Cats and kittens of all variety

I just noticed in the security camera, both my kittens were playing in the driveway. And of course, I am terrified someone will see them and take one or both… so I go outside. They are nowhere to be seen. I start talking to them, and the both run out and come right up to me. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

That made my whole week. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
We don't let our cats out, both because of heavy traffic and also we don't want them to hunt. Winston kitten is always trying to get out, and today after I got the mail I did not shut the door tight enough to click. The wind blew it open unknown to me and Winnie made his move.

I didn't know he was gone until it was time to walk the dog and saw the door wide open. Shit.

The dog was fussing because he urgently needed to poop and I had to search for the cat simultaneously. In the corner of my eye I saw Winston hiding in the bushes. Like most indoor cats, he has no idea what to do when they actually get outside and was hunkering down. My dog is very gentle on the leash but I couldn't just drop the leash and go after Winston.

As luck would have it a lady was taking a walk win front of the house. I flagged her and told her what was going on and asked her to hold the leash while I divide in the bushes and rescued Winston. After a few minutes I managed to snag him and throw him in the house. I thanked the lady and she went on her way and all was well. Of course, I know Winston will do it again.

PS: as I type this he is on the desk next to me snoozing happily.
We don't let our cats out, both because of heavy traffic and also we don't want them to hunt. Winston kitten is always trying to get out, and today after I got the mail I did not shut the door tight enough to click. The wind blew it open unknown to me and Winnie made his move.

I didn't know he was gone until it was time to walk the dog and saw the door wide open. Shit.

The dog was fussing because he urgently needed to poop and I had to search for the cat simultaneously. In the corner of my eye I saw Winston hiding in the bushes. Like most indoor cats, he has no idea what to do when they actually get outside and was hunkering down. My dog is very gentle on the leash but I couldn't just drop the leash and go after Winston.

As luck would have it a lady was taking a walk win front of the house. I flagged her and told her what was going on and asked her to hold the leash while I divide in the bushes and rescued Winston. After a few minutes I managed to snag him and throw him in the house. I thanked the lady and she went on her way and all was well. Of course, I know Winston will do it again.

PS: as I type this he is on the desk next to me snoozing happily.
and he's snoring.
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I use a suitcase as an ottoman at my desk. It's a very comfy position until my cat sits on my legs. She's a solid chunk of cat. When she wants to leave I will need time to stand and make my legs work to open the door.
I am sure this is just a coincidence… right?

I noticed some exceptionally loud purring next to me. And I notice she appears to be purring away as she was watching tv. So I glance at the tv, and one of those rip your heart out commercials showing dogs in cages is on…

My kitten wasn’t really happy to see dogs in cages… right?