Casting Call for Thundercats VS He-man and the masters of the universe

So what do you all think? would you prefer this to be a SRP or a normal one?

Do you think that the plot needs to be changed?
i'll put it up in a bit or so all i have to know if the people like the plot, also post which characters you are again
What I mean by Uber is that He-Man could possibly take on the Thundercats by himself and if he has all his friends, She-Ra and all her friends they badly outnumber the Thundercats.


He-Man, Man-At-Arms, Teela, Orko, Battle Cat, Mek-A-Nek, Ram-Man, Fisto, Buzz-Off, Man-E-Faces, Stratos, Sorceress, Roboto, Cy-Klone, Rotar, Moss-Man, Clamp Champ, Stonedar, Rokkon, Extendar, King Randar, Gwildor, She-Ra, Bo, Glimmer, Madame Razz, Kowl, Broom, Swift Wind, Light Hope, Sea Hawk, Frosta...and there are more that I can't remember.

Sure Lion-O could take over Battle Cat because he is the lord of all cats, but they are still badly outnumbered.

The there are even more villains: Skeletor and his armies, Hordak and the Horde, the Snake-Men.

What if you include the characters from the 1989 show "The New Adventures of He-Man" then you have the Galactic Warriors and the Evil Mutants.

If you really want to keep it Thundercats vs. He-Man and had the Thundercat villains side with the Thundercats that would give you the Thundercats (including the three who show up later in the series), Mum-Ra, Ma-Mutt, the Mutants, the Lunatics, The Snowmen, the Wallows, the Brutemen, the Bulkan (the Wallows, Brutemen and the Bulkans have no heroes though, they're just peasants), Mum-Rana, The Robears, Ooze, Tashi, Grune the Destroyer, Mongor, Mad Bubbler, Queen Tartara, Frog Man, the Berserkers (those cyborg pirates), Mandora (the space cop), Hachiman, Wizz-Ra, Captain Shiner, Captin Cracker, Burn Out, Plutar, Quick Pick, Safari Joe, Shadowmaster, Two Time...that's all I remember...that would even the odds a little.
yes there are alot of people in he-man and they do out number the thundercats badly but i always thought from a child that Lion-O is the same as He-Man as in Strength wise, The plot with the Thundercats VS He-man was for them to join forces.

With the idea of the thundercats joining up with mumra and that is a bad idea if you have read Thundercats Dogs of War then they they joined up and Mumra and that betraied Lion-O and Snarf so the idea would probably fail but it was a good one.

The plot was just an idea if people want to input on the story then they can all feed back is welcome.

I want to make this an enjoyble RPG for everyone
On another note

I've put up the X-Men Evolution SRP in the Sexual Role Play Section have alook at the plt if you want, people are welcome to join if they want
COOL!*chuckles and looks over his new sorceress luv-slave*hehehe
*still has..."functioning" parts,just my face is melted gurls LOL
dam you guys outclass me in terms of knowledge*X_X*
youre prob.gonna have to tell me about soem fo the badguys from the old series and soem of the new ones actually,i cna only remember a few and i have ADD so...yeah>_<
there were alot more characters then i remembered in he-man lol
Zeo said:
So what do you all think? would you prefer this to be a SRP or a normal one?

Do you think that the plot needs to be changed?
I think a normal one with possible openings for SRP type stuff. With these many furries running about... almost hard not to in a way. I think we can keep it clean enough for OPR though.
I honestly don't remember much about Thundercats- never really liked the series all that much, but I did like the He-man/She-ra stuff but am not the sword swinging princess type. Nah- I'm a catgirl and proud of it, LOL.
lol, never liked the old he-man series i was a thundercat fan from the first time i saw it, i might of been a he-man fan but it wasnt on in the UK that much or if it was it was on while thundercats were so i didn't bother with he-man. I've been watching the new ones and the women on that one are very nice, that's why i set up the role play lol

Vixandra have you thought about joining my other x-men evolution SRP? lol
Me Im he-Man Fan . No Wait Im A Silver hawk Fan . Im Going to the X-man SrP.
good good the more people the better lol, all we need is more people to join and then we can start the x-men thing lol, does everyone like the plot for the He-man and thundercats thread?
yes i'm still ehere don't worry, i'll start the thread soon in about a day or so
T- Minus 1 day

I'll start the thread later 2day or 2morow, so hopefully people will enjoy it
i'll start it now to be honnest lol
oh it will be on another thread all you have to do is put the character you want to be

The question is... can we make a new character? Or, do we have to play a character fromt he series... also, will there be a form of character sheets, or will it be mostly freeformed?

And lastly, for he-man, do we use the modern he-man (thuroughly more bad ass than the older series) or does the cartoon from the 80s take precidence?

And lastly...

Has anyone taken Cringer/Battle Cat yet? or
Has anyone taken Panthro?
It's He-Man from the new series and the 2 characters you said havnt been taken so there up for grabs.

The Thread is now open

Then, I have dibs on the thundercat's numchaku wielding token black guy mechanic... this will be SO cool.
Zeo.. please clear this up for me?

Did the main thundercat stronghold get transfered too? By Lion-Os post, it looks likes it did, but... well... i thought we just got tranfered...

I'm going to say yes the Cat's lair did, all though the thundercats didnt use curse words in this one i'm going to, not unless people don't want to use them then they don't have to,

It;s up to you lot if you want to or not lol