Chain Story Discussion

I haven't started yet, other than an outline and some research. However, as I'm near the end of the research phase, and as my story comes near the final stretch, I think I'm on track.

What I know so far:
Patricia Ruiz is a young (early 20s) cannery worker in (central California city--exact location not yet chosen), living at home with her extended Mexican-immigrant family, all of whom also work for the plant, as was common for the era.

Taught by her traditional Catholic family to maintain her dignity and modesty, she's emotionally torn about how to respond to her Anglo crew leader's sexual advances. If she takes any public action against him, she risks not only her own job, but those of her family members--something all can ill afford. If she doesn't both resist and put a stop to the situation, she faces not only humiliation, but the possibility of physical attack; and if she gives in to him, she risks dishonoring her family and her faith.

Unsure what to do, she shares the situation with a coworker who has also been targetted by this man, and learns that the other woman has been secretly working with union representatives to organize the factory and put a stop to this abuse of power, as well as the many other exploitive relations within the cannery. Eager for a solution which protects her family, her coworkers, and herself, she decides to join the union team, even though when the situation becomes public (as it must if the cannery's to be organized) she faces the possibility of significant further threat.

Through the confrontations and struggles of organizing, she meets (name?), another worker with whom she develops a romantic relationship--with the full knowledge and consent of both families. Because he can't yet afford an engagement ring, he gives her the talisman...the backstory on how he got it will be contingent on the story before mine.

When he's killed during a union-busting attack on the striking workers, Patricia's left with the talisman, her loss, and a great deal of bitterness. Through the talisman, she comes to know her own power as a woman and a sexual being, and gets the opportunity to wield this power (choosing, ultimately, to go against her religious upbringing) on behalf of the workers through a series of temporary sexual alliances with members of management.

I do not know how she will ultimately lose or cede the talisman, as this too will depend upon the story of another--whomever comes after me.

I hope that gives everyone enough information to go on for now. If there's anything else I can do to share info, please let me know.

Best of luck to all,
I'm falling behind

I just got one story accepted for an erotic anthology, and then learned about another one. So now I'm trying to frantically get together an 8000 word story! YIKES! Hopefully, I'll get back to this one soon.
Don't feel bad, Mlyn. I have three whole sentences written and I can't remember what I named the file or where I stuck it.

Quick update

Just a quick post to let everyone know that I am working hard on my chapter. :) So far, so good.

I have half a page. I'm struggling with the lesson my thief is going to learn. I'm thinking about the way things pass out of a thief's hands all the time and trying to think of a way to tie that in, but I'm not getting very far.
I've barely started - at least in terms of writing anything. I have been thinking about it, though. Honest! I finished my marking today (at least I think I've finished) so there should be no more holdups. I just hope that isn't famous last words.

I have been doing research. I finished reading 'Pride and Prejudice' yesterday, trying to get a feel for the period. I wish I'd read it years ago, as I thoroughly enjoyed it.

What do you think of creating a web page where we can have our stories added with each succeding chapter as it's posted?

I created one after the fact last year. How about making one ahead of the first chapter release? A kind of "teaser?"

Anyway, I've been messing around with this idea today, so tell me what you think of that and this image as a sort've title page for us.

- Judo
Just letting you all know I'm still here. I'm working on my chapter, but an end is having trouble forming. I'll have more time now though senice school is almost done.
Judo, I adore the idea of a web page for Talisman. I think the one you did for MOAL was fantastic, and I never told you.
By all means!

I'm convinced. A website it is.

I HAD been having vague feelings of apathy and out-of-my-leaguedness with regards to my story. Then last night I sat down and wrote out everything. I have a specific sequence of actions, and my characterization is practically perfect (mentally). My big problem is convincing dialogue. I have NO knowledge of being black in the 70s. I don't want to clutter my story with historical terms and slang, but I want to sound legit. Any suggestions, besides watching "Shaft"?
Judo said..

What do you think of creating a web page where we can have our stories added with each succeding chapter as it's posted?
Way to go, generalissima! Just hope my effort will be worthy.

Judo your drive and energy for this project keeps us all on track, keep up the good work. :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

On the web page, I echo Alex's comments.

I've sent a PM and email to the management to get their take on this. After all, they would be the ones having to update the links each week. (Unless there was someway of reserving links ahead of time, but I doubt that).

So, until I hear from them, I have to wait with any "Okay, let's do it!"


Short of this, an alternative could be to post a "teaser" page that ultimately get's replaced by a linked web site after it's all done. The teaser would have all the graphics of the final page, the descriptions, places and summaries of each chapter, but no links.

On the teaser page, we could include a description (a log line - one sentence) of each chapter along with its title. After all the chapters were submitted, those would become the links.

At the top of the page, there would be a brief outline of the process of "chain story" at Literotica and a brief synopsis of "The history of the Talisman."

Personally, I would prefer to update a teaser page each week with the new chapter and have the site point the readership to that page to promote the chain story before the chapters are present and each week as each chapter is released, but it would take technical efforts on the part of management and that's asking a lot.

Until I hear back, we'll just have to wait for the go-ahead or go with the alternative.

- Judo
Re: By all means!

Quint said:
My big problem is convincing dialogue. I have NO knowledge of being black in the 70s. I don't want to clutter my story with historical terms and slang, but I want to sound legit. Any suggestions, besides watching "Shaft"?

Thought about it, Q. Being a movie buff, I don't have any books to suggest, but...

I'd take a look at "Malcom X" and "Car Wash." Car Wash is an older movie made in the period and is both dramatic and comedic. "Malcom X's" beginning story has an honest depiction of urban black youth in the period (sorry, not the south, but maybe the popular slang present will assist).

I'd try to avoid "blacksploitation" films like "Shaft."

Some thoughts.

- Judo
KillerMuffin said:
I have all day to myself, I plan on getting it written today.

How'd it go, KM? Get all those "first words" down? Now, you're in editing heck?

I've done most of my character bios. Just doing a little more research for names, places, phrases, etc.
First Deadlines Approacheth

How's it going? Any updates? The first deadlines are coming. Where are all the lead-off authors in their writing?

I have started writing mine. Most of my research is in place. Should have a first draft next week.

How about you?

- Judo

PS - Still no word from Laurel on the web page to post to. So, any of you with any influence with her, please ask her to read the suggestion for posting here and let us know if it's a possibility. Thanks.
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I need someone to kick my butt to get

me restarted. I am depressed.

Spent days writing a 15,000 word story, and then discovered it had too much sex, and wasn't what they were looking for after all!

Now.... can't seem to think erotically.... GASP.... uhoh....

Hope this isn't permanent. :rose:

What a bummer! Still the story can always lie on file there must be a market for it somewhere out there, it is simply a matter of finding the publication.

Feel embarrassed to write this after reading Mlyn's rotten luck.

I have finished the story, had it editted by two editors, who both did a sterling job. And have now completed the polish. I will be sitting on it for a few days before looking at it for a final time.

If anyone needs good editors they could try LadyPhoenix and or Wildsweetone, unless they are still recovering from nervous breakdowns after working with my doggerel.

jon:devil: :devil:
Same here myln, although the only problem is I can't write a fucking end to my story. I have a plot, I have characters, and I have up to the climax. What I don't have is an end. Nothing I'm writting is sounding that good. AGHHHH!!!! I should have just stuck with my poems.

"Could someone just put a bullet in this lame horse"