Comic Strip

I'm not a professional, but I've made some posters that I'm looking to get printed and sell.
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Touché Lexium. This is an open forum. I offered an answer to a question. As I stated, I was a Graphic Arts major when I was going to school back home. I know a lot about the Adobe products and Quark Express.

I am sorry if you find my presence at Lit a disturbance to you, but this is an open forum. It is open to all. I don't know why you feel I am "out to get you", but I do not have a vendetta against you. I wish you would stop thinking that. I've done nothing to you.

(Edited to add the word "have".)
The thing is that I saw your pictures and they made me so horny, I had to touch myself, that's doing something to me....
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My this little thread just grows and grows…sorry I haven’t replied sooner, only work and house renovations have precedence at the moment.

Still, that said, many thanks to Lexium for her imput.

To clarify the brief, does anyone remember the strip called Carrie, that was in Penthouse or was it Mayfair, I can’t remember which now but that’s the sort of thing I had in mind, just a simple soft strip, based around the main character.

Old fashioned…maybe, but very endearing with a great many loyal followers.

All I need are some believable story lines

Character clothed + incident/accident = character naked.

Been playing with Adobe and pics are getting better. Just needs a little bit more tweaking to get the balance between simplicity/detail levels though.

Keep it coming please.

Many thanks
Re: Re: Comic Strip

Adsum said:

Been playing with Adobe and pics are getting better. Just needs a little bit more tweaking to get the balance between simplicity/detail levels though.

Keep it coming please.

Many thanks


Playing with levels can be tricky. Here are some tips that may make things easier for you:

Comic strip with PhotoShop

This is a way to keep things simple you can tweak them as you want, but just try this first.

Open your image in photoshop. In the layers pallette double click on the background layer (you should have only one layer for your image) and click OK in the popup window. Your background layer should change to Layer 0

duplicate Layer 0 to make a second layer. It should show as Layer 0 copy

Now let begin to get a little deep. You should have two layers: Layer 0 and Layer 0 copy. Layer 0 copy should be on top of Layer 0

Desaturate Layer 0 (make sure that the Layer 0 copy layer is selected in the layers palette - From the file menu Image > Adjustments > Desaturate

You image should look gray scaled, but its not (trust me on that). Now you will apply a filter.

From the File menu Filter > Other > High Pass... Set the Radius to 2.5 pixels and click OK

Don't worry you are almost done. From the File menu Image > Adjustments > Posterize Set the levels to 2 and click OK

One more thing and you can begin to tweak. In the layers palette change Layer 0 copy from Normal to Multiply. You image is now ready for tweaking to make it look more like a comic.

What I usually do is click on Layer 0 and adjust the brightness and contrast. Usually the contrast first. You'll see what I mean once you do it.

O' make shapes for dialog. Photoshop has them already, you just have to select them. Click on the shape tool and you should see a shape toolbar. the shape you selected should have a little black arrow pointing down indicating a drop down menu. Click on the arrow and you should then see a lot of different shape. If you don't see the talk/speek clouds then there should be another black arrow that opens a drop down menu. Click load shapes. Select TalkBubbles.csh from the Custom Shapes directory. It should go right to it.

Add a new layer on top of the two that you have. Change your forground color to white. Draw your talkbubble on your image.

I use comic sans font type and scew it. To add more effect to the talkbubble I resterize its layer and add a 1 pixel stroke to outline it.

A 4 pixel stroke around Layer 0 your bottom layer wouldn't hurt either. You can give it a hand sketch look by adding the graphic pen filter. I would duplicate Layer 0 again so you would have a Layer 0 copy 2 between Layer 0 and Layer 0 copy. Confused?

Here is a wedding photo it doesn't look that good because it's small, but do larger ones. It's not hard and doesn't demand that much tweaking.

Have fun...
Re: Comic Strip Picture


Thanks for your tips and your time in this matter.

I want to simulate a water colour effect rather then a ‘Comic’ type effect, see the attachment to see the best I have so far achieved.

Rather than applying filters to each image separately, I create an action to save time, although I have to make sure that each image is roughly of the same exposure.

Any ideas you may have will be appreciated.

This idea came from watching the TV show Everwood. It's a watercolor style graphic image. Is this what you are looking to do, or do you just want to stick to the black and white?
Re: Comic Strip Picture

Everwood…The program has never been screened in dear old blighty and I’ve never heard of it?

Still, that’s exactly the sort of effect that I’m trying for – is that image completely computer generated or have you had to tweak it? – Alright call me Mister Lazy, but if that could be achieved with one click it would save me so much time. The Adobe watercolour filter has never been able to come anywhere near that.

No, I think B/W are great to look at and give any image a air of professionalism but I would prefer to use colour, only it might prove to be more time consuming in regards to achieving the correct colour tones etc.

Have you used a stand-alone filter to get that result?

Anyway I must go now; time for work if you have time any info you give will be appreciated.

lexium said:
This idea came from watching the TV show Everwood. It's a watercolor style graphic image. Is this what you are looking to do, or do you just want to stick to the black and white?

Lexium, this is a great effect, they all are really. can't wait to see if I can use this type of thing on some of my graphics.

Do you have a photoshop "action" for the effect in this pic? or the tip on how you got it to look so good?

Graphic effects

I haven't created an action for the effects. It really doesn't take that long to create. Actually, I haven't looked at trying to create actions yet. Give me an hour to figure it out. I seen actions, but haven't done one myself. I'm not sure if they can be exported from Photoshop. By the way, I'm using Photoshop 7.
Re: Comic Strip Picture


Here’s how to create an Action

1. Click on the ‘ACTION’ tab
2. Click on the ’CREATE NEW ACTION’ button. (The one to the left of the ‘TRASHCAN’ icon)
3. Name it ‘WATERCOLOUR’ then click on the ‘RECORD’ button
4. Now you’re ready to create your new action – use the filters, adjustments etc, you used to create the initial effect (Save any options settings etc, as you will be prompted later when you ‘PLAY’ the action later.)
5. Click on the ‘STOP PLAYING/RECORDING’ button when you have finished.
6. To use your new action – open your image – click the action tab – scroll down to the action you saved e.g. WATERCOLOUR – select it – then click on the ‘PLAY CURRENT SELECTION’ button – then sit back and watch.

Yes you can export Actions.

Regards Adsum.
Re: Re: Comic Strip Picture

Adsum said:

Here’s how to create an Action

1. Click on the ‘ACTION’ tab
2. Click on the ’CREATE NEW ACTION’ button. (The one to the left of the ‘TRASHCAN’ icon)
3. Name it ‘WATERCOLOUR’ then click on the ‘RECORD’ button
4. Now you’re ready to create your new action – use the filters, adjustments etc, you used to create the initial effect (Save any options settings etc, as you will be prompted later when you ‘PLAY’ the action later.)
5. Click on the ‘STOP PLAYING/RECORDING’ button when you have finished.
6. To use your new action – open your image – click the action tab – scroll down to the action you saved e.g. WATERCOLOUR – select it – then click on the ‘PLAY CURRENT SELECTION’ button – then sit back and watch.

Yes you can export Actions.

Regards Adsum.

Thanks hun
I was able to create the action, but still don't know how to export it.
I'm only using version 6 here, so it probably wouldn't matter much, but check in yoru presets folder under program files\photoshop\photoshop actions...
Re: Comic Strip Picture

Don't know if this will work, still got two chances anyway?

Check to see if the action you created is listed in the actions window - if it is come out of Photoshop and go to My Computer icon on the desktop - go to \Program files\Adobe\Photoshop#\Required

# Denotes photoshop version - i'm still using 5.2

Copy file : Default.ATN

Don't know for sure that all the ness files are present in this file, hope so?

Re: Re: Comic Strip Picture

Adsum said:
Don't know if this will work, still got two chances anyway?

Check to see if the action you created is listed in the actions window - if it is come out of Photoshop and go to My Computer icon on the desktop - go to \Program files\Adobe\Photoshop#\Required

# Denotes photoshop version - i'm still using 5.2

Copy file : Default.ATN

Don't know for sure that all the ness files are present in this file, hope so?


I see Default Actions.atn is that all the actions together?
Lexiums Actions

This is what I’m not sure of?

I did read somewhere that the actions store some files in the preference folder for ver.4 weather that’s the same for ver.5 onwards is debatable? I could not find a pref. folder in PhotoShop 5.2 so I couldn’t check.

I downloaded some actions zips from the Adobe web site which when unzipped were in the .ATN format and I’m only surmising that they were installed to the Default.ATN file.

Also, there might be some problems with transporting files to older versions of PhotoShop, there again the only option is to try it and see.

Let me have the file and then we will both Know for sure weather it will work or not?

If it doesn’t I will go to one of the Adobe sites and pick one of their brains.

Sorry to cause you all this trouble Lexium.

Check with Chicklet to see if she is still willing to write the script, I will do the watercolor images for you, if you like.
Hey, you two are great.

Sorry i've been so long in replying but, i've been having trouble with getting on-line, cause of a bad storm last week!

The connection still is not good.

Chicklet, we need to liase to work out this thing, got any idea's. Thanks for your time.

Lexium, I'll send some jpg's when Chicklet has the time to think of and write a script.
I'm buying a new camera, so the pics will be up to spec, what format, res, do you require?
How about a story where a man is really into sex comics, and is wife is frustrated with his fasination. Her husband jerks off so much to the comics that he is unable to satisfy his wife in bed.

She want's him to pay attention to her and not the comics. She cries her frustration to her bestfriend who has a son who is into creating comics.

The sugguestion is made that, if the wife was in the comic, that would be the only way her husband would pay attention to her.

The bestfriend gets her son to create a comic with the wife as the main character.

Since the husband is into trading sex comics, the best friend son puts the rare comic out at the comic trading post where the husband go.

Every week the husband buys the comic and gets hooked on them. The character is familar to him, but he doesn't realize that it's his wife.

The wife gets horny while posing for the comic and end up fucking the bestfriend son. The bestfriend son put pictures of him fucking the wife in the comics.

The husband is increasingly into the comic more than usual.

Eventually, the wife has the bestfriend son to have the character to speak directly to her husband. "He Ken! Put down this fucking comic book and come in the bed room and fuck me for real!" Using the husband's name and something else that he could recognize, so he would know that it was the wife.
BlackSnake said:

How about a story where a man is really into sex comics, and is wife is frustrated with his fasination. Her husband jerks off so much to the comics that he is unable to satisfy his wife in bed.

Change "comic" to "net porn" and you've described my life. :(

Oh, and change the marriage part to a man who makes promies but won't commit. :rolleyes:
BlessedBe said:
Change "comic" to "net porn" and you've described my life. :(

Oh, and change the marriage part to a man who makes promies but won't commit. :rolleyes:

How about a man ready to commit, but without making any promises...and you have me.