Create A Wrestler

Just started to write a response to Peppy's interview, and dammit, I already like writing her speech patterns. Makes me remember how conflicted I was about making her a face or a heel, because I think she's one of a few out in the league who are just plain neutral, or just do their own thing without caring much about other people.

Also, found this just now
reminded me of Chichi in a lot of ways

And this is who i based most of Peppy the Popstar off of
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There's a couple matches that have been on the back burner for a while. Tess defending the championship against Amber, Mama Luv vs Amber, the Newcomers Tournament II. For that matter there's an Amber vs Ann the Goth Chick matchup in Newcomers Tournament 1 that hasn't gotten started yet.

And I'm also thinking someone needs to step in and give Tikka some wins. Aznloser had her lose to Timmy... gah.

On the newcomers tourney: Actually I think it'd be interesting to see alternate endings for the previous fights having others win (or for other fights outside of the tourney too since this is an interactive story). Just a suggestion if any of you guys don't feel like working on the current storylines or making new ones.

On the other thing: I think that's just Aznloser's thing (to mess with the asian chars). And yeah I was totally wtf'ing at Timmy winning against Tikka.

On Sister Mary: I'd say she's been pushed good, she doesn't seem too overpowered. I'd imagine "divine intervention" factors in but even then her fights don't feel one-sided at any point unless she obviously is winning. I also like how she's allied with the Luv family. You could easily make a faction with Mary, Rochelle, Casey, Mama, Petty, and hell even throw Timmy in there.

Next person: Vicky
just read Az updates

he actully had Tikka winning some things
Back to the game then...

I always thought of Vicky as a decently flexible character. She's always a sadist and everything, but she's basically Indiana Jones good with her whip, but a fairly mediocre fighter without. She's a good pick if you want a good girl to have a good chance of winning while still being hurt. Should have trouble with very durable or very fast fighters, and has trouble regaining lost ground, especially once she loses her whip.

Preferred Miss H, or one of the other professionally sadistic fighters myself, but she was an obligatory character, especially in the early stages of the story.

Up next, Big Mama
I've always thought of Big Mama as the "monster heel" of the league. Sort of like Big Show or Big Daddy V or Rikishi. She's average or maybe a little above average in skill, but what she really is, is much too heavy for your average wrestler to work with. Against someone who's strong enough to stand up to her like Amber or Tess or Amazon, she'd probably struggle. I really don't like the farting moves though, so I probably won't ever write her.

Since she just won the heel newcomers battle royal, Wendy the Witch next.
just note having been adding the new threads, cause didnt know new threads were there

For some reason Chyoo isnt reminding me when new threads posted in my story sometimes. So dont know if its updated unless I check the sites. Then I got to checks name of people who tend to add with frequetcy, then check through thier threads to see if anything new. There 4 people who add frequently. And few newbies, and guys who add occasionly

but go the hang of it. Will update more tommorw. Add to the PARTNER VS PARTNER storyline, and the 24 hour storyline

Onto Wendy

Wendy a pretty fun charcter. Has a goofy gimmik but figure as wrestling go she decent. Her is it magic or is it not magic thing makes her a wild card. She a heel but not a sadistic heel. You need more of those to even shit out. She a playfull heel and probally just want to roll around, wrestle, and have some sex. So a girl after our own heart

next in the game- One of the new girls

Tara the Anti Bully

Also what are some wrestlers that the easierst to write. That you know how they tick

Think Chichi easy to write. Took me a while. I got most of the Luvs down to the tea. The most fun is the Luv twins speeches to me
The greatest villain is that which doesn't appear as one, I've heard. I always wanted to make Wendy out to be a bitch, but not evil. Just selfish and out to have fun for herself, just happens to casually like annoying people. Makes her more realistic and interesting, in my book, to have her be more realistically cruel. Not everyone can be a total sadist (mind you, those characters are fun too). I'd also entertained the idea of Wendy being a genius at strategy, but wound up focusing her bio more on just how mean she is. Haven't thrown that idea out the window yet, of course.

I feel like I've just got Chichi and Becky down perfectly now. Becky is just plain unstable, which I've started taking in the direction of she can do anything at any moment, and the only sure thing is that she'll attack Mama Luv at a moment's notice. But even that's been changing some...

I feel like I've got a strangely good feel for Booty's personality now too. Like I said, I've already gotten accustomed to writing for Peppy.

I'm starting to get used to writing Mimi too, but I occasionally have to babbelfish some French. I'm currently believing the theory that you (and the other writers) don't get a real feel for a wrestler until they've won and/or lost a fight. How they react is how you really see how they think, and how they'd fight as a result.

And as much as I love the girl, I have a lot of trouble writing for Delisha. I have a decent grasp of British lingo from personal experience, reading, and Monty Python, but there's only so many I know that I can tie into wrestling (to my understanding, Irish lingo is very close, or we at least aren't picky enough to correct it in this story).

I feel like Tara is still warming up, in a sense. We've seen her nature to beat up bullies, but I think this is just establishing that she CAN hold her own, if not kick serious ass. I'm curious to see how she does with other matches, fighting with other pros who aren't bullies at all. I think the fight with Young Muscle and Team Milf should help that a lot. She mostly seems to be very talented and especially technical, with her default persona being she's just having fun when she's not standing up for the little guy.

the apparently popular Becky Luv
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Tara I like because if you look at her Bio she probably very balance in skill. She learns different technique. Don’t know if she SUPER high in each one…but she know enough to even shit out. She strong and agile. Not to fast, not strong..But just right. Which to me makes it easier to match her up with a variety of people and get a decent fight from both?

Onto Becky

She probably pretty damm skilled. Basically mama Luv’s dark side. She Crazy ass hell so unpredictable. But think luffy describe her craziness pretty good. Basically every mistake she made in her life she blames on her sister. Forgot to pay the rent..Her sister fault, rainy outside...her sister fault. She basically accuses her self of any responsibly. Which is a pretty real? And you can understand how she is upset living in her sister shadow. But she pretty fun to write. She seems to hate men. she has some good side, probally some good still left. Seem to like the twins

next- ROCHELL DEVINE (aKA big Booty)
I see Becky as straight up the top heel in the league. She's just about equal with her sister, maybe a little better at actual fighting and not quite as good at sexfighting. But she's crazy enough that no one knows exactly where the line between gimmick and real is, and she's mopped the mat with a few upper midcarders. But her mental state keeps her from making a good plan of attack, or sometimes she'll try to keep fighting instead of trying to win the match.

Booty I think is pretty much an averagish midcarder. She's better at sexfighting than at straight up fighting, and maybe it's just me but when I read stuff with her in it, I always get the feeling like she doesnt mind loosing too much, that she likes being outwrestled and outfucked. OK, so the thing with Casey made it obvious, but I thought that before it even started. Maybe what Rochell's lacking is something to work towards.

Next, Chichi.
Oh yeah. As far as the story goes, I finished up the first round matches in the Newcomers Tournament 2, and added two different things to the Young Muscle vs Team Milf match. Next I'll do some more with the Hayt family storyline and answer those questions for Tara.
Well with rochell figure she mostly show her submissive side with Casey and not many other people. Also note Casey got six wins on her and only 4 losts...but that still means Rochell whupped her 4 times. Always imagine her a tough fighter, who would fight hard in a match no matter who she fighting.

But yea she a little more laid back and cool. namely with sex matches, if she loses, the worst that will happen is she gets to cum more times then her oppodent. She doesnt take lost as personaly as other women. Not prone to anger. Which kind of makes it harder to make rivals for her outside her connections with the Luv, cause she rarely gets mad. Which to me her calm and Cool as a cucumber nature makes a good compainion to the somewhat abrasive Casey. For instance it hard to have her go After Baroness after a lost when its in Rochell charcter to go "So she won one..I may win the next"

Also think I should write her more one on one fights then I been doing. I been doing tag teams matches, with her Joining up with Casey, or Roxi. Or multiple people matches. Think I need more one on one matches. Cause you need to loses or wins matches for people to care as people said here. Did like the fight with her vs Lisa Dollar Bill Cole that Luffy did. Maybe have her go after Big Mama or the Baroness

maybe go after the mid tier, or champion Belt

Chichi- She pretty much a spoiled Jail Bait bitch. Very tricky, and uses tricks and win through cheating mostly. Average fighter. Sometime in the tag teams matches she does with the seems the Amazon does most of the work but she can be pretty tough. But her small height probally gets her tossed around against the big girls if they dont make the mistake of understimating her

She sadistic, but it comes off as more FUN and playfuyll then others villans. Even though what she did to Sister Mary was pretty rough. For some reason it still come out more playfull

She has Jobbers so go after, Like Timmy. I always played it as she kind of likes Timmy. Like when a girl likes you, first grade she may punch you. But like him in a fun toy to play and tossed around type of way. Hinted Timmy got a crush on her. Do like her realtionship with differnt people like The Amazon, and Kimmy the teacher

She pretty fun to write

Next- Lets finish of these Luvs ounce and for all

Luv Twins
I wrote Chichi as just this twisted genius kind of kid. She's obviously way smarter than she should be, and I really like writing her as thinking she's the ultimate woman in the world. I really liked writing that Mama Luv had heard a rumor that Chichi was really just a midgit in a dress, because that would overtake the age issues. But the age deal never did seem to stick, apparently...

I really agree with the Booty solo ideas too. She had a handful of matches before she joined up with Casey, where they kind of took off because of them being the only real couple in the league for ages. I'd like to see how she acts on her own more, and I always took her as one of the "neutral" people i mentioned before. She doesn't have a complicated history or many relationships, but she's friendly and competitive, so she can fight just about anyone she's asked to.

The Twins:

I'm constantly surprised at just how popular Timmy was. I mean, everyone loves a jobber, but he has to have about 5 times more matches than any other male in the league. It wasn't until he showed up that I thought the entire "mixed" nature of the league was dead. He even tends to get more action than Petty.

I actually have a real soft spot for Petty. She sounds way too adorable to be in the league, but still has some fight in her. I said before that I like to let her get a one-up on Timmy most of the time, making her a little less gullible, smarter, or just tougher in general. I like their dialogue, reasoning how they're not as useless as they appear and Petty sort of being a driving force behind Timmy sometimes. I also did not know Petty was a name...

I also like to throw them a bone once in a while, letting their natural teamwork and some luck let them win the occasional double-team match.
Always did kind of nag at me just how we never were able to pinpoint their age. I picture looking in their early-mid tens, but I can't manage to bring myself to name an age. Also bugged me just slightly that the twins were the only ones in the family with black hair.

Next up, let's go with the natural born champ Stone Hard Kim Austin
hey we got some new author. Should click on thier names and look at some of threads for create a wrestler they been doing. Good stuff. Beef up some of the men role

The reason Timmy popular I think is because he the few men I gave personality

See may a stradegic error back when I was first doing this story. I figure I make the men second person and not add to much detail, cause the reader and the writer would want to view themselves as the main charcter. So adding to much detail like Race, moves,history, etc may messed that up

Think that was a mistake.

Stone Cold Kim Austin- Imagine a really tough fighter. Not really to much a tencical fighter, but a top brawler, hits hard, strong and can take some damage. If you watch pro wrestling, you notice the top guys arent really that big on TENCICAL skills. Basicly brawlers. People who just fight thier way and win, cause thier tough and dont give up. Now not sure if that type of fighting will help you win against a Tecnical guy in real life

But it sure as hell worked in most wrestling I watch. Also she fun to write, cause she kind of an anti hero

next- Tanya the soccer mom and X bad girl
Tanya's interesting, even though I considered her to be a mishmash of Mama and Tanya McVan/Vicky. Fit in surprisingly well for another milf, I thought, and I really liked her moveset. Like the idea of her backstory too, and makes you wonder about how old the league is and all. Figure her to be more tactical and experienced than Mama, but not as good with sexfighting and raw power.

Kim the X Beauty Queen up next, to keep up the oldies
I added a couple threads to Hayt family, and I think I did a fight one too.

I also did one where Amazon gets called into Tanya McVan's office, sort of like the Becky one I did a while ago.

As for the game.

Quick comment about Timmy, I think his popularity is because he's the comic relief of the fed. And Petty's probably going to be as good as her mom and bigger sister when she grows up, which should start soon... I was thinking of doing a thread where she suddenly had this flash of competence and didn't know what to do with it.

I've always seen Kim as both somewhat above average at both technical wrestling and sexfighting, but that she's not really very strong or very tough. She's sort of spoiled and so convinced of her own superiority that she never really does anything to improve her style. This is why when the story first started she was one of the top girls in the league, but she's been slipping ever since. At this point her best career option would probably be to work on her sexfighting skills, but again, I don't picture her ever admitting she has room to improve.

Next: Officer Faye, the last of the real oldies that I can think of.
Yea imagien giving petty a skill boost someday. Heck thought of giving her growth spurt when it comes to her boobage in one storyline.

Timmy though will always just be Timmy

Officer Faye- Is a hot character when I wrote for her. I always like sexy female cops. There so many things you can do with a nightstick :). It really my own fault she not bigger. Cause the old gals that became popular are one I really put in a lot of fights and constanly wrote them. Sure now that I have more people writing I can relax a bit more sense it aint just me doing them. But back then it didnt have that many people around, so it was only so many girls I could give a push cause I was one man. So some fail under the wayside. May go back to her.

I think she pretty skilled in submission moves and straight tecnical fight cause she worked for swat. Her moves may not be as fancy but some of her submissions and takes down are brutal. She more of using moves that practical then just crazy stuff. Although she has those. I do like her teaming up with Sister Mary. They may a great team cause there both law and order

Oh by the way, the faster moving charcter in growth seem to be TANYA MCVAN. It not that she in a lot of fights but I notice I lot of people have her making a quick Cameo here and there. Those little things actully help beleave it or not. One writer have a nice story about an up coming male bad guy wrestler that deal with her, and one got one about an anti hero wrestler that goes with her

makes sense, sense she the boss. So its a good story set up

next- Speaking of the mcvan- Lisa Mcvan
Imagined Lisa having a bit of a valley girl to her (not as much as Peppy), but cheats and is cruel enough to be a decent threat. She's probably a mid-level threat overall, and seemingly more useful as a story-tool than a main wrestler anyway. Like writing her nature as "I always win and everything goes my way, the end." Really like her relationship development with her mother as well. Not certain how they'd be able to lose in a tag fight, though. Like to be able to punch holes in those two once in a while, so they aren't just gods in the ring.

Also, did anyone have any favorite tagteams? From the very beginning, I liked writing for Team Tinytanic, and I'm liking Cute and Cuter as well. The Power Duo/Femms make for interesting matchups too.

Let's say Power Molly next.
I should've mentioned this back when we were throwing out links, but I have a channel on Veoh. Mostly wrestling, although some female muscle.

I also like Cute & Cuter. Most of the tag teams haven't really done so much as a team, and that probably ought to be fixed. It could be used to get some of the girls who haven't been involved much into the action.

For Power Molly, I think she's really underutilized. She's got a good mix of sex ability and wrestling ability. She beat Tess really early on which pretty much puts her ahead of all the rookies/newcomers. Someone started a thread a long time ago where she was a guest referee working for Tanya McVan, but mostly, Molly has done so little it's hard thinking what to say about her.
I'm gonna be out of town for a while, won't be posting til at least after the weekend.