Brat's Hideout!

Happy Sunday Everyone! I just want to curl up by a large fireplace with a good book. What is your favorite book to read when feeling downcast?
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This fits.
I just want too much.
I expect too much.
I need too much.
One day someone will come along and tell me my list of "too much" is the expectation.
That I am worth it all.
Or that someone can be me. I can dust off this disappointment, grow, and be stronger in the end.
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Happy Sunday Everyone! I just want to curl up by a large fireplace with a good book. What is your favorite book to read when feeling downcast?

That is a good question. I wish that I could give you some recommendations, but all my reading is related to work these days.

Your being flirty is very alluring by the way ;).
I feel your frustration.
Have had this conversation with myself many times.
I have no just keep searching and trying.
There are those who depend on you...they need your best.
And you keep going.....

As for a book you could try this one:
That is a good question. I wish that I could give you some recommendations, but all my reading is related to work these days.

Your being flirty is very alluring by the way ;).
Ty!! :D Well, watcha reading for work? :)
I feel your frustration.
Have had this conversation with myself many times.
I have no just keep searching and trying.
There are those who depend on you...they need your best.
And you keep going.....

As for a book you could try this one:
I need that book for my collection!
Today was all about me. Relaxing and napping, soaking in the tub and stretching on my yoga mat. Yes....
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It's been snowing for a week straight...
Been going to a lot of fitness classes lately to beat the winter blues. I made friends with the web cam girls and a stripper. Oh man! The conversations we have in the locker room are golden! Today we got out of control and had someone complain of our lewdly mannerisms. I haven't laughed that hard in a while!
It's been snowing for a week straight...
Been going to a lot of fitness classes lately to beat the winter blues. I made friends with the web cam girls and a stripper. Oh man! The conversations we have in the locker room are golden! Today we got out of control and had someone complain of our lewdly mannerisms. I haven't laughed that hard in a while!

You should have those conversations in the men's locker room. There'd be no complaints, just you and the ladies holding court surrounded by 30 to 40 guys.
That awkward moment your co-worker points out fingerprint bruises from the night before. :eek: