Casting Call for Frosthold

I do enjoy torturing you. :D And after realizing how much you guys miss me, I figure you will let me get away with more stuff.
But anyway, let the celebrating begin. :nana:
I'm not going to be as involved as I was in the summer and I'm going to slowly get back into posting.
Casting call for Frosthold

I have corrected my last post and made Raff and Angus prisoners of the Orcs and I will continue on from there.

Are you going to get someone to do the Orcs or are they NRP's now. So I know how to continue on from here.

Sorry everyone, made a hasty move out of fustration.

Glad to be back, hope you feel the same.

Macmillian................ :eek: :eek:
That's ok about the frustration bit. Everyone feels that way at some point and with everything moving slowly it can be very aggrivating. I think that with Mantra out for a bit, the Orcs will have to be NRP's. Being a prisoner of the orcs has it's good points and bad. Good point is that it gives us someone to save and a reason for you to join up with us. The bad is that it may or may not take us a while to get to where you are.
Casting call for Frosthold

Thank you....Ithica

I realize that and why I did it that way, I leave for vacation next friday and then will be back on oct. 10 So I can do a few post to let you know where I am and if the trip takes a little longer I will be back refreshed and ready to go. If that is OK with everyone.

Macmillian :)
macmillian good to see your men have been resurrected.

and ithica i missed you greatly, ask ankara, i cried every night

manly tears though :kiss: ;)
Casting call for Frosthold

rengadeirishman said:
macmillian good to see your men have been resurrected.

I couldn't stay upset for long. Ankara was right, I should have spoken up sooner. Esp since we has a good thing going in the other thread.

but thanks.... Glad to be back


and ithica i missed you greatly, ask ankara, i cried every night

He did, I had to keep telling him that you would come back or he'd cry himself to sleep. :D

I couldn't stay upset for long. Ankara was right,

he didn't stand a chance, no one can resist my charms ;)
You better post as Hrist, I couldn't get into her character, and I feel bad for Ty
Hey sorry the posts have stopped, I'm just waiting for Ithica to get herself organized
Hey everyone. As some of you may know from my other threads, I had to deal with some issues last week that made it impossible for me to get on to post. All is back to normal now so I will catch up on my posting ... um... well hopefully. :cathappy:
Casting call for Frosthold


I will be unable to post again untill October 10/11. I am going on vacation and will not have internet accessability. I read when I get back and catch up where I can. Everybody have a good time. Talk with all on return.

Thank You

Casting call for Frosthold

I have returned from vacation and I am fulley refreshed and charged. Are we going to continue on?

Please advise..............

:) :) Macmillian :) :)
Hmm...if no one has claimed the rights to Dalion yet, I'd like to have my creation back ;) Just lemme know when the postings start :p
furion good to see ya, feel free to resume control of dalion. and the rest of us are waiting for hrist to say what she wanted to say to cahir and forgall.
sounds good. shame the last thread came to an end. overpowering-end-all disease ftl. :(
Hi everybody

Sorry I disappeared like that, but I'd really like to bring the Darra character back, if no one has any objections.
Hi deevo, welcome back. I'm unclear on which band of warriors are approaching you. Is it the orcs with macmillian or the group with Hrist and Forgall (the group with the majority of our party)?
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Ithica said:
Hi deevo, welcome back. I'm unclear on which band of warriors are approaching you. Is it the orcs with macmillian or the group with Hrist and Forgall (the group with the majority of our party)?

I apologise for making that cleaer. i was thinking that it would be easiest for me to just drop in and meet you on the same path. But really, that was a bit lazy of me. I've written up another post that will take me to Westraka, where I hope to see you.