podium at a time of crisis should be easy — any halfway accomplished conventional politician could do a pretty good job at it.”

Despite the fact that coming across as levelheaded should be a snap, the president has nonetheless spent his days tweeting out baseless conspiracy theories about 75-year-old protesters being “antifa provocateurs” and about MSNBC host Joe Scarborough committing murder.
Both parties have plenty of geezers, but the Dems seem more committed to being the older than dirt party.
America's far right has become about as popular as syphilis. They're hemorrhaging supporters. That makes them terrified and now they may become even more dangerous.

Economist Paul Krugman asserts that far-right “reactionaries” are having a terrible month. But Krugman also warns that the more threatened reactionaries feel, the more “dangerous” they can become in the months leading up this year’s presidential election.

President Donald Trump has been highly critical of the removal of Confederate monuments from public places — which, Krugman stresses, speaks volumes about Trump’s mentality and the mentality of his party.

“Why should a guy who grew up in Queens care about Confederate tradition in the first place?” Krugman asks. “The answer is that Trump and most of his party are reactionaries.”

Krugman goes on to explain that “from a reactionary’s point of view, the past three weeks have been a nightmare. Not only are marginal people who are supposed to know their place standing up for justice — they’re overwhelmingly winning the battle for public opinion.”

Trump, according to Krugman, has responded to the Floyd protests in a variety of ways — from “wild conspiracy theorizing” to “law and order” rhetoric that seeks to “turn the clock back to 1968.” Krugman is obviously referring to the fear-mongering 1968 presidential campaigns of President Richard Nixon and segregationist George Wallace.

Another tactic of the far right, Krugman observes, is claiming that the Floyd protests are being organized by extremists.

“On the right, it’s a given that mass popular demonstrations have been orchestrated by Antifa radicals, though there’s not a shred of evidence to that effect,” Krugman writes. “And Trump, famously, suggested that a 75-year-old man knocked over by the police — we’ve all seen the video of him bleeding out on the sidewalk — was an Antifa provocateur who somehow engineered his own assault.”
In recent history, I’ve also seen Republicans such as Greg Gianforte, Michael Grimm, Rick Perry, Bill O’Reilly, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck all throw angry, unbalanced temper tantrums.

Scary as this may sound, it seems that this sort of childish, irresponsible behavior is the new normal of the Republican Party.

I’ve seen bullying, childish lies, childish threats, childish ultimatums, name calling, pouting and temper tantrums become very nearly commonplace in the Republican Party, but almost nothing in the way of actual leadership.

Is this seriously the best the Republican Party can do? Aren’t there ANY ADULTS left in the GOP?

Not really, no.

Trump, Kavanaugh, DeSantis, Abbott, Limbaugh, Hannity, Gaetz and the other leaders of the Republican Party are like a bunch of school-age children, irresponsible, spoiled rotten, whiny, reckless, irrational, emotionally-needy, ignorant and intellectually-lazy. Maybe they should all just hold their breaths until they pass out.
"This is what Trump is like in the Oval Office every day."

Red-faced. Shouting. Interrupting. Ignoring. That describes Trump at last night’s debate. Turns out it also describes what he’s like in the Oval Office:

Trump doesn’t accept the consensus that the debate was a disaster because, sources said, he was unabashedly himself. “The thing about the debate is people got to see why no one that has any integrity can work for Trump. This is what Trump is like in the Oval Office every day. It’s why [John] Kelly left. It’s why [Jim] Mattis quit,” said the prominent Republican. “Trump doesn’t let anyone else speak. He really doesn’t care what you have to say. He demeans people. He talks over them. And everyone around him thinks it’s getting worse.”

The Vanity Fair article is more about Brad Parscale and the chance he may spill the beans on campaign finance violations. AJP has a diary about that up now; I wanted to focus on this part. I particularly want to highlight that last sentence again:

And everyone around him thinks it’s getting worse.
The repubican party has adopted the Duster and Jack boots. Compromise went out with the moderates.
The repubican party has adopted the Duster and Jack boots. Compromise went out with the moderates.

LOL they aren't the authoritarians being smacked down in court on the dailty for their Duster and Jack booted governing style of overstepping their legal authority, the very definition of authoritarianism.

That's all (D) governors and mayors so far.

Take your blinders off......(R)'s aren't the ones in dusters and jackboots comrade.
I’ve seen bullying, childish lies, childish threats, childish ultimatums, name calling, pouting and temper tantrums become very nearly commonplace in the Republican Party, but almost nothing in the way of actual leadership.

Is this seriously the best the Republican Party can do? Aren’t there ANY ADULTS left in the GOP?

There are, but they're the people who run the Lincoln Project and other groups who are fighting against Donald Trump, William Barr, Steve Miller and Mitch McConnell.

The Republican leadership derides these responsible adults as "never Trumpers" and hurls childish insults at them like "human scum".

Responsible adults are now on the fringes of the Republican Party. They're not permitted to have a leadership role in the GOP any more.
Projection, hypocrisy, and petty bickering are default modes in politics, as litsters demonstrate in every thread of the PB.
Because Dems keep taking the high road, these people fester.

Stop being kind to them.
It was November 7th, 2020. The election hadn't been called yet, but Trump was trailing Biden by about 50 electoral votes and about 4 million popular votes. There was no path to victory open to Trump. A responsible adult might have looked at the situation at that point and conceded with dignity.

But not Trump.

Acting like a petulant toddler, Trump went on Twitter and in an all-caps tempter tantrum, he tweeted, "I WON THIS ELECTION BY A LOT!"

He didn't win.

He couldn't win.

He had lost.

And so he goes on social media and throws a childish temper tantrum, stubbornly denying reality and claims that he won, "BY A LOT".
Donald Trump is a reckless, irresponsible, intellectually-lazy child who has bragged about his ability to sexually-assault women and get away with it. He chronically throws temper tantrums when he doesn’t get his way and hurls childish insults at the FBI, CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times, our NATO allies, investigative journalists, judges, the United States Constitution, and basically anyone or anything that hinders him from getting his way.

In addition to throwing childish temper tantrums, Trump refuses to do his job. He won’t read his daily intelligence briefings, he won’t engage in diplomacy, he won’t defend America against Russian cyberattacks and spends an alarming amount of time golfing, holding hate-filled rallies, watching television and sending out childish tweets. All the actual WORK is done by other people.

Republican legislators, Trump’s advisers and even his wife have told Trump that it’s time to concede. But Trump is all like, “I DON’T WANNA! I WANNA BE PRESIDENT! I DON’T HAVE TO DO WHAT YOU SAY!”
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The republican leadership needs to step up and acknowledge the results of the election.

I am so goddamned sick and tired of this party over country bullshit.
The republican leadership needs to step up and acknowledge the results of the election.

I am so goddamned sick and tired of this party over country bullshit.

Give 'em time to grieve, sweetie.

They understand they're going to spend the next four years howling "but but teh DEFICIT"! and "but but teh FEDERAL DEBT"
Give 'em time to grieve, sweetie.

They understand they're going to spend the next four years howling "but but teh DEFICIT"! and "but but teh FEDERAL DEBT"

The problem is that they have used up their charity.

They need to step up and actually prove they care more about America than the republican party.

So far I'm not seeing it.
The problem is that they have used up their charity.

They need to step up and actually prove they care more about America than the republican party.

So far I'm not seeing it.

I'm 54 years old and I've been watching American politics with great interest since Ronald Reagan's first term in the White House. The Republicans back then had some horrible leaders (like Ronald Reagan himself), but they also had some responsible adults (like Barry Goldwater, Bob Dole and Arlen Specter).

Since the 1980's, I've watched as all the responsible adults in the Republican Party have either been forced out of leadership positions or quite the party in disgust.

The Republicans of today are abusive, ignorant, intellectually-lazy children, who threaten to kill reporters, incite violence, praise foreign dictators, brag about sexually assaulting women, try to run buses of the road, publicly defend rapists, send pipe bombs through the mail and organize into unruly mobs who demand that election officials not count votes.

And despite their childish, unruly, irresponsible (and quite often illegal) behavior, the Democrats keep threating the Republicans like adults.

That tactic isn't working.

Republicans are never going to grow up if we keep rewarding their childish, irresponsible behavior.

Media outlets should stop giving Republican leaders free air time if all they're going to do is spew conspiracy theories and childish ideas.

City governments should ban Trump from holding rallies in their cities until Trump pays off his bills from previous rallies and stops using rallies to incite violence.

Twitter should cancel Trump's Twitter account until he shows that he can use it responsibly and not act like a child who keeps trying to disrupt the nation, tell outrageous lies, incite violence and engage in hate-mongering and fear mongering.
During their long years in the wilderness (2009-2016), Republicans forgot how to govern. Under the steady corrosion of Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republicans became little more than an obstructionist party, with no ideas of their own. They became enamored by "sound bites".

When they assumed power in 2016, they continued their "scorched Earth" approach. Never was their utter intellectual bankruptcy more apparent than at the Republican convention this past summer....they dropped the premise of even having a platform to run on. "Whatever Trump wants" is a sad way to run a country.

It will take the Republicans a long time to recover from Trump. And America got a much-needed wake up call as to the dangers of creeping fascism....if an inept and clumsy fascist buffoon like Trump can succeed, one can imagine the horrors that a competent fascist might inflict upon America.
The republican leadership needs to step up and acknowledge the results of the election.

I am so goddamned sick and tired of this party over country bullshit.
