BEWARE: A Head's Up for All!

A person who would do that is NOT A FRIEND....

AA I understand how hurt you must be... I certainly would be.... but remember that we here are your friends and don't want to lose you...

((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) and a enormousMwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

I have been off for a couple of days. I was so sorry to come back and read this thread. AA, I feel that I was just starting to get to know you. I understand your feelings but I hope it doesn't keep you away for a long time. You would obviously be missed by many people here on lit, myself included. In some ways the person wins by ruining the fun here for you and all of us. People like that should be shunned from this site, I know they can't be kept out since anyone can register using any name or information they would like. This is especially distressing because of the positive responses everyone here saw to naded's situation, it really gave me a sense of community here, but it does bring up the need for caution.
AA, I know you said you wouldn't be reading responses, but I just have to vent my anger about what you've warned us about. I didn't think I could be surprised by the cruelty of people anymore, but for some reason this shocked me. I just don't understand it, unless like you said there is some serious need-to-address issues going on for that person. I'm glad you were able to get your pics removed from the other site.

Seriously, who ever did this.... Get yourself fucking checked already. You got problems beyond problems and it's not ok to abuse other people this way!

Anyway, I was just this week contemplating posting some pics here at the Am Pics forum. Not anymore. No way. So, thanks for the warning AA, I will be heeding it.

I hope you're not gone long, we need your awesome musical flair at the Erotic Dance thread!!!!:rose:
Thanks to everybody!

Thought I'd give you an update here...although it doesn't change what occurred, I talked on the telephone with the website that posted the pics. I demanded to get the name and addy of the person who submitted my pics to their site. They refused, then I reminded them that since they accepted the pics--they were libel and I was seriously considering bringing a suit against they reneged and gave me an address but not the name. Now I had the 'raw material' that I needed to work with and began my research.

Suffice to say that I worked for the Bell System for quite a few years and still have contacts there. After a few strategically placed calls, I ended up with a name and phone number, so made a telephone call to the number. A man answered...turns out he is the husband of the predatory woman. He was hostile at first, but I explained that with what his wife did...I could sue him and own all of his assets...he calmed down and we talked for an hour.

I laid out what had happened and speculated that I probably wasn't the only one she had done this to. There was a pause while he was absorbing this, then he made the remark "This makes sense now." He explained that his wife (who doesn't work) was buying some items for herself and when he confronted her about where she got the cash to buy them--she was vague about it. He said that this started about 8 months ago and she was spending tons of time on the computer. I asked him to check the History on that computer and see how many sex sites came up and that would be the source of her income...setting up her patsies, so to speak. Furthermore, I stated it would be to his advantage to stop this or have the possibility of losing everything that he had worked for over the years.

We chatted for over an hour...he actually THANKED me for not filing suit and I told him that I did it this way to give him the benefit of the doubt. I let him know that next time...if there is one...that there will be no warning--just official correspondence from my attorney. He assured me that there won't be another incident, to which I said...I hope not. End of story...thanks everybody for your love and concern--I am back now...AA

That's great AA! People like that probably get away with what they have done most of the time. You did not only yourself but the entire internet community a service by pursuing this to the end.
I think that was......

very kind of you AA... But it shows you are more of a *Human* than her... I feel bad for the husband for having such a Bitch for a wife...and if he was smart he would dump her... I comment you AA for being the *Gentleman*...:heart: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
Glad to hear that you settled it...what a gentleman!!! I would have been so outraged I may not have been as nice!!!
When I first read this I got quite worried because I just posted a whole bunch of pics of myself..face and body...last week..
well...thanks for the warning...I guess you never think it could happen to you...and now I'll be a lot more careful!!!
By the way...hoow did yo happen to find your pics?? by accident??

La Mafees
Very happy

Glad you squared things away. It makes me happy that you are going to stay around. YAY.:D
Re: Thanks to everybody!

alwaysawake said:
Thought I'd give you an update here...although it doesn't change what occurred, I talked on the telephone with the website that posted the pics. I demanded to get the name and addy of the person who submitted my pics to their site. They refused, then I reminded them that since they accepted the pics--they were libel and I was seriously considering bringing a suit against they reneged and gave me an address but not the name. Now I had the 'raw material' that I needed to work with and began my research.

Suffice to say that I worked for the Bell System for quite a few years and still have contacts there. After a few strategically placed calls, I ended up with a name and phone number, so made a telephone call to the number. A man answered...turns out he is the husband of the predatory woman. He was hostile at first, but I explained that with what his wife did...I could sue him and own all of his assets...he calmed down and we talked for an hour.

I laid out what had happened and speculated that I probably wasn't the only one she had done this to. There was a pause while he was absorbing this, then he made the remark "This makes sense now." He explained that his wife (who doesn't work) was buying some items for herself and when he confronted her about where she got the cash to buy them--she was vague about it. He said that this started about 8 months ago and she was spending tons of time on the computer. I asked him to check the History on that computer and see how many sex sites came up and that would be the source of her income...setting up her patsies, so to speak. Furthermore, I stated it would be to his advantage to stop this or have the possibility of losing everything that he had worked for over the years.

We chatted for over an hour...he actually THANKED me for not filing suit and I told him that I did it this way to give him the benefit of the doubt. I let him know that next time...if there is one...that there will be no warning--just official correspondence from my attorney. He assured me that there won't be another incident, to which I said...I hope not. End of story...thanks everybody for your love and concern--I am back now...AA

Yay! Your trust is back! get my second compliment of this waking period (the first went to Richo01 check his pic thread!)

You did something that I could have easily fallen victim to your own anger and punished a possibly innocent man in order to get back at his wife but instead you actually worked with him to make sure it didn't happen again...

We are impressed....*bows*
AA -- so happy to hear that you took control over that situation and was so good about it. I admire that! *kiss*

I dont know you at all, im relatively new to this site, but Im so happy your back.

Congratulations on the (hopefully) successful outcome to the problem. I read with concern about your dilema. I had posted pics of my wife a couple of months ago(took them off later for different reasons- glad I did) so I could relate. Glad your back because this site is the best I've seen and we can use all the good folks we can get. Saying that we must also realize that every family has it's black sheep- we know they are there, but we don't like to admit it. I personally have had no bad encounters and I hope I never do, but the possibility is there. Good luck to all in their quest-whatever it may be.
I'm so happy to hear this! You are a bigger man than most, AA, for taking the high road.

I'm glad to hear that you were able to track this woman down and get things settled to your satisfaction. Good for you! so sorry, i wasnt around so i had to idea that happened to you....
and to everyone else, im the friend that AA was refering to when he said it had happened to someone else..aa was the one who found the pics of me, and he told me right away. The website took them off, but they have showed up pereodically on the same site and on other sites, all i can do is keep contacting sites anytime i find them, im just thankful that my name is not attached to them. but i know how he feels, totally violated.
And AA way to go in confronting the problem head on.....a big hug to you my friend *G*
Haven't read all the posts here but just so you know this also happens at Lit.

Go over to the Amateur Pic thread and see how many pics say Copyright whoever. Gee what does it say at the bottom, please don't post copyrighted pics. I see pics from Project Voyeur and the Free Voyeur Web and RedClouds all the times. I know of one picture that had come from Jen & Dave's Homepage ans someone had posted a nasty coment about it, I contacted Jen and Dave and they contacted lit to pull the pic. I also know people have cropped photos to remove copyrights.

Well even though people aren't making money by posting pics here at lit, maybe we should all report the copyrighted pics and work to get them off. How can we be pissed if someone steals one of our pics, but we allow others to be stolen on here?

Just my thoughts.
One other thought

Just in case you didn't know there is an easy way to save attachments. When the attachment is displayed, click on file save as and then give it an appropriate name with an extension. I have done it, but I don't repost pics, I just like to keep them for me only.

Little Lady69 said: so sorry, i wasnt around so i had to idea that happened to you....
and to everyone else, im the friend that AA was refering to when he said it had happened to someone else..aa was the one who found the pics of me, and he told me right away. The website took them off, but they have showed up pereodically on the same site and on other sites, all i can do is keep contacting sites anytime i find them, im just thankful that my name is not attached to them. but i know how he feels, totally violated.
And AA way to go in confronting the problem head on.....a big hug to you my friend *G*
Thanks LL--I found those the same way that I found yours...random surfing. Huggggggs to my good friend !! AA
AA, glad to hear you took care of it. Just wanted to point something out to all though. Even though we may send a pic to a certain person, depending how they download and save it, all others that have access to that computer have access to that pic. (unless I just don't know how to save right). SO could be even her spouse that was doing it with pics he found, not saying it was, just a possibiity. Just be mindful of that fact whenever sending a pic....

plus, I am not up on copyright laws or whatever it is. but has anyone ever thought about where all the pics on the web come from? so many sites, avatars, funny pics and more, have a disclaimer saying to the best of their knowledge the pics, animations, so on, are not copyrighted to the best of their knowledge... so many folks just click and save for their own personal use. The internet has opened up so much more to us all, unfortunately it also opens us to the posibility of being taken advantage of....
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Kat-44 said:
AA, glad to hear you took care of it. Just wanted to point something out to all though. Even though we may send a pic to a certain person, depending how they download and save it, all others that have access to that computer have access to that pic. (unless I just don't know how to save right). SO could be even her spouse that was doing it with pics he found, not saying it was, just a possibiity. Just be mindful of that fact whenever sending a pic....

plus, I am not up on copyright laws or whatever it is. but has anyone ever thought about where all the pics on the web come from? so many sites, avatars, funny pics and more, have a disclaimer saying to the best of their knowledge the pics, animations, so on, are not copyrighted to the best of their knowledge... so many folks just click and save for their own personal use. The internet has opened up so much more to us all, unfortunately it also opens us to the posibility of being taken advantage of....
Very good points, Kitty Kat. The easiest way to get around what I went thru is simply not to post the pics. I did post a naked pic today--my dog! LOL Thanks for being there, my friend! Hugs and kisses--AA
alwaysawake said:
Very good points, Kitty Kat. The easiest way to get around what I went thru is simply not to post the pics. I did post a naked pic today--my dog! LOL Thanks for being there, my friend! Hugs and kisses--AA
Hey! Sorry to hear about your problem with the pic.
I can't really add much, except my sympathyand this; if you have an image editor, usually you can insert text onto your pics. If you add a line of text saying the pic is copyrighted by soandso, who knows, it may make it a bit more difficult for someone to steal it...