Chain Story Discussion

Oh good god!

Ack! That was good. I liked it. Only thing is, mine still doesn't have an ending. Damn, I'm hyperventalating. Please tell me doesn't have to be three chapters like Killer Muffins, please tell me that. If it is, I will faint. Okay, I'm gonna look over my story, se if I can get done.
"May ye gods be with you, you unlucky man"
Mine was just over 10,000 words. Too short for the plot actually, but whatever.

Your story just has to be over 2,000 words. That's one webpage.

If you want some help, email your story to {email removed} as an attachment. I have class during the week, so if you could do it pretty quickly that would be nice. I'll help you shore up your character and decipher your plot so you can get an ending.

Thank you Killer Muff. Okay, now where in my room did I put my draft. I'll get it to you by tomorrow night, if thats okay? Once again, thank you.
Calling GoddessKaren. What's up. Give us a status. We're looking for that story to be delivered. It was due yesterday.


- Judo
Okay, now I'm really starting to worry. Last year we had a couple of authors flake out on the chain and this better not be happening again.

GoddessKaren, where are you? Laurel needs your story for review. Keeping us hanging or out of touch is not cool.

I hope that there is some reasonable explanation here.

- Judo
I am flakey, but not flaking out

I got the story done, but have to edit. My biggest problem is that I can't sit at my big (good ) computer. I have to sit in my lounge chair (feet up) and can only use an outdated handheld pc using win CE and limited ver. of word. I am spoiled and need the full ver. of word to write quickly.

so... will transfer story soon, and have it for you soon!

I probably missed it, but do I submit normally, or email story to you?

take care, m. :rose:

Do I still submit on schedule - Friday 21st Regardless of whatever Goddess Karen does or does not do?

Secondly I would echo Mlyns posting what exactly is the submission procedure - and do we have to mail you with the chapter Title for updating the Title page?

When you submit to Laurel, make sure you put in the notes that it's for the chain story wait until friday and the email from Judo updating the webpage for the story. It takes 72 hours, not a full 7 days, for Laurel to get it posted.

She probably doesn't need the reminder, but she does read over 3 hours of porn a night and that would cook anyone's brain.

Mlyn -

You submit the story through the usual parameters on the delivery date we have on the schedule. Laurel will look it over during the days before it is to be posted and then post it.

Jon.H -

Yes, and see Mlyn's note above.

KM -

Thanks for the help. I can use it.

I have spoken with Laurel concerning whatever is occuring with GoddessK. We will leave her week blank until she delivers or gets in touch with us and tells us why not.

Thanks everyone.

- Judo
No chain story chapter this week.

Well, as you have probably surmised, there will be no chain story this week. It will be left blank until the author contacts us.

Because of this, I would like everyone involved to contact the thread and give me a status.

--- my status ---

I have started writing. I have about four to five days of writing left. I have contacted two editors to proofread and give me feedback. They have both consented.

Now, please post your story's status. Don't worry, some of you have months to go and I understand you are probably just musing about it in the back of your mind at best at this point. This is largely for my peace of mind.

Thanks. I really appreciate all the effort that you are going through for this year's effort and now...even more so.

- Judo
Status: Have about 900 well-edited words, a complete and thorough outline as well as character summaries, at least four willing editors, and another couple of weeks before concern is necessary. I am not working on it at present, but I only have one more week in Mexico (it is SO neat here!), and then the story will surge.

JUDO, the website is wonderful and your patience is a godsend. Best wishes to all, and I will be back shortly with happy news and a fairly completed story.
I've got about 4,000 words written, but I've begun to rethink one of my characters, so a major rewrite is in the cards. I'm not due til Aug., so I'm not scared. At least, my research is done (about 45,000 words on paper). I'm also getting worried that there isn't enough sex, so I'm reading Henry Miller's "Under the Roofs of Paris". What a deliciously disgusting book.

Mine is posted - although through some cock-up it appears as an Erotic Coupling - I have just PM'd Laurel to try and sort that out.

If GoddessKaren does not reappear within the next week or so would you like me to write a second chapter filling in the gap? Not my best period in history but I will give it a go if you all want!

My piece is 'finished'. Jon has been good enough to cast his historian's eye over it and has passed it fit with minor changes. If any others of you would care to nitpick it, just say so!


PS: Just over 14000 words
Last edited:
Quick update, had a PM from Laurel submission problems solved. So she has all week to read it.

:D Alex I do like the graphics.


Thanks to you all for your updates thus far. Jon, GK's chapter will remain undelivered and possibly blank (or deleted) unless she contacts us and chats.

So, no need to write another, but thank you for the wonderful offer.

Still waiting to hear from everyone else.

- Judo
My Status:

Screwed. I can not for the love of god find my first draft of my story, so I am in the process of rewriting it. Need to find an editer(s). Hopefully I can get it done this last week and get a decent nights sleep. If not, than I would suggest you skip me over.
Do I really have to give an update?

Ok, I got 3 paragraphs all of about 500 words donw, just starting to intro the characters and the purpose.

When am I due up again. Middle of August? I can't find what page 12 pages and I get lost in here.
No skipping allowed Johnny_Boy. Keep writing. Post in the editor's forum and tell them you're a chain story author and need assistance.

Best of luck.
- Judo
Mine is done BUT

It is on my "baby computer" Windows CE, and I have to get it off there, correct it (word for CE isn't all that useful when you are used to full word) and have some one edit it. Seems hopeless I know....

Just fyi: I have had some troubles the last months (since Oct- lost my job- long story- am unable to get another job, and I'm trying to see about disability... even longer story.... Not to mention lawsuit involvement for the fenphen drug!!!!... and just when you think you might see daylight....)

So, enough reasons for delays, etc. No more excuses and I will try and finish it this week. I appreciate everyone who has been so nice and supportive. This place, writing, and getting feedback has helped to sustain me when I get REALLY low...

Cross fingers, toes and eyes (don't type yet!)... thanks. Mlyn:rose:
Update before JUDO hyperventilates

I've done the research, got the outline, done the character sketches, and mapped out the story arc. Now it's mostly dialogue and sex scenes ahead. I think I'm looking at probably my longest on-site story to date, weirdly enough. I've got something like six weeks to go before mine's due, though, so I'm in good shape.
This has turned into an interesting exercise for me. I have never had to write a story that was locked into a time period with a certain requirement to it. What I mean is that generally, I can change my mind about anything I want to--character, setting, theme--but for the first time, I am locked into setting, and, to a degree, theme. Somehow, it feels a little liberating.

I wonder is this new to other writers. as well.

Thanks everybody for chiming in. I really appreciate it. It looks like everyone is swimming along, finding their, ah...stroke. So much for not mixing metaphors.

I've been writing on my chapter today all day and it looks like it's going to be a long one. I have about 3000 words thus far in a 16 beat outline and I've only covered the first two beats. Yow!

At that rate, it'll be the longest thing I've written. Ah well...with any luck, it'll be worth it.
I have about 500 words of crap written. I have some (bad) ideas, and am steadfastly ignoring the growing sense of panic that is developing.

Am batting around the idea that my thief is facially scarred in some way which is why he chose a profession that keeps him secretive. Perhaps he finds a woman who doesn't care...a hooker? A blind girl? A woman who's undergone a mastectomy? I dunno.


Who ever is second to last, be prepared to finish off the series. I'm still concentrating mainly on my novel and The Talisman takes second place to that.
Whispersecret said:
I have about 500 words of crap written. I have some (bad) ideas, and am steadfastly ignoring the growing sense of panic that is developing.

Am batting around the idea that my thief is facially scarred in some way which is why he chose a profession that keeps him secretive. Perhaps he finds a woman who doesn't care...a hooker? A blind girl? A woman who's undergone a mastectomy? I dunno.


Who ever is second to last, be prepared to finish off the series. I'm still concentrating mainly on my novel and The Talisman takes second place to that.

WS -

You are not someone who should panic about writing. Your work is wonderful. Yeah, yeah, maybe because you edit and edit and edit, but not everyone knows what to edit and you seem to get it right...a lot.

No, I'm not saying this as a method for encouraging your talisman chapter. That is entirely up to you.

Glad you are back working on the novel. Sorry that it's been such a pain to find a publisher...editor, etc.

Your story -

How about...the thief is scarred by some incident in his past in more ways than one - emotionally and physically? The incident is what caused him to turn away from his former lucrative business to stealing and has made him a recluse from his family, friends, lovers...

In this way, the talisman could be what helps others get past his physical appearance which ultimately help him deal with his problems of intimacy.

My thoughts.

- Judo