Casting Call: Operation: Serpent

I will be joining, and my character will be a member of the Psion race. My people have been imprisoned on a quarantined planet for several hundred years. We have the racial gift of a sort of mind control and telepathy. It is not difficult to resist, given any sort of training, but without that training, people have little or no chance of resisting a Psion's compulsions.

His name is Benn, and he is very human-looking, with jet black hair; a light, but toned musculature; about 5'10" tall, 150lb; blue eyes, pale white skin.

He was released from his planet only because the Watchers felt that his mind control might be needed to overcome the more stuborn people. Benn is one of the best at it from his world. In fact, he is delighted to be here on this backwater mudball, and has every intention of using his powers to the fullest to keep Earth in one piece... After all, what would be the fun of taking over the place, only to have a bunch of party pooping invaders come along and take it right back?
Roland is anxiously awaiting the opportunity to help these ugly bags of mostly water.
If there's still room, I'd love to join:

Professor William Turner:

Of average height, tending towards corpulence in his late middle age, and gray haired, the good professor leads a sleepily comfortable life at Magdalen college in Oxford, seldom questioning any of the accepted tenets and mores of his utopian society. He produces an amusing, clever and rather shallow novel under a nom de plume exactly twice a year, the income for which supports his estranged wife, and frequently publishes dry, serious academic works.

Few people remember now, as Turner has carefully changed his name and kicked over all traces, but in his student years he was a fiery young revolutionary, constantly stirring up trouble against the government and protesting over the hidebound, stagnant education system. This phase culminated when the young Turner and a group of his friends burned down a public library, as a gesture of their disillusionment with their education. They later found out that seven people had been inside and were burned to death.

At this point Turner and a couple of others broke off all ties with the informal little revolutionary group and left the university, later reappearing under different names in different places to lead conformist, boring lives. The rest of the group planned to carry on their activities.

Turner's worst fear is that one day the Authorities (even in his head he capitalises them) or, worse, one of his old revolutionary comrades, will find him
Lethe welcome there is plenty of room for anyone who wishes to join either as an 'earthling' or as one of the watchers. I am even now working on the first post to the thread but any who wish to join at any point are welcome.
The Thread is About to Go Up

I am about to post the first of the thread but I wanted to put down the chars I will be controlling. Anyone who joins after this is more than welcome to pick up one of these chars or make up their own. I will use the chars as needed. If any of you feel you would like to play with one of them than that is fine. If they are declined than I will shelve the ones not needed.


Fae Barton
Brown hair, hazel eyes. Employed in Government Studies. The belief that the government has shut down all studies to include those of scientific nature is false. Those employed in this way though are kept under constant watch and no individual is told what they are participating in. In addition any study is dealt out in small pieces and no contact with other sections is allowed. Still Fae is beginning to have doubts in her government and suspects that things are not exactly the way the government portrays it.

Connie Stevenson

Blonde hair, green eyes. Secretly involved in one of the small resistant movements though she knows that there is no hope of them doing any good if they do not get more organized. However it looks as if that will be impossible as the government is quick to crush anything that looks like an uprising. She covers her activities in the revolutionary movement by working at one of the centers for counceling those that find they are dissatisfied with their lives.



From a planet of shape changers it is hard to know her exact stats. However, she mainly appears as a humanoid, 5' 7" in height, Black hair and eyes. She has been known to be a trouble maker and not just on her own planet. She was finally given the option of joining the Watchers or being transported to a guarded colony on her own world. She chose the one that would give her the most freedom as well as an outlet for her restless nature. Her alignment is Chaotic Neutral.


Osher is at home in the ocean and seas of any planet as long as their is little to no pollution. She appears as a humaniod with white hair and pale blue eyes but she has gills that she must keep moist and that let her breathe under water. She joined the Watchers when her planet was attacked and their waters poisoned and her people almost lead into extinction. Her alignment is Neutral Good.
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It's Up!

Thank you all for your patience! The main thread is here:

Once all that have posted characters state what their first target is be it human or otherwise (ex: concentrating on a place or building instead of individual people) I will see which of my chars I need to use and join in.

Thanks again everyone.
Thank you all for the great beginning you have given this thread. Your creativeness is fabulous!

Roughneck...I love Ori and his reaction to the government. He is sooo set

Pooh...wonderfully evil. Love the comment about defining 'mass destruction'. I think I am going to send the head Watcher a bottle of tylenol...I am sure he/she will find a way to take them where Viral is concerned.

Blaze...wonderful post. If you need any interaction from one of my npc's let me know. If not than go get em!

Crysede and Magister...ROFL...crysede's char is just too perfect and I am so looking forward to seeing how this lecture goes. I have a feeling that its going to be a bit more than 'interesting'.

Thanks again all and keep up the creative juices!
Heu geri, I have a question. Now I know we have 50 years before the attack on earth. My char is 18, so in that time he will be 68. Whqat I was wondering in that course can I play off my chars life. What I mean is, lets say he get married, or just helps father a child or two, can I use them with the story. 50 years is a long time, and humans do grow old and die.
geri said:
Crysede and Magister...ROFL...crysede's char is just too perfect and I am so looking forward to seeing how this lecture goes.
*laughing* She is isn't she! I'm with you in looking forward to finding out what evilness Magister is cooking up for the dear, sweet little creature! *weg*

Btw, I second Geri's complements on everyone else's characters!!

You have brought up a good point. Right now the goal is to sow desent in the people of earth. I don't know how far this thread will go though I would be thrilled if it went long enough to play the children of the people. I don't want to rush the plot either so I guess we should concentrate on the chars we have now and, if the thread is successful, take it from there. If it goes that far than yes, I say go for it!
Has everyone but crysede and Magister given up on this thread?
I'm still here, Geri, I'm probably gonna post tonight.
I was keeping a low profile at the moment, I wanted to let events unfold at the lecture, since I have plans for my character during it.

oh good! thank you, Blaze. no rush I was just wondering how many were still with me.
No worries, I'm fascinated by this premise, I'm here for the duration.
