Black Ops: A new breed.

Shawn looked away "I tried to save him... But I couldn't... he wanted to be an hero..." Shawn gruned in pure anger at himself. He didn't want the rookie to die, but when he got the chance to save him, it was too late

"We'll finish this talk some other time."

"Yeah... whatever."

IC: We arived at the french Embassy. It was a very large old brick building with a layer of baish stuco giveing it a very earthy feel. So this is the place, seems more like a resort to me. It even has a swiming pull in adition to rooms for all employees and several guests.

The land around the place was rocky with nuarace weeds and tall graases inbetween. The town was a ways down the road and probably had several bars, a brothel, and most likely a kinkos and Star Bucks. Hmm it might take some seaching to find the local Mc Donalds.

"Okay where checking in and then your free until 800 tomorow. Rember to get some rest."
Stacey picked up her things from the seat beside her and exited the plane after catching Derwin's attention.

"Meet me," She mouthed to him knowing he would get the idea to meet her in the embassy after they had settled into their rooms.

Walking into the museum-like house she took a good look around studying it. It was a habit. One that had saved her life more than once. As she stood there, packs in hand, she was approached by a servant and when the girl spoke it was easy to see that she was native to France.

"You will follow me to your room?" She said seeming kind of hesitant about approaching this woman dressed in black and standing stiff and unyeilding in the hallway.

Stacey flashed her a smile and nodded, her face softening with the gesture. She always went into any situation that way, as if she was ready to take on the world. Sometimes it seemed that was her mission and she knew she had to be prepared for anything in this job even in such a normal surrounding.

As the girl proceeded up the stairs ahead of her, Stacey quickly caressed her mind, looking for any sign of Grey activity within her and was satisfied that there was none. At least not one detectable without further exploration and she did not want to frighten anyone or give herself away by doing so.

She was shown into a luxurious bedroom with a four poster and canopy bed, dresser, full length mirror, closet and writing table. The girl did a small bow and left, closing the door behind her.

When she was alone, Stacey put her bags into the closet and took out a small device from Tech, placing it on the door to the closet close enough to the handle to make it seem it was a part of the furniture. Turning on a switch she was pleased to see lights blinking on it. If anyone disturbed her things it would send an alarm to her watch she was wearing as well as take pictures of the culprit. It was a neat device she had used in several of her missions and it had worked to her advantage.

Finished with settling in, she left her room and moved about the Embassy getting a closer look at it as well as searching for Grey activity. Thorndyke had said to rest until the mission officially began but she knew well enough that in this kind of situation it was dangerous to ever assume you were off duty.

IC: I wish I had goten to see Tori before I left. I always feel so much more relaxed knowing she's okay before a mission. After all she was in a dangerous line of work being a black op.

'Your package came.' "Package?" I turn to the young girl after walking in. 'You are Edward right?' "Yes." The suplies ordered by me and the other op teams. "Oh good." I take the crate out front and load it into the hummer we brought. It was converted by the techies for use by are teams. More traction and power mostly. Plenty of room for all five of use and our gear.

I opened the crate and looked for the gear we ordered. I had asked for a couple of HAFLA's I can't rember what they stand for but there a fun toy. Some idiot classified them as a flame flower years ago. There more of a one shot grenade launcher, they fire white phospherous that burns what ever it comes into contact with. I fell in love with them when I was hunting a pack of were wolfs in a forest. With this gun it was all but impossible to miss.

I also found some sniper rifles. Probably for the other combat teams. I don't recall asking for some for my team, but it's possible the company threw in an extra one. Supriseingly there were two man portable rail guns. (MPRG's) With the one kept in the van that ment three guns. What type of fire power did they think we were going up against?

"Oh there it is." I reahced in for a seprate package. The box was adressed to me and had been something I asked for some time ago. The techies finished it just in time. It's a custom fited rifle complete with an grenade loncher at the botum. This weapon would be far more acurate then the standard rifles. At least thats what happened when they made my custom pistole.

I took my new toys into my room and then unpacked leaveing the crate in the car. I'll take out that box and leave it here for the other op teams once my guys get there new gear.

After un packing I readied my gear for tomorow. I grabed my custom pistole aswell as the one had used long before I got the custom one. I also placed my new rifle next to it. Several grenaides next to it and quite a few clips of ammo. My personal first aid kit.

My kit will do nothing compared to the gear the medic will more then likely bring. It's almost a shame we can't put our medical gear to civillian use. I guess the doctors would be shocked at how small most of our gear is.

I placed the pack of HAFLA's on the floor. The three of these will serve me well. Lastly I place my trusty knife there. Supriseingly I could carry this gear and still keep pace with my fighting. To an Op ccarrying gear never killed you, not haveing a loaded gun will though.
By the time he carried all of his stuff up to the hotel room, he was already tired again. Not that sleepy tired a nice nap will cure, but just a noticable irritability that he turned his was done using his brain for the next few hours.
He moved back into the lobby, noticing a nice little bar that ajoined it in the back. With a bit of a smirk, he went in, making himself comfortable.
Instead of getting totally plastered, he relented to get a coke and something hot from the grille. It had been a long flight, and from what he had seen, it would only get worse from here on in.
From time to time he checked the entrance for her to come in. If she hadn't made it here after he ate, he'd go and look for her.
Tossing her cigarette butt onto the ground outside, Stacey watched the activity around her. She saw Thorndyke put the last of his shipment away and, if she had only seen half of what he had stowed than someone thought they were going on more than a routine search and rescue mission. Someone was getting ready with fire power enough to blow them, the captives and every Grey on the island to bits. She was not happy that her theory was starting to look correct.

Turning, she went back inside and caught sight of Derwin in a bar having a bite and a coke. Going in, she slide into a seat beside him ordering the same.

"I don't like it," She said outlining the fire power she had seen Thorndyke loading up outside,"If we bring all that gear there is no way we can go in on foot. We will have to drive in, which will alert any Grey in the area and ruin the surprise." Her face became grim as she added,"Unless they plan on sending me in first to scope things out and even then it isn't certain. That much of a caravan trekking right up to the Grey's stronghold is not a good sign."

Taking a drink from her coke she said,"Though I haven't sensed any Grey activity here there still might be some and then anything we do is going to be known by the enemy."

IC: Edward turned in his bed. He wasn't resting easy. He felt sad and worried he had not seen his beloved the day before. Still he would ratheer have this stress here while he was trying to sleep then on the mission

OOC: A good portion of that gear is going to be left behind. Edward only took what he can carry. Two pistoles, his rifle, the HAFLA's (they come three in a box, and consit of a light weight tube and a handle.), and his knife.
OOC: yes, but Stacey does not know that so I am not playing her like she knows it.
OOC: She will decover that later to her relief. But I won't give my character any information I know she doesnt have. So we will have to have her find out when they leave and I will have her react accordingly.

I tend to not give my chara info they aren't supose to have myself. So I understand.
"To be honest," he bent ofver her shoulder, to look at the supplies, "I don't think we could surprise the gray's, even if we went with no supplies and learned how to fly. I don't like the extra groups coming though. It's just a bad sign. All of these people, together, for a search and rescue mission? To me it is beginning to look like they plan on blowing everything up anyway, no matter who gets out of there or not."
He did love having her on his side. In this line of business, no matter how smart a person was, they hardly ever thought anymore. When a commando sees a mission, he does the mission, no thought or recourse anywhere else but the mission.
"No gray activity? None at all? Is there a way we could test this? Maybe I could hook something up to enhance your psychic ability, we could get a better handle on just what we're dealing with, and if we should go in shooting or not. I've been thinking about this piece of armor I found, a part of a hull on one of the ship framgents we collected in a previous mission. Some of their things are amazing, and I think I can use it to help us."
He shrugged his shoulders, "It's worth a shot."
Stacey shook her head. "It is not that there is no activity it is that it is not on the surface. The problem with probing the mind of the Greys is that if you delve too far into their consciousness or someone under their control they will detect you and the element of surprise is gone."

Tapping her chin with one long fingernail she thought about what he had just said. "The problem is not strengthening my Psy power. But I wonder could you use that technology to shield it instead so that they could not detect my delvings or at least not detect it until I had the information I needed."

Looking at Derwin her eyebrow raised, an excited thrill coursing through her, she said,"Actually, if you could do that you could have just given us the edge we need to survive this mission."
Underground? They were going to go underground? No one had said anything about going under the ground in the briefing. They said the aliens were in the jungle. It would be a top-of-the-soil operation. He hated going undergruond, with the dirt and the cold and the dark.
Fucking shit.
"Shield it? I don't know, like I said, its all still in the theory phrase. But if you want to do some tests..."
He held up his hands, already seeing the fear shine in her eyes, "No, no, no, nothing like that. You won't feel a thing, I promise. It'll just be too find out if anything can work to heighten, or shield your power. Come on, I had the stuff delivered to my room."
He motioned for the waitress to bring the bill.
Stacey thought about it. They were talking about playing with her mind here. And with Grey technology to boot. But she couldnt touch more than the surface of the minds of the people who the Greys had made their own and if things were anything like she and Derwin thought than she would end up without a mind to play with.

She nodded, albeit reluctantly. "Okay, if you can come up with something that lets me go beyond surface consciousness without detection than it will be worth the risk."

Tossing money on the table for her uneaten food, she stood and prepared to follow Derwin up to his room.
Inside his room, he asked her to take a seat on the bed.
"It'll just take a minute," he said, walking into the other room, grabbing a few instruments and the piece of scattered wire shield that had now been thoroughly plucked and dissected after a long few hours bent over the damned thing.
"From what I've gathered, the energy that runs through this is psyhcic energy. We have yet to determine most of where they get their energy. We understand some things, like basic superconductors, but smaller things, like this, or some of their guns... well some of us techies theorize that they use psychic energy to run them."
He had most of the wirse that came from the disjointed cells pulled onto one make-shift glove. He slipped it on her hand.
"This shouldn't hurt you. I just want to see if the theory works. Just concentrate, I guess, I don't know how you use your psychic abilities, but however you do it, try to channel it through your hand. I'm not sure what will happen, even if it does work."
He put on a pair of goggles.

Tom was strolling outside in one of the small scenic gardens as she read the information that scrolled across her small hand held computer, a modified medical datapad. She tapped lightly on the screen and pulled up each team members’ health and record files. She perused them quickly before snapping the cover shut and walking back to the lobby.
Stacey held her breath and closed her eyes slowly letting go of the restraint she put on her mind. She felt a tingle in her hand where it was gloved and it spread up her arm, into her neck and into her head making her body feel as if a thousand pins had been placed into them.

She noticed nothing new at first and then it was like a blinding flash of light in her head and her thoughts raced from her barely under her control.

It was more like a part of her traveled outside her body for she could see and hear things as if she was there. A flash of her past where she could not shut off the voices came to her but she shoved it back. Now was not the time to be distracted.

And it was not exactly like before, either, there were voices there but something else. Like voices within voices. It had a creepy quality to it. And the second voice that resided in the first was not talking plainly. Or at least not talking in a language that was totally familiar to her. But she knew enough to latch onto the language as well as some of the words said. It was the language of the Greys and orders were being given.

"Stop...any conditions...death...annihalation...extermination...weaklings..." were just some of the words she could latch onto and understand. But pictures came with the words like they always did. Gruesome pictures that fed fear and hatred into her very soul as if by being on the same psychic wavelength as the Greys she was recieving a feed back about their feeling toward the humans. And it was stronger now, feeding images of death and destruction and betrayal into her mind almost faster than she could cope with it. Hitting her almost like a physical blow.

Her mind raced around the grounds outside as well as inside the building, her thoughts being drawn to those whose phsy path she was on. She realized that this was the way the Greys kept in such close contact with each other, why they seemed to move so fluently and almost as one creature on the battlefield.

She could see members of the staff as well as her own team, most of which she bipassed until her vision/thoughts passed by the medic member of the team who they had borrowed from another unit. Suddenly she was pulled in the woman's direction, taken almost into her mind even as she managed to veer off but not before the rampant psy energy dealt her a glancing blow.

Stacey puzzled over it for only a second, the only thing that really registered was that the woman was not a Grey or controlled by them. She was a true Psy. But before she could dwell on it she was traveling the psychic highway again.

The area around the building was vast and her mind seemed to travel it in seconds, delving into a mind here and there as it was pulled this way and that. She registered the fact that she was moving into minds that were forbidden to her by Black Ops law but the pull of the Grey technology was so strong she could not move away. There were definately people in the back up team that were not with them. She could not tell what their exact instructions were for she could feel her body and mind getting tired as she fought for control of her own thoughts again but she had enough information to take an educated guess.

Using all the strength she could muster, she forced herself away from the 'highway' she was on breaking off with the force that drove it and slamming back into her own mind and body. And pain.

She came to herself, on the floor as she fought to remove the glove from her hand, disconnect herself from the vehicle that had driven her on a frenzied path toward insanity. Her head throbbed with a migrain and her body was tense and aching with pain that made it impossible for her to close the door to the voices. They were coming at her from all directions, Grey and human and she could not shut the floodgates, could not think enough to put in to practice the mechanics of shutting off other's thoughts as Torres had taught her to long ago.

Gasping in pain and mental anguish, Stacey grabbed Derwin's sleeve in a death grip. "Medic! Now!" and fell back on the floor of the room her chest heaving and body twitching as she fought for control of her own mind.

OOC: Okay, guys, hope that wasn't over the top.

I'd like to add something to your Chara. Grey Atunement. basicly her psy skills operate on a closer level to the greys then most. This can be used to explain why a simple peace of gear worked so well on her. Because if you think logicly if it's a therory that psy skills are used to power these gadgets then wouldn't they of used some of there own psys before hand? So it didn't work for them because they don't have the corect brainwave frecuencys or something along those lines.
OOC: Hummm...could it be them trying to replicate our psy skills through technology? That could work. Maybe they have had limited success with it in battles and that is why they are getting harder to kill. And Stacey, because she has had the problems with shutting off the 'voices' in the past is more open to things and the machinery enhanced it. Or maybe the voices she was picking up when she was so young were the Greys and that is why they drove her over the edge because she couldn't understand what they were saying.

Okay. I was more trying to answer why it worked for her more then say why it works or its effects on her. Basicly my point is if the theory already existed shouldn't some one of tested it atleast once in the last 10 years?

I propose that she fits in a loop hole. Or prehpas that particular peice of gear dose. For example Dewin might of been trying to get it to work with normal psys and got lucky finding a way for it to work with a human psy.
OOC: Ahh okay...I see when you are saying they you are talking Black Ops and not the Greys. sounds reasonable to me. I can work with that.

I wasn't trying to change much I was just trying to explain. I do like the feed back. I'll start the mission when you and pooh are done.
s'okay...i just misunderstood what you were trying to say. And i agree...lets make her super sensitive to the Greys in the psychic area.

Tom cried out softly. The psychic whiplash caught her off guard. She threw up her defense walls instantly. The pain was fleeting but strong enough to daze her momentarily.

The Company employed quite a few psy-ops, all with different areas of psi-abilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, astral projection, etc. Many of the psy-ops were gifted in multiple areas and as such were invaluable to their departments. Intelligence usually had the best and strongest ones.

Tom was different. Her gift was subtle compared to others. She was an empath. Reading minds, moving objects, seeing the future were things she could not do. But anything regarding the emotional and physical state of things, sensing them and even communicating them, she could do. Her skills gave her an additional edge over other med-ops.

The young doctor closed her eyes and opened her mind. Immediately she felt another’s pain, sharp and acute. It was the other female op, Stacey, and from the intensity that she radiated, the woman was clearly a powerful psy. But her mind was in turmoil, her emotions chaotic and confused.

Tom did not even take the time to consider as to how or why the woman was in her present state. She had no idea where Stacey was in the hotel but as an empath, distance had no effect on her. Her training as a doctor and natural instincts took over. Tom mentally grasped the painful tangle of emotional chaos in the other’s mind and carefully withdrew the thin tendril of calm and peace. She began to strengthened the strand with her own abilities.

The silver strand glistened in her mind’s eye, weak at first but with Tom’s gentle administrations, the strand began to glow stronger. At the same time, Tom caressed the feelings of fear, pain, and anger, sending them back, dimming their intensity enough so that Stacey would be able to regain full control of her mind again.

Like a soothing rain on a summer’s day, Tom tenderly and skillfully untangled the emotional anguish in Stacey’s mind. Peace flowed strong now, calmness settled over Stacey. Tom withdrew her presence slowly, knowing that Stacey, the more powerful psy, would regain her strength quickly and in the process would naturally kick out any uninvited visitors, no matter how friendly, with ease.

Tom opened her eyes slowly. She could no longer sense the pain from Stacey anymore. The young doctor sighed. She hadn’t planned on revealing her empathic abilities.