Bad Company: DOA OOC

Alright don't really want to re-hash this...but entity is not a different body. Given the concept of the permanence of souls in the Star Wars stories, the entity would not be a physical body. The physical form would always be more like a vessel or some crap like that.

When I say "person" I am not referring to different bodies. Just because I do not want to get in to a nerd battle doesn't mean I don't know my Star Wars. I grew up with the movies, the games, the expanded universe novels, and I spent a lot of time playing and GMing the SAGA edition RPG. Which meant I needed to do a lot of research to make sure my stuff had the right feel and the right level of supported backstory so the players would get immersed.

Now do NOT get me started on the concept of changing a name means changing an identity. I have spent a lot of time on the concept of a name as an identity and I have no problem subjecting you to the horror of a 50 page essay detailing every philosophical, logical and theological concept of what makes a name.

Lets just say that going from Anakin to Vader is far more of a symbolic issue than an actual change of identity.

Now, lets work out some sort of relationship between Frank and Leo. Leo, obviously, messed up in his own way. But by no means psychotic. Any person behind bars would likely know he didn't do all of the stuff he was convicted of, even if he confesses to them. He also would creep out other convicts as much as normal folk. But if Frank is messed up, he might not be bothered at all by Leo.

Well the idea is for Frank...wait did you say 50 page essay? Well I am waiting for e-books to download, why not e-mail that to me? I'm sure it's worth a read. I love reading as much as RPing.

OK the idea is for Frank to have only one close friend and that is David Sherman, because David is the only guard who treated Frank like another human being and not an inmate. But I think if Leo doesn't go for trying to manipulate Frank, Frank would have some sort of communal link with him as they are both big guys and if they don't beat each others skulls in they would at least have some form of respect for each other. Thing is I want Frank to be some bad mofo who doesn't care what happens to anybody else, but that he will not kill women and kids and absolutely detests rapists as they tend to end up dead around him. Of course with Leo's rap sheet there will have to be some compromise between the two as there is rape on Leo's sheet as well.
On the Star Wars side I would like to state that KOTR and Jedi Outcast is my favorite games :)
Leo lies to and manipulates everyone. That is just how he is. When he tells you "good morning" chances are he just lied twice. He doesn't manipulate for personal gain, though. His plans don't ever seem to have a clear purpose. It is also really hard to tell he is manipulating.

Well a lot of inmates will probably have heard rumors or maybe even some actual information that the rapes were a set up to get him back in prison. He had gotten paroled and a gang he had waged a one man war on in prison didn't want him to disappear. They wanted him back in prison where they could get to him, and framed him for two rape-homicides and one rape.

Leo is a pretty scary fucker though. I mean he's about as pleasant to be around as anyone who grew up in the penal system would be. What is disturbing is he has the level of intelligence he has, and how well he can hide how much he knows. He's got that look that no matter what is going on, he's devising some sort of bloody contingency plan.
See? Too much scheming. Frankie will be the guy who just bash your head in because you said good morning and it was raining so it wasn't good for him. Actually a complex creature, but simple in some ways :)

I have found a way for Frank and Leo to co-exist. Leo provides Frank of purple jelly tots, something that Frank actually likes after washing off the sugar coating.
Then it is settled. Leo shall provide Frank with candy, if for no other reason than to keep him in a good mood so he keeps killing SIN.

Leo is a pretty good fighter, but Frank clearly has the advantage if it comes to hand-to-hand and close quarter combat. He's our team's own personal Hulk, minus the purple boxer shorts and the ability to do a vertical leap in to space.
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So then we are business partners in a sense and S.I.N. gets killed by Frank in compensation for Jelly Tots. Sounds like a plan to me.
I shall begin working on a contract that stipulates to how many Tots he receives per SIN killed. It shall be a weighted scale, with more Tots paid based on how strong the SIN that he killed was. Bonuses will also be paid for quickness and efficiency of the kills.

We are surrounded by the worst people society had to offer. I'm sure Frank wouldn't have had a problem finding a lawyer to help him review the contract.

(Long way to go for a lawyer bash, but I'm just committed to the bit.)

Alright, so Frank and Leo have an understanding. Leo, having skill with first aid, would also be a good person for Frank to go to in case of an injury. Actually I imagine Leo is spending most of his time making disinfectants, basic penicillin, and handling first aid needs than anything else. Medicine isn't his strong suit, but those things only require a basic knowledge of chemistry and biology. He knows a lot more about vehicles, explosives and electronics, but those things aren't a major concern right now, I bet.

Leo won't have an issue doing the first aid, as long as people adhere to his rules.
1. Don't ask about the tattoos.
2. Don't ask me to do anything other than medical tasks.
3. Don't ask any personal questions, actually.
4. Don't touch any of my equipment.
5. Seriously, don't ask about the fucking tattoos.

Sherman may not like Leo, based on his record and attitude, or may be just indifferent towards him since Leo never hassled the guards. Your call. Leo won't care about Sherman any more or less than anyone else.
Dizzy! Timber!! What's going on? Where is you guys??? Hopefully not ear waxing, what's going on? BC:DOA is still a go?
Wait Wait Nid, gots to hear both sides of the story. OK Dizzy tell us your side of the story we already saw that Tim hates you :p
We did? Wait...are you guys in an RP

Excuse me while I go cry for feeling abandoned...

After I cry and have a cookie, we'll get back to plotting the gruesome deaths of all who oppose Dizzyfish.
Professor Nid. I stalk you, and
am in all the same RP's. YOU
are the one in role-plays without
me... >.> Might I add...

And Tim doesn't talk to me, and I
am certain he uses the force to
send me visions of his white ass
mooning me..... <.<
Professor Nid. I stalk you, and
am in all the same RP's. YOU
are the one in role-plays without
me... >.> Might I add...

Hey!! I told you when we first started talking that you should join Decadents & Dropouts...but you said you didn't want to be a crazy stalker. I think DK and I can both agree that we would have absolute joygasms if you played with us in that RP.
-eyes glitter- Aww! Really?
You means it? I don't think
I should. You have such a well
developed class of characters.
I would just be a minor interruption.
I am fine with reading and following
along, however. ^^
Yay! I just wish Tim would get
online so I could rap--- erm I mean
get him to post as well. XD
Wow, lots of craziness going on in here. I hate no one. I just have a life outside of lit. Besides, and I hate this makes me sound whiny, Dizzy stopped talking to me first. I'm still up for this thread regardless.
I did not put him amongst the others?
-looks- Oh dood. I thought I had, yes
you can use Frankie and I will get to adding
him. Sorry about that DK! Totally my fault. :3
Frankie and Dave sitting in the tower
Es pee oh tee tee eye en gee
First come the SIN
then come the captain
then more sin to get slaugtered