Bad Company: DOA OOC

A JEDI! Nice. Nice. I portray
Darth Ursa, Dark Lady of Sin
in my Star Wars guild. XD I love
the darkside, but I have a Jedi
that is from the Chiss Homeworld.
Gotta love a hot chick with blue skin
and piercing red eyes. :3
Wisdom? Blah blah blah. There is one purpose behind the Force. Without the Force, there would be no hot sith alien chicks in slutty dominatrix-esque outfits. Jedi are only around so they can fight the sith chicks and slice their outfits in suggestive ways.

I am almost positive that is what Lucas had in mind. (Well that, and finding another way to make Frank Oz's voice a cultural icon. Because damn it, the man needs to be remembered for all things awesome in the world of puppets!)
And my Darth Ursa, just LOVES to parade.
XD That and she is an Echani. Gotta love
the fact she can pretzel herself in soooo
many different ways. Thank you Echani..
thank you so very much...
Well that is why I have that link on my signature. That is one very small reason why I am training under my Jedi master
Oh I've clicked the link. But I think we're all aware that "cookies" is just a colorful euphemism. *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*
LMFAO! That is hilarious.
I want her -takes her for her
own and turns her to the dark
side- She is MINE! -hisses-
The Jedi also have Leia, and we all know how good she looks in a metal bikini. Oh, and don't forget Han for all the ladies. He might not be a Jedi, but he's a big time supporter.
Han doesn't need to be a Jedi. He is Han Motherfucking Solo. The bad guys blow themselves up just so they don't insult him by making him waste shots. It isn't just an honor to be killed by Han Solo, it is an honor to die in close proximity to Han Solo.

If I wasn't so damn tired and about to go to bed, I'd do a Han Solo "Most interesting man in the world" spoof.
Han doesn't need to be a Jedi. He is Han Motherfucking Solo. The bad guys blow themselves up just so they don't insult him by making him waste shots. It isn't just an honor to be killed by Han Solo, it is an honor to die in close proximity to Han Solo.

If I wasn't so damn tired and about to go to bed, I'd do a Han Solo "Most interesting man in the world" spoof.

A rain-check then. I'd love to see what that spoof is like.
I'm working on the details for my Bad Company guy, since that is what this thread is about. Not to fear, though, when I get things finalized I will get that spoof up.

This spoof requires my utmost comedic concentration...I don't want to half ass the legend of "The Most Interesting Man in the Galaxy."
Alright here's my guy. Sorry if the explanations in certain areas don't flow well, I'm a little out of it today.


- Name: Leo Wise
- Alias: Magnicida dios (The god slayer) – Alias given to him by numerous latin gangs.
- Age: 31

- Gender: Male

- Appearance: 2 meters tall (~6'7"). 225 lbs. Heavily muscled. Broad shoulders. Medically incapable of growing any body hair. Brown eyes. No scars. Has a completely symmetrical full body tattoo without gang or prison symbols.

- Weapon(s): Will use whatever he gets his hands on. Enjoys knives and daggers, but recognizes their limited effectiveness against SIN soldiers. Personal preference is to have a Vindicator and Leveler. The Dogma is a close runner up to the pistols.
(Despite being ambidextrous and incredibly coordinated, he won't two-fist pistols unless he desperately needs to get a lot of shots flying and doesn't really care where they hit. He understands that one well placed shot can do a lot more than dozens of bullets flying through the air.)

- Supplies: He has no personal items, and no supplies of his own beyond a single set of clothes. He wears his tattered, prison issued black t-shirt; and old pair of military issued, dark green cargo pants; military issued combat boots. Anything they think he might need, they hold on to as long as possible.

- Conviction: First record of him in the system was at 12 years old. In the 19 years since, he has an gotten an impressive sheet. This sheet holds the last set of official records. Whether he has actually done all of this is irrelevant in the eyes of the law. He confessed and was convicted.

14 counts of murder.
3 counts of grand larceny.
2 counts of kidnapping.
28 counts of assault.
6 counts of arson.
5 counts of illegal possession of military grade hardware.
2 counts theft of military vehicles.
10 counts of manslaughter.
3 counts of rape.
*Juvenile record has been expunged.*

- Persona: Leo has been scaring the shit out of psychiatrists for 20 years. Once the psychiatrists started comparing notes, they began to see some obvious contradictions. They can all agree that he seems to be completely amoral, but it has been difficult to give him a definite label of "sociopath." Just about all psychological labels he has received have been challenged by one doctor or another. There is one undeniable conclusion about him, however. He knows how to manipulate.

- Bio: With the chaos of the invasion, records of his past are hard to find. He isn't even too sure what his real life has been like. Not because of amnesia, but he has been so committed to so many webs of lies he can't tell where the lies end and his memories begin. The truth of the matter is, he really doesn’t care.
Having been in and out of prison since he was 12, he doesn't have any real personal life to describe. By 26 the cycle of simple crimes followed by a quick parole had ended. He was convicted of his first 2 murders, and 3 counts of rape. From that point on, Leo never spent a full year in prison at any time. He always found a way to escape. He would always end up arrested again within a month, though. Oddly enough, despite the violent nature of many of his little crime sprees, not once did he resist arrest. And not once has he killed a guard in his escapes.
The real mystery about him is why he confesses. Every time he is caught, no matter what charge they lay on him, he confesses. He has all the details required for a confession, and never seems to be protecting anyone, so they accept the confession. Judges and District Attorneys love to give speeches about “this time the maniac will not get out to terrorize innocent people.”
Leo is unique among repeat offenders, in that he has never been a part of a prison gang. Most gangs recruit people in prison to help protect them, then once that person gets out, they have a new soldier on the streets. Not only has Leo never joined a gang, he has actively fought against them in and out of prison. There is little legal evidence to support this, but it is well known by guards and other inmates, that in prisons throughout the country Leo would pit multiple gangs against each other.
Sometimes he would act as if he was a member of the gang, and give false information to start an all out war. Other times he had a carefully worked out plan that used every person in the prison, from guards to inmates, to incite the gangs to fight each other. Usually he would use the chaos to take out the leaders of each side, then make his escape from prison.
He didn’t discriminate when it came to gangs, but several large and powerful latin gangs got the most attention. Possibly because they had more influence on the outside, and would spare no expense to try and destroy Leo. They were the ones who coined him the “god slayer,” after he took out the top leaders in three different gangs. Men who were thought to be untouchable, and had locked themselves in veritable fortresses surrounded by their thugs. The guards for those great and untouchable leaders never saw Leo go in, never heard him kill their bosses, and never saw him come out. He confessed to the murders when the police caught him, though. And you would have to be damn stupid to confess to something like that if you were innocent.

- Specialties: A life of crime has given Leo an extensive and detailed knowledge of conventional weapons, makeshift weapons and a multitude of explosives. He can improvise a bomb, grenade or land-mine with little effort. He is also able to handle complex military grade explosives like a specialist. If it can kill people or cause damage, he knows something about it. Other than that, he can usually find a way in to or out of anywhere. Using a mixture of technical knowledge, stealth, persuasion, intimidation and misdirection, he has yet to find a prison that he couldn’t get out of or a building he couldn’t get in to.
He can handle a multitude of land vehicles, but doesn't know much about boats, and absolutely nothing about air vehicles. His knowledge of the inner workings of engines and computers is also impressive, thanks to the well stocked prison libraries he had access to from his teenage years and early 20’s. There is also his surprising knowledge of medicine, specifically emergency first aid. However this is not that unusual for lifelong convicts, as the ability to stitch up a wound, set bones and avoid infection is incredibly useful behind bars. Convicts who are targeted by the powerful gangs that control most of prison life often find themselves dead if they end up in the poorly monitored infirmaries.

Here is a flattened version of the front of his tattoo.
*EDIT* Updated the design
*2nd EDIT* Updated design again

Last edited:
I thought about making it in to a slideshow GIF. But I am pretty damn lazy.

Even parodies of Han Solo is hot


Yes the Force is on our side, the dark side only has the Sith in leather, red laser sabres and of course Anakin Skywalker.
Even parodies of Han Solo is hot


Yes the Force is on our side, the dark side only has the Sith in leather, red laser sabres and of course Anakin Skywalker.

No, the Sith had Darth Vader. Anakin Skywalker was never a Sith. Darth Vader was.
Humble apologies master, but did Anakin not join the dark side before he became Vader? Or was the loss of Padme what drove him into the full embrace of the the Dark side as Vader?
Doesn't transitive property
prove that Anakin is a Sith?

If Anakin Skywalker is
Darth Vader, and Darth
Vader is Sith. Then by
that same property, Anakin
Skywalker must also be Sith?

XD Damn me and my English..
He joined the Dark Side when he chose to protect the Emperor against Mace Windu. That is when he became Darth Vader. The loss of Padme was a bit later. Although, it was the fear of losing Padme that Darth Sidious used to corrupt and turn Anakin onto the path to the Dark Side.

Also, Anakin Skywalker ceased to be when he became Darth Vader. However, Anakin Skywalker came back during Luke's battle with the Emperor, thus causing Vader to cease to exist. The Force works in mysterious ways, far too mysterious for such things as the "transitive property" to be valid.
Frank Kennedy

1. Name: Frank Kennedy
2. Age: 28
3. Gender: Male
4. Appearance: 6'11", 480 pounds, short cut hair, half crazed expression, various scars from fights
5. Weapon(s): Juggernaut and Queen Mother
6. Supplies: Water
7. Conviction: Murder
8. Persona: Much can be said about Frank, the first thing is not to get in his way or upset him. He lives in solitary, because any guard that tried to get him in line gets killed. Though he seems to have as much intelligence as a rock, he remains human. He would make the perfect soldier, but no gang ever tried to approach him as he is deadly to anybody that speaks with him in just the wrong type of voice. Dumb, ugly brute is basically the words that describes Frank, but he has a softer side that only two people know of.
9. Bio: Even in his younger years Frank had homicidal tendencies, he just lacked the drive and knowledge. A book he found on pressure points and the nervous system was tested on a victim and from that day on Frank became the killer he is today. Of course being near 7 feet tall and spending most of your time lifting weights also helps to create a killer. Nobody could actually figure out what was wrong with Frank, even psychiatrists could only say one thing, he was stone cold crazy and best kept away from people. What makes Frank useful after the prison was opened was to kill S.I.N. he just seemed to have a natural hate for them and he went out of his way to kill any S.I.N. that came close to him.
10. Specialties: None.
Just think how the S.I.N. feel when he is blasting them with a machine gun in each hand, laughing like the crazy ass mofo he is.
Um, look I don't want to get drawn in to a Star Wars nerd battle here. But technically Vader and Anakin are the same person. Vader was not some alternate entity that took over Anakin in any literal sense. Metaphorically? Sure. Thematically? Fine, whatever.

Just try to remember that Star Wars, awesome as the expanded universe is, is still a work of fiction. You can not apply most real philosophical concepts to any of it. Look at just about all the dialogue in the movies and you will see everything from contradictions to complete bullshit. It doesn't matter because it all worked together well.

You have to remember that Lucas wanted to push the whole redemption thing to make the whole series more memorable. Vader/Anakin knew what he was doing the whole time, and even knew at times it was wrong. He just didn't care. Honestly, Vader/Anakin is a very poorly developed character. There is little about him specifically that is interesting. The stuff he does is interesting, but he himself is one dimensional.

Also just saying "the force works in mysterious ways" as a way to completely explain any plot hole or any glaring issue is about as interesting as how Harry Potter uses a simple and generic "magic" as a caveat.

If you do want to apply some real world philosophy to Star Wars, here you go. We are not good people or bad people. We are people. Every one of us is just as capable of being a monster as we are of being a hero. We do not cease to have the capacity for one just by doing the other.

Don't ruin Star Wars by applying medieval religious concepts to it. "When we do something bad, it isn't us. It was the Devil! But the good stuff? Well it was all me and God."

No! Give credit where credit is due! People are responsible for their own evil deeds, and own good deeds.

Also...I wholeheartedly support Frank.
Ah but we did not state that Vader and Anakin is two different bodies, they are two different names, thus the name Anakin can not be linked to the Sith. That is it. Of course I might be wrong and master Khan will correct me if I am wrong. :D

Also I'd rather be a nerd:

:D :D :D :D :D

Thanks for the support Nidd