cartoon brawl

The Behemoth stared, surprised, his huge fist repelled by Oddler's comparitively tiny hand. "Guh?" it managed.

Luna, meanwhile, pouted, staring at the ground. First he doesn't shield me, and now he doesn't follow my plan! This go-it-alone attitude is not very sensitive of him!

The strangeness of Oddler catching such a huge fist didn't even occur to her.
ooc: I was thinking of making a different place so we can have more fun, since this brawl is becoming slightly ooc. I'll call the thread, Summuner city. Tell me what you think.

IC: Oddler gave an evil smirk as he looked at Luna "What? Do you still think Oddler has control of this body anymore? Not even he could hold back the almighty King Zeon's power! Oddler is no more babe" Odd-Eye said as he jumped up in the air with his sword, and as he decended, his blade touched the Behemoth, although seemingly not cutting him.


ooc: Gizarm is an sword attack which could spilt its oppenets in half.
Kid went flying after another powerful shot to the jaw line. Kid slid to the ground in, but as the dust cleared, Kid still stood tall and powerful "You have to give it more power if you want to beat me!"

"Fine, I will!" The Dark Hare quickly moved in and threw another kung fou fist attack, but this time Kid caught it. "You have lost..."

the new guy

Name Lucra
Speices: Unkown
Hair: long white
Eyes: black tend to glow
Height: 6'1"
Body: muscular but not bulk strong from uses
Weapons-Simatar Staff rest unknown
Clothes-white robes blue cape
a light flashes and portal apears
Lucra exsplodes from the portal, his head is slamed violently into the ground blood stains his pure white hair. his hiar seems not white with age for his face is fair and skin it taught. From beyond the gate way comes a voice filld with athority.
"the coucil sentences you for the crimes against the order to life long exile in this backwater little world,under penilty of death."
Johny Bravo

*Johny walks in munching on some chips, having the bag attached to his face while Gotens is sitting on Johny's shoulder and having a plate of pasta placed on Johny's hair and slobbering it in.* Uhh...what on blue hell is going on? Where are all the chicks?


I think they're sleepin'! ...Where's my bed?

"Hey look! He laughs like Santa, does he look like that when the ice don't from the sky?"

Johny Bravo

"Ice? From the sky? AAAaaaaaah! Run!"

*While Johny ran like a maniac, a bright wave of light destroyed everything in sight with a silhoutte of Gotens' action.*

"I WANT FOOOOOOD!!!! Where is everybody?!"
2nd Bump

Alright let's do it! I miss having some great fun with all the lovable toons!

Oh my! Isn't that a sight for soar eyes?! Hyb, do you see the Magician Girl too?!
On no pretext whatsoever, with no connection to anything relevent at all, Samauri Jack suddenly appears. Everyone is now in widescreen format.
Samauri Jack

((SquEE! I remeber them....but which ones, the ones that were disney and alone, or Rescue Rangers Chip and Dale?))

Jack blinks, and rubs his nose as the room returns to normal proportions, action of the moment having passed.
Chip & Dale


Chip: What just happened?
Dale: I don't know, I think we should just continue!

*Resumes throwing nuts*

OOC: They're both the same. They were originally in Disney first... then they have their own cartoon
((I know. But even so there were differences between the two versions of them. :D))

In awesome Jack fashion Jack picks up a nut and flicks it towards the chipmunks. It bounces off both their heads before sailing off-screen. He laughs.
OOC: umm...Haku=Aku? Or do I know that little about cartoons?

While Jack is distracted and so is everyone else, Dagget the Beaver comes in and sits on (haku/aku to be edited after clarification)'s shoulder. "Whatcha doin'?"
OOC: I don't know, Aku or Haku... which ever, never got to read his name.


*Electrifies Jack and kicks the beaver into an unknown dimension*

Hahahaha, Jack I think this is it for you! *Summons 10 of his bestest warrior under his power to kill Jack*
OOC: Nooooo! not Dagget! He was going to be Baron von Bad Beaver One Bad Then Good Now Baad! and yes, Aku. I'm kinda obsessive, can you tell?

The world is broken up into a buncha little different panels and views and they move everywhere around Jack and around the warriors. Jack draws his sword, his own section of world calm.
The fat guy

*A big warrior with metal armor around him jumps to sit on Jack*

OOC: You can bring him back, you can bring anyone back.
The Clarification Fairy pops in. "His name is Aku." Then poofs back to whence she came from.