Aussie's Self Pleasure Study Club

You are correct! Considering the definition being flowers linked by their stems, you can probably guess the dirty version pretty accurately 😂

But since I enjoy the Educate Enny initiative so much (I’m trying to earn my Lit badge for this one day), the official slang definition of Daisy Chain is “a group sexual activity in which the participants serve as active and passive partners to different people simultaneously” :D
It's like a prettier version of a human centipede
I took a human sexuality in college where one of the assignments was to sit in front of a mirror and learn your body. The spread of prior knowledge was huge and nothing was assumed so we explored everything. It was an amazing course and I learned so much about my body, sexual health and what brought me pleasure.
I try to students to do all that for themselves, them be able to communicate that to partners in all the ways especially talking about it. Most report that knowing of themselves makes that one moment more powerful. Thanks
You are correct! Considering the definition being flowers linked by their stems, you can probably guess the dirty version pretty accurately 😂

But since I enjoy the Educate Enny initiative so much (I’m trying to earn my Lit badge for this one day), the official slang definition of Daisy Chain is “a group sexual activity in which the participants serve as active and passive partners to different people simultaneously” :D
Educate Enny initiative?!

Gah! Does it ever occur there are things I am better off not knowing? Ignorance can be bliss! Or, you know, something along those lines.


Also, your definition doesn't make any sense. 🤔
Each person is giving oral to the next person in a circle. 😜

Like when you daisy chain a bunch of cables together, but with penises and vaginas. :devil:
Thank you, for clarifying that image, Muscles. :p

And let me just say that I am shocked. Shocked!

This is the kind of therapy you offer?!

*tries to decide whether she should be insulted this is not what she is offered*

Good morning class.

There was a fantastic question about why we masturbate the way we do and in the spirit of this being a study club, let's dive in!

This ☝️ is the clitoris. If you are like me and own one of these, it is helpful to know about it so that you can explore it and the pleasure it can provide.

First off, the clit is not just some pea shaped nub. It's not a "button". Around 90 percent of the clitoris’s bulk lies beneath the surface. It is a sprawling underground kingdom of crackling nerves and blood-pumping vessels. Underneath the nub, called the glans clitoris, a plump wishbone shape encircles the vagina, with arms that flare out up to nine centimeters into the pelvis. And all of the parts beneath the surface are made of erectile tissue, meaning they swell with blood when aroused to become even bigger.

And that under-the-surface bulk is brimming with connections. The clitoris is intimately entwined with all of the pelvic structures around it, including the urethra (the duct for urination), the vagina and the labia.

Understanding the full shape of the clitoris helps us to improve anatomy textbooks and better comprehend how female orgasm works. It also helps surgeons to spare crucial nerves during pelvic surgery, improve gender-affirmation procedures and repair the clitorises of women who have undergone female genital mutilation.

In 2005 Australian urologist Helen O’Connell thrust the full anatomy of the clitoris into the public eye. She used microdissection of cadavers and magnetic resonance imaging of living women to reveal what only a few brave anatomists had ever dared to point out. This thing is kind of huge!

How did it take until 2005 for us to properly identify this anatomy?
Is this part of why female masturbation isn't well understood? Probably.

Every human on this earth is made up of the same parts arranged in different configurations.


So to the gentlebeast who asked why women don't orgasm via penetration, I ask you the same thing? If you as a male had no glans simulation and were only stimulated at the bulb of your sexual anatomy (you can reach it via probing your rectum), how reliably would you get off? And would it be worth the effort for you?

Things to ponder...
So, what I’m taking from this is that cavernous IS an appropriate descriptor?