I agree, but I was a little worried because nothing had been happening. It bothered me a little. I thought maybe my thread had failed completely. That would have been rather upsetting.
Just barely making it back to the forums now. This has got way too many characters for me to keep focus on with what little time I currently have. Take that troll hit as Naden's death (head smashed open on a rock or something).
Damn, that sucks. Oh, well, good luck to you in what all you do in the future. Now if only Tia would post. I think we may have to just cut her out completely, at least for now. Maybe she got abducted while nobody was paying attention or something. That would at least make it to where she could come back in later when she can.
name: silverfang wolveian nightwing
spesies:were dragon
eyes:yellow green and slited like a cats
size:6 foot in human-bout 5foot in beast and bout 6foot long
Cabilitys:wile in beast i can breath fire or ice can fly and have the gift of speaking any tougn and i can use magick which gets stronger with pratice- in human i can do magic but not as stronly as in beast my senses are highted and ive a good amount of luck
wapons: in human ive a sword that gives a mage expert fighting skills but gives a fighter inmunity from magic draw back is it cant be used aginst a female lest in self defense-in beast ive my claws and teeth with a apindeg like a blade at the end my tale
apperance:in beast ive a wolfs bodie with dragon wings and a tail like a dragons my fur is black with a white mark on my chest resembleing a cresant moon wile my scales are a cobalt blue-in human im dark taned have a beard my hairs black slitly pointed ears an lean and musclur with scares from past battles
usly perfer wareing only a pair of black lather pants cut loose so they change with me
other; has the talint for sniffing out hiddin treasurs
loyaltys : im nutal can be either good or bad
history: i was created by a mage to fight in a wizzerds war but was released after it was won
Normally I would suggest working on that character a little bit, but this thread died some time ago, so it doesn't really matter.
If there are still enough parties interested, I could make a seperate thread to keep the storyline going. Come up with some reason for some characters to still be here and also give them a way to come back in later in case they want to. I actually already had an idea in mind for that very purpose.