Bethy Town

Hey all x im lurking about. Life is a bit draining atm so feel neither horny nor creative. Was on painkillers for broken tooth. Awaiting removal but in the meantime have discovered i have some sort of viral infection that i couldnt feel because of the painkillers. Sadly cant continue that level of pain management because its addictive

Its so strange. Today was rough. I had no pain (coz drugs) but heart palpitations and breathlessness if i talked too long. But then 8 hours later was fine to do a light dance class 🤷‍♀️ am i sick, am i not? 🙃 the roughness is really just the random moments of.. oh okay i cant do that right now.

Then someone put that its 27 days til xmas and i gave up 🤣🤣🤣
Hey all x im lurking about. Life is a bit draining atm so feel neither horny nor creative. Was on painkillers for broken tooth. Awaiting removal but in the meantime have discovered i have some sort of viral infection that i couldnt feel because of the painkillers. Sadly cant continue that level of pain management because its addictive

Its so strange. Today was rough. I had no pain (coz drugs) but heart palpitations and breathlessness if i talked too long. But then 8 hours later was fine to do a light dance class 🤷‍♀️ am i sick, am i not? 🙃 the roughness is really just the random moments of.. oh okay i cant do that right now.

Then someone put that its 27 days til xmas and i gave up 🤣🤣🤣
Sorry to hear you are having a rough go of it. As someone with frequent tooth ailments, I can absolutely sympathize. Never fun. Hope it doesn't last much longer for you!

Oof! I've barely even looked at Xmas shopping yet. Didn't need that perspective.🤣
Hey all x im lurking about. Life is a bit draining atm so feel neither horny nor creative. Was on painkillers for broken tooth. Awaiting removal but in the meantime have discovered i have some sort of viral infection that i couldnt feel because of the painkillers. Sadly cant continue that level of pain management because its addictive

Its so strange. Today was rough. I had no pain (coz drugs) but heart palpitations and breathlessness if i talked too long. But then 8 hours later was fine to do a light dance class 🤷‍♀️ am i sick, am i not? 🙃 the roughness is really just the random moments of.. oh okay i cant do that right now.

Then someone put that its 27 days til xmas and i gave up 🤣🤣🤣
Sorry you're having to deal with all that. Hoping you recover quickly!
im on the edge of oblivion chasing.. which sounds way bleaker than i intend. Its just a good description of that feeling. Maybe you know it. Its not exactly arousal altho the body is willing. Its the arousal escapism.

I prob make no sense 🫠
So today ive been reminded how much i like a very understated thing. Trying to hold a conversation whilst a sex toy or person is busy distracting me 😈😈 fuck. Im laid with toy in me now and ive also just learned this thing changes settings by itself or ny thighs are that good. Im gonna cum hard i can feel the build up
So today ive been reminded how much i like a very understated thing. Trying to hold a conversation whilst a sex toy or person is busy distracting me 😈😈 fuck. Im laid with toy in me now and ive also just learned this thing changes settings by itself or ny thighs are that good. Im gonna cum hard i can feel the build up
This post alone is incredibly lovely to read.
I should have recorded the moment of full release but i was too in it. And id prob feel embarrassed because i had a cascade of tears and giddiness 🫠 good but weird to feel too. Theres showing my boobs vulnerable and theres hearing the moan to tears to giggles vulnerable 👀🤣
I should have recorded the moment of full release but i was too in it. And id prob feel embarrassed because i had a cascade of tears and giddiness 🫠 good but weird to feel too. Theres showing my boobs vulnerable and theres hearing the moan to tears to giggles vulnerable 👀🤣
Sounds enchanting
Ecstatic to hear that you had that complete, sort of multidimensional release, sounds like it was urgently needed on all fronts. Definitely a heightened vulnerability to think of releasing a recording of it into the wild, but I imagine I’m not alone in saying I’m here for it;)
So today ive been reminded how much i like a very understated thing. Trying to hold a conversation whilst a sex toy or person is busy distracting me 😈😈 fuck. Im laid with toy in me now and ive also just learned this thing changes settings by itself or ny thighs are that good. Im gonna cum hard i can feel the build up
Would have loved to be on the other end of that phone call
Happy monday folks x i ended last week in the emergency department for my diabetes. Nothing as major as it sounds just some iv fluids and a hatred for hospital lighting. I ran out of insulin so i learnt the hard way why i need to keep on top of prescriptions

All is back to normal now and im back to my usual oblivious self 😅
Happy monday folks x i ended last week in the emergency department for my diabetes. Nothing as major as it sounds just some iv fluids and a hatred for hospital lighting. I ran out of insulin so i learnt the hard way why i need to keep on top of prescriptions

All is back to normal now and im back to my usual oblivious self 😅
Hugs, Beth.
Thanks :) well I have one more job than i had last week 🥰 im still interviewing to patch up a full time equivalent but a nice confidence boost because the hiring cycle is brutal

Still waiting for start date but im excited. Its a teaching post
Thanks :) well I have one more job than i had last week 🥰 im still interviewing to patch up a full time equivalent but a nice confidence boost because the hiring cycle is brutal

Still waiting for start date but im excited. Its a teaching post
Good luck!