Bra/Panty/Underwear Contest


Flowered lace..

I agre with Cibo.I really lick..err, like...err...aww hell, I thikn I had it right the first time.


Re: Strawberries!

Trippychik said:
My boyfriends favorites


And here I thought strawberries were out of season! I can see why these are your b/f's favourite! But, I think they would look far better hanging from your fingers. ;)

That is one scrumptious ass!
Re: Re: Strawberries!

Rawhide_101 said:

And here I thought strawberries were out of season! I can see why these are your b/f's favourite! But, I think they would look far better hanging from your fingers. ;)

That is one scrumptious ass!

Strawberries are always in season in California, their just more expensive at times and are grown in a hit box..... err hot house lol
Either way sounds erotic to me ;)

I'm speechless... your strawberry pic is quite simply delicious!!!
Damn, if the other strawberry pic wasn't hot enough...this one is even hotter! And I love the peek of your breast too. :)
Strawbeery fields for...

I can see wyh they're his favorites...Yumm!
OMG trippy...

those strawberries look Painted on, yumm... I think that licking the paint off your skin would be a wonderful afternoon delight!!

Hmm..I ever tell you blue is my favorite color?

AAAck...amber's in a posting frenzy! Can hardly keep up...hmm..bit of a conundrum there, no?'t confused...

Savant73 said:
AAAck...amber's in a posting frenzy! Can hardly keep up...hmm..bit of a conundrum there, no?'t confused...

sorry Savant I'll stop!!!!

‡hears a voice‡ Step away from the keyboard and no one will get hurt
Hey now..some of us enjoy being confused! Don't let me stop you, by any means!
Oh ladies are killin me.. Whew. I haven't worked up that much of a sweat without moving a muscle in years!

Mae...umm...ever consider desertion?

Amber...umm...I don't mind harboring illegal immigrants...;)