Chaotic Coffee Klatch (tea also available)

I understand what originally made Chaos great is not coming back, so it is reborn in different way, the point is it continues and hopefully gives the same satisfaction to it's new participants
the whole idea was simple, rejuvenate an old hangout so it could benefit everyone again
It's either try to get the old participants back, who wouldn't have left if it still interested them, or try to get new participants. And new participants won't care about the 100K posts before theirs, so you're not revitalizing the thread, you're just latching onto its name and history.

Lots of friendships were made here that still go on whether the thread is active or not, and that was the big takeaway for many of its regulars.

Hence my suggestion to simply start a new thread and make it your own. (Not sure why revitalizing this thread is so important when your first post in it wasn't until a couple of days ago.) Hang your shingle out front and build it into what you want it to be.

And with that..
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