Conspire with me

What conspiracy or hoax has someone you know been all in on or tried to convince you was true? Had you heard of it before? What was their source of truth? Did you try to tell them they had it wrong? Let's hear your crazy stories from your crazy relatives, friends and coworkers.

That the covid vaccine has a 'detonation date' and everyone who got it is going to explode at a specific date in the future.
The source of their truth is that they're an utter fucking lunatic.
That the covid vaccine has a 'detonation date' and everyone who got it is going to explode at a specific date in the future.
The source of their truth is that they're an utter fucking lunatic.
How would that even work?
Utter madness
That the covid vaccine has a 'detonation date' and everyone who got it is going to explode at a specific date in the future.
The source of their truth is that they're an utter fucking lunatic.

Oh yes, I've hear this one so many times. Usually in response to when I mentioned to people that getting the virus might be a bit of a time bomb. You know, we have viruses that do that already, how would we know that SARS-CoV-2 wouldn't?

Another vaccine related one from a family member who just recently dealt with prostate cancer was that the vaccine caused his prostate cancer. According to him, his doctor told him this. I suggested he get a new doctor.
Someone blew up the Georgia guidestones šŸ§

Jewish space laser lady had been taking about them being demonic an instructions and a far right Georgia gubernatorial candidate running under the slogan "Jesus, Guns, Babies" centered her campaign around destroying them.

While they're just rocks, it's a little scary that people are so far down their echo chambers that they're carrying explosives into rural Georgia to destroy a tourist attraction that will ultimately hurt their neighbors who relied on that tourism to make a living.
Someone blew up the Georgia guidestones šŸ§

Jewish space laser lady had been taking about them being demonic an instructions and a far right Georgia gubernatorial candidate running under the slogan "Jesus, Guns, Babies" centered her campaign around destroying them.

While they're just rocks, it's a little scary that people are so far down their echo chambers that they're carrying explosives into rural Georgia to destroy a tourist attraction that will ultimately hurt their neighbors who relied on that tourism to make a living.
Not exactly a booming ad for my state. But let's not forget we delivered 2 Dems to the Senate on January 5th, or who knows how bad things might be.
Did ya hear about H.A.A.R.P.? It is a weather study station somewhere in Alaska, that somehow actually controls the weather and can mindcontrol people also through it's obscure technology. President G. W. Bush is said to have control of it.
I fucking love HAARP - there are SOOOO many theories you can pin onto that. Weather control, secret Tesla death ray, artificially created earthquakes, mind control...

It's one of my all time favourite theories because it's so flexible. It's also a centrepiece of several short stories I've written! :D
The British royal family are according to David ike lizard people from outer space.
In truth they are not but they all go to Zurich once a year to have their blood replaced with fresh baby blood or not
William only has a a half brother.
I do love a good conspiracy theory, the entertainment is as good as a really good movie. Most cases, the theories start on the smallest grain of a fact and away they go. The imagination required to concoct such a story is admirable.
Dude I like the ones about Marilyn Manson. He removed his bottom ribs so he could suck his own dick. Also, he is Paul from Wonder Years.
Conspiracies are easy to believe because mainstream media have been losing credibility since before most of us were born. But today's supervillains have so much power they don't need secrecy. Their conferences are global news with published policy papers. Conspirators conspire because they don't have power.
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I heard a new one today.
That the Uvalde shooting was a hoax and you can tell because the video that came out shows holograms, and the government has a history of using holograms to fake events like that.
Conspiracies are easy to believe because mainstream media have been losing credibility since before most of us were born. But today's supervillains have so much power they don't need secrecy. Their conferences are global news with published policy papers. Conspirators conspire because they don't have power.
wait, are you saying it's the "globalists" fault?
My (definition of a boomer) boss has this conspiracy theory that the Chinese are trying to make us secretly learn Chinese so it will be easier to rule us when they invade and take over our government. Her proof of this is how every pamphlet of instructions offers a Chinese translation, the fact that her TV was set on Chinese subtitles once, and that a package she once received (from Amazon) was addressed in English and Chinese.

Despite how stupid each and every one of her examples were - all I could do was wish it was that easy to "accidently" learn another language.
Has she met any Americans? Because almost no Americans know any other language besides Spanish.
But maybe she's right - those fortune cookies always have, "learn Chinese" on the back with single words. Consume enough fortunate cookies, you'll be a regular Chairman Mao.
This might be more of an urban legend than a conspiracy theory, but I read in numerous places (it's rampant here at Lit) that women can orgasm.