IC: "The Night the Lights Went Out"

Sammi Evans (profile) and Nicky Long (profile):

Eugene, Oregon
8:30 pm (<18 hours after TLWO at their local time of 1:44am):

(OOC: Continues from Sammi's post here.)

Nicky couldn't help but find Sammi's enthusiasm about things cute. He smiled at her explanation about the canning she and her mother had done the autumn before. He smiled again when she objected to the early bedtime her father had stuck her with. He was pretty sure the objection was primarily due to the end of her evening flirting with him. He tried to make it easier on her, saying, "I'm kind of tired myself. We worked hard today, harder than I do behind the bar."

"I'll walk you out to the tiny house," Carl told Nicky

Nicky hopped up, thanked the women for dinner, and headed out the door. He led the way with the oil lamp the father of the family handed him. Behind Nicky, Carl shot his daughter a hard glare. He knew what was going through Sammi's head. He didn't like it. He should never have let the unfamiliar man stay beyond this morning. It was a recipe for trouble with regards to his daughter.

"You know, she's barely 18," he said once the two of them had gotten out of ear shot of any potential eavesdroppers in the kitchen. When Nicky turned to face him again, Carl said with a fatherly tone, "She's still more girl that woman."

Nicky's first thought was I could fix that for you, Carl, if you wanted. He didn't say it, of course. Instead, he said, "I understand. Listen, Carl, I'm not going to cause you any concerns regarding Sammi. She's cute and all, but, like you said, she's still just a girl."

He swapped the lamp from his right hand to his left and offered the former one out. Carl took it. Nicky continued, "You can trust me around your daughter, Carl. But if you are truly concerned, I'll leave in the morning. Or at any time. I mean that."

"Thank you for the offer," Carl said. Releasing their shared grip, he said, "What is it that people say today, Let's put a pin in that for now?"

Carl laughed. "Yeah, I never know what's still hip with the kids today. I'm pretty sure the word hip isn't anymore. Hell, I still say been there, done that."

The two laughed together, then went their own ways. Nicky entered the tiny house, finding it warm from the fire that he'd fed earlier in the evening. He set the lamp in a location that allowed him to stand before the window facing the house without being overly illuminated. He was curious as to whether or not Sammi would be standing in the kitchen window, watching him.

He dimmed the lamp down and stripped to his birthday suit. He washed himself good with a small towel dipped into the hot water from the pan sitting atop the little wood stove. Turning the lamp down almost to the point of extinguishing, Nicky slipped into bed. He didn't hesitate to begin beating his meat to the fantasy of having the cute teen bent over the kitchen table. In his mind's eye, he stuffed her tight pussy hard and deep while she used her hands to stuff both her mouth and his with her mother's delicious, homemade pie.

(OOC: Okay, Nicky is good for Day One, too. Moving on... :D)
Angel Daniels (profile) and Jason Flynn (profile), with reference to Hannah (profile)
Outside Flynn's home
Durango, Colorado
6:44pm, Sunday, 19 January 2025 (exactly 16 hours after TLWO at their local time of 2:44am):

(Continues from Flynn's post here.)

Angel ignored Flynn's resistance to her trying to inspect his wound and soon had him in the bathroom and out of his bloody shirt. She found the first aid kit, alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide to which the man pointed her and went to work. She'd seen her share of bleeding people in her life, so she handled this better than most would have.

"I think the bullet is in there," she told Flynn, still believing he was suffering from a bullet wound. She warned, "This is gonna hurt."

She dunked a pair of plastic first aid tweezers into the bottle of alcohol. She wondered, Are these tongs? They're to big to be tweezers. Yeah, tongs. Tweezers are smaller. And metal. But my tongs at home... Her brain was trying to focus her on something other than the fact that she was sticking the pointing ends of a device made of the same materials as a cola bottle into Flynn's side, searching for a bullet.

He flinched and groaned as expected yet somehow withstood the pain Angel was causing him.

"I can feel it," she told him. "It's right there. I can feel it!" She changed her angle of approach with the tongs, felt the tips tighten on something, then again warned, "This is gonna hurt." Gently, Angel pulled until the ends of the tongs appeared, and instead of holding a bullet or bullet fragment, they had a piece of gravel. She said proudly, "Got it." She dropped it onto the counter, tossed the tongs into the bathroom sink, and said, "I have to stitch this up."

Flynn continued to bleed as she ran a disinfected needle through his flesh, slowly sewing the wound closed. It didn't take that many stitches, actually; the wound had been small. Soon enough, the bleeding was negligible, Angel wiped him relatively clean and patched Flynn up with a large gauze bandage. She looked for some pain killers and was tickled to find a half bottle of Hydrocodone left over from some injury or ailment that Flynn or his girlfriend had--

"Hannah!" Angel blurted out suddenly. She looked to Flynn to find him staring her in the eyes with surprise. She repeated, "Hannah. You're girlfriend."

Angel didn't know that the two were engaged; she also didn't know that Flynn's fiancée had disappeared, but that had nothing to do with her current surprise. "I remember her now ... yeah. My friend Gail ... it was the last time I came into town to do some trading and pick up some supplies, a couple of months ago, and while I was here, I saw Gail sitting outside Beekman's Bar and Grill, in the umbrella table area on the deck that looks off at the San Juans."

She was referring to the mountains and National Forest to the northwest of Durango, off toward her own cabin in the Silver Mountain Wilderness Area. Angel continued, "Yeah, Hannah ... they were sitting together, and Gail introduced me." Angel smiled, noting, "Pretty lady, Hannah is. Nice catch."

She opened the bottle and dumped out one, then two pills; he might need both, and a double dose wasn't going to kill him. Angel returned to what she was saying, "Anyway, they invited me to sit, I did, we chatted a while, but I had to get back to my cabin -- I can only stand town and all the people for so long -- so ... well, that was about it. But like I said, nice catch ... beautiful woman.

She stuffed the pills into Flynn's hand and, while she looked for and filled a glass from the sink, said, "Okay, you're patched up. Take these, and we'll get you to bed, and in the morning, you'll be just fine."

(OOC: Okay, I'm going to stop there. That's my last character for day 1. I'm not going to begin my day 2 posts with Angel, just in case Serene or HumanBean wants to post for Flynn; you two can decide in PM.)
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Sammi Evans (profile) and Nicky Long (profile):

Eugene, Oregon
Dawn (about 7am), Monday 20 January 2025 (~29 hours after TLWO; local time of 1:44am, Sunday 19 Jan):

(OOC: Continues from Nicky's post here.)

Sammi first thought upon waking was the big, handsome, manly man now living in the tiny house just down below her window. She hopped out of bed to look down upon Nicky's current domicile through her bedroom window, but -- not unexpectedly -- saw no sign of him. A chill ran up her spine, and chills flooded the skin of her arms and legs at the early morning chill; she didn't have heat in her room, though the heat from the wood stove and fireplace downstairs -- both fed and stirred about during the night by one or both of her parents -- did waft up through the vent in the floor to give Sammi some sort of relief.

Still, it was too cold to be prancing about the hardwood floors in her bare feet, and instead of getting dressed, Sammi leapt back into her bed and covered up tightly. She couldn't get her mind off Nicky, though, and her hands slipped down into her pajama bottoms, then pushed them and her panties down, and a few minutes later she was covering her face with a pillow as she cried into it at the ecstasy exploding within her.

She slip off into a wondrous slumber -- only to be rudely awoken by her father pounding on her bedroom door, hollering, "Up and at'em, Sunshine. You're burning daylight."

Sammi's heart leapt so hard she thought it got stuck in her throat; she ripped her hands out of her crotch where they'd still been, recalling where she was and what she'd been doing before calling back, "Okay, Daddy, be right out!"

She cleaned up with room temp water, dressed warmly, and headed down for breakfast. Her mother already had a full meal either cooking or already on the table.
Sergeant Caroline Edwards (profile)

Grocery King supermarket
Across the street from Oregon Army National Guard Station (OANGS, Springfield)
Springfield, Oregon

1145 hours, 20 January 2025, Monday (~34 hours after TLWO at their local time of 0144 hrs, Sunday):

(Continues from Caroline's last post here.)

Caroline had arisen before 0600 to review the situations at both OANGS -- Oregon Army National Guard Station-Springfield) and at the Grocery King down the street, both of which her Platoon were guarding. She was referring to the unit as a Platoon now after its numbers had swollen to 35:
  • Caroline, of course.
  • The original dedicated 6 National Guard members.
  • 5 more members of OANGS who showed up for duty.
  • And 24 more current and former members of the Armed Forces: Army, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard, and even one guy who had been home of leave from his Space Force assignment in South Dakota, where he had a job about which he couldn't speak at a base of which he couldn't name, doing a job he couldn't explain.
And Caroline had made contact with the various levels of police authority as well: Springfield and Eugene City Police, Lane County Sheriff's Department, Oregon State Patrol, and even the Federal Bureau of Investigation, although that last one was simply a conversation with a woman who was an Analyst with the office a few miles away in Eugene. Those people were doing their best to enforce law and order in other parts of Springfield, Eugene, and the surrounding communities.

Although theoretically she wasn't the highest-ranking member amongst them all -- the newcomers had included two officers, both retired -- the group had informally decided that Caroline was to remain in command. She'd done such a good job thus far not only running the Guard unit but also interacting with the neighborhood's residents.

She checked in with the troops guarding OANGS, then -- with a Corporal at her side -- made her way across to the Grocery King to ensure that everything was peaceful there as well. Caroline was pleasantly surprised that they'd made it through a second night without any violence at the massive grocery store. The early attempt by some wannabe looters at breaking through the gate and a subsequent mugging of a departing shopper pushing a cart full of food had both been met with gunfire -- the former from the Nat-Guard members, the latter from the shopper herself -- but other than that, there had been relative peace at the grocery.

That hadn't been the case in other parts of the neighborhood, though. Since TLWO a day and a half ago, there hadn't been an hour passed that hadn't included audible gunfire in one direction or the other. There were some fires, though none of them were in view of the Station or grocery. At the Grocery King, Caroline got some hot food -- bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes -- taken from the establishment's deenergized coolers and cooked on one of many grills not set up out in front. There was a breakfast line of neighborhood residents -- some of whom had contributed in exchange for other products -- but they all insisted that Caroline get head of line privileges. She thanked them, found a seat at one of the many tables also set up out front, and chatted and laughed with the men, women, and children there.

The man who was acting as liaison between Caroline and the LEOs -- Law Enforcement Officers -- rode up on a bicycle. The Sergeant had recognized him as soon he approached the first time, not as a cop but as a local celebrity. She'd met him once before, not that he'd remembered her. They'd had a good talk, made some plans to coordinate law and order, and now got to sit with each other again and go over details.

(OOC: HumanBean, you said you wanted to interact with Caroline, so there you go. Surprise!)
Lana Wilson (profile) and Peter Phillips (profile) and Robert Wilson:

Robert Wilson's sister's house
The Town of Baywood-Los Osos
North of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant (which has exploded and is melting down)
On the Pacific Coast, 225 miles northwest of Los Angeles

7:45 am, Monday, 20 January 2025 (30 hours after TLWO at 1:44 am local time):

(Continued from Lana's last post, here.)

The sun was shining brightly through the window into Lana's eyes when she finally awoke, still wrapped up in the bedding like the filling of a burrito. Playfully, she unrolled herself, stretched, and sat up. She could hear movement and voices beyond the closed bedroom door. He thought one of the voices was Peter, which made sense, of course. She remembered how he'd looked at her the night before and how she'd been so tempted to come to his room after she'd cleaned up. Then Lana reminded herself that he was married; if she'd gone to him, could he have resisted her ... or, if he could have, would he have?

She slipped back into her shoes and headed out...

(OOC: Keeping this one short and sweet.)
Roxie Harrington (profile), Glenn Harrington (profile), Tom Dawson (profile) and Viola (pic):
Harrington Hills Vineyard
Harrington Hills (an eastern unincorporated suburb of San Diego)

5:45 am, Monday, 20 January 2025 (~28 hours after TLWO at 1:44 am local time):

(Continued from here.)

Roxie awoke in Tom's arms, all warm and comfortable and -- for the moment -- not thinking about anything other than the wonderful sex she'd enjoyed with the man ... as well as how appreciative her husband would be to hear all the lurid details of it later today. She blinked her eyes clear, focusing on the floor-to-ceiling windows that looked east toward the vineyard and Laguna Mountains beyond. The mountains themselves were only barely noticeable in silhouette; amazingly, it wasn't the still absent sun that gave shape to the range but was the stars and galaxies of the Milky Way, which -- without the light pollution of San Diego County -- was visible even from inside the home.

Slipping carefully out of the bed, Roxie donned a thick robe and comfy slippers and headed out into the home. She seemed to be the first of the residents and additional occupants to be up and around. That didn't surprise her, though; Glenn had never liked getting up before dawn, and with a crew of vineyard workers who were more than happy to begin the early morning work in his stead, he didn't have to.

Roxie had never really had that aversion to early morning rising. She loved watching the sun rise over the mountains on mornings when she awoke alone, and on those mornings when she had company in her bed -- Glenn or otherwise -- she'd found that her companions didn't typically mind having Roxie's lips around their cock or her tongue on their clit, depending on their specific body parts.

This morning, even though she wasn't alone in bed, Roxie had an interest in seeing what was happening outside the house instead. She went to the coffee pot, only to remember that it didn't work, then headed for the foyer closet to retrieve a warm coat and went outside. From the back patio, Roxie could see some of the fires burning to the north and south. There was a bigger one to the west -- the LNG plant -- but she couldn't see it from here.

She stood there in the chilled morning air until the eastern range began to show signs of deep red, but the cold seeping into her drove her back inside. It wasn't much warmer inside, but -- after dropping into a chair intentionally positioned for sunrise viewing -- Roxie remained there behind the glass until the sun had cleared the mountains. With the sun in her face, she found herself drifting off, and without realizing it fell asleep there, a blanket tucked in around her.
Angel Daniels (profile) and Jason Flynn (profile)
Flynn's home
Durango, Colorado
6:44 am, Monday, 20 January 2025 (28 hours after TLWO at their local time of 2:44am):

(Continues from here.)

Angel awoke to find a soft light illuminating the window-side of the drapes of Flynn's bedroom. Moving ever so carefully, she rolled enough to look to the man with whom she'd shared a bed for the night. They'd slept together but hadn't slept together, in the way that Angel and Roger would have if she'd gone to his house last night. After Angel had given Flynn the Hydrocodone she'd found in the medicine cabinet, she'd taken him to his bedroom, gotten him out of his shoes and pants, and helped him into the bedding.

She couldn't help but take a peek at the package in the front of Flynn's boxer-briefs, finding herself impressed with what she'd seen saw. She'd smiled, thinking Maybe Hannah is the lucky one, as well as Flynn. Once he was tucked in, Angel had headed back downstairs to peek out the windows in every direction. There'd been no sign of the three men who'd attacked her.

Angel had found herself hoping that the two men Flynn had shot had bled out, and that the third -- fearing more of the same -- had run far, far away. She had so tolerance for violence or violent people. It was one of the things that had driven her to the cabin during the initial outbreak of the COVID pandemic.

Now, she slipped out of her side of the bed and moved around it to look down upon Flynn. He was so handsome, and while he was asleep, she could, for the moment, forget how mean and obnoxious he could be when things weren't going his way. Her thoughts went back to Hannah, his fiancée. Where the hell is she? Angel wondered. Is she safe? There was another thought in Angel's mind regarding the beauty: Why doesn't he talk about her? What happened between them? Something HAD to have happened, right? Otherwise, wouldn't he be jabbering away about her?

Carefully, Angel lifted the bedding to look at Flynn's injured area. She'd done an excellent job sewing up and bandaging the wound; no blood had leaked out to soil the sheets, blanket, or mattress, thank God. Her attention went to his body, with its fit, muscular chest and belly. Angel wondered what her chances were that Hannah had left Flynn, leaving him lonely for the comfort of another woman ... of Angel herself, maybe? Angel had come to Durango in part to scratch her itch with Roger, so, spending some time with a naked and thrusting Flynn would kill two birds with one stone.

Angel flinched in surprise when she realized that the man's eyes were open, and his gaze was set upon her. She laughed nervously as she let go of the bedding, letting it fall as she explained, "I was just checking your bandage. Looks good."