Cowboy Bebop: Demiurge -- OOC Thread

Yer still in where HY ... *evil kitty grin* ... Bad dragon ...

Heh ... I am still interested ... I just need to create my character ...
What ... Like yer mind is not there ...
*makes a face & sticks out her tongue at HY*

Well you soon will be ... *very evil kitty grin* ... Heh ...

*appears behind Hy ... bops him on the back of the head w/ a magical mallet ... disappear before he goes splash into the gutter*
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I didn't think gutters could be kept clean. They're always catching the dirty stuff. I wanna join. Just take a little bit to write up my character.
I'm sorry, 4U. I want to start this thread too but so much stuff has gotten in the way...

If everyone's still here (which it seems like), then I'll put the thread up by the weekend. I swear. If I don't, someone can spank me.

Preferably Hy, but he wouldn't have the guts anyway.
Alright! The weekend is nigh!

I'm tempted not to just for the sake of the spanking, but I'm afraid I've wanted to get this thread up for a while. ^_^

This should be fun!
Well you better get the thread up soon or you will get spanked JC cutie. And it's about time I posted my char for it as well. :grin:

Military Personnal Record #097859487390
Name: Rikka Juko
Age: 26
Sex: Female
BirthPlace: Mars
Rank: Sargent
Status:Dishonorable discharge
Background(only as the military knows it): Rikka is the daughter of Col. Locke Juko. She was enrolled in military school from the age of 4 till she was 16. She was the top of her class through her school years and was allowed to graduated early. She was given the choice to go into college but declined instead opting to go straight into military service. She was placed in the medical field and trained as a medic till she was 22, showing herself to be the best medic in the military. She was also trained in firearms, small and heavy, but she proved to be an average shot. She was moved to the rank of Lt. as the age of 23. By the time of her discharge she had made the rank of Sargent.

Reason for discharge: Rikka was caught stealing money from the officer of Lt. Col. Shavbeve on Feb 14, 2087.

Non-military background: Rikka's public life was like as her military record states. However that wasn't all there was to her life. She didn't like the strict military lifestyle she had to live, so she foundt a way of getting around it. She became a thief. It started when she was 10 and foundt out that some of her friends were part of a Thieve's guild. She learned from many diferent Master thieves and learned most of the tricks of the trade. However with school and having to lead a double-life she wasn't able to become more than just an above average thief before she was discharged from the military. She took the money she had and decided to try her hand at bounty-hunting.

Personality: She is a tough girl who isn't afraid to speak her mind. She will following orders but she has gotten to the point of questioning methods and trying to find the fastest way of getting them done, if not the shortest way.

Wow. A real thief.

That will be useful, for sure. ^_^

Okay! I'm pumped! I might be busy today (or maybe not) but I'll work on my first post offline and then get it done by tomorrow if not today.
13 hours and counting till the weekend is over and for JC to start the thread. If she doesn't make it, can we punish her with spankings?
mmhmmm. and shouldn't we note that it's midnight HER time? what.... pacific right?
Yeah, it's 6:49 here. Bahah! I have yet more time to purchase my escape vehicle!

...I, I mean, write the post!
same time zone here.... i've got the clock on my side jac.

you're just like Hook now.

tick tock tick tock
hey guys, lets be nice this time
JC has had computer problems, is working now, & she's also trying to get another thread going on top of this one
whaddya say for a 24 hour extension?

(besides, she's cuter than hell!!!!)
*walks in front of AB, grins, and holds up a pocketwatch*

tick tock tick tock tock tick.... wait a minute..... tick tock there beter.
You're sweet, AW, but I think I can handle this. I hope so. I feel guilty not starting this earlier.

I still have 4 and a half hours by my time, anyway. ^_^