Create A Wrestler

And three threads added to the Tara/Amazon fight (one for fighting, one for each girl to win)
Did one last thread - Tara's heel alterego.

As for the tag teams.

Team Brawler I like bu they seem to be struggling because of Tikka's jobbing a lot. I think the best part though is the chemistry between Tikka and Delisha. Maybe it's a case of opposites attract? If Tikka's going to shake her jobber tendencies like she seems to be they'll probably be one of the best teams in the league.

Next up: Team TinyTanic
I added to the Heels turn Face

With Chichi and Amazon alter Egos

Tikka Big Jobbing stuff really so far coming from one guy. And he made his own Asian Jobber so Tikka may Job less.

MAy Add to the HAYT family story, and finish up the new belts story this weekend. I want to get some people crown with the new belts soon.

Always Like Team Tiny Tantic- BRAINS and muslce. Seem like those two character wouldnt fit with each other, but they seem to play off each other, With Chichi talking a mile a minut and Amazon only saying a few words and letting the power do her talking. I did mention before in the story that people think Amazon does most of the works. Which was just one line, but it nice it turn into some tension between them

Next- The Matrons
Matrons were basically back when there were only the two milfs. There's about a half dozen of them now, but so it goes. Only so many angles these days. Liked them and think they're a really dangerous team, but I tend to give them a bit of a handicap since they're both top of the line wrestlers, and I especially like to think tag teams are all more or less equal overall. Like to have them employ both of their sets of titanic tits at once, as some of the biggest in the league.

I've already expressed my love for Tinytanic. I like making Chichi thinking she's the best and brightest as usual, and that Amazon wouldn't stand for her at all, but they wind up working, so Amazon just ignores it.

I like to think that in a straight up fight, Team Brawler would be the top team in the league. Delisha's an amazing fighter in her own right, and Tikka's got great skill.

Also, really looking forward to Chichi the babysitter for some reason. Maybe because she seems to have more skill, better morals, and still the same resenting spirit for her foes.
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Jesus this story is huge. I have no idea how the writers could possibly keep track of everything. Kudos, guys.
Jesus this story is huge. I have no idea how the writers could possibly keep track of everything. Kudos, guys.

Not that hard

just follow one link

You dont have to know what every character doing, or every storyline
follow your favorite premade fighter, or just follow the creation process til you like one. personally always preferred to browse the map for a good one, then make a new tab/window for each good-looking storyline with any decent length
I've tried to use some Ultimate Surrender stuff in this story, but mostly it doesn't work out so well. I guess Ultimate Surrender's deal is how real it is, and Create-A-Wrestler isn't exactly realistic.

Not that I don't dig Ultimate Surrender... I buy a membership once a year or so and go on downloading rampages.

I'm trying to work up the motivation to start the second person new-girl-in-the-league story, but when you're not in the mood to write erotica there's no point even trying.

Oh yeah and I had to edit Sheana's bio to say why she was a good girl and not a bad one... I was going to start a thread with her against Bambi, but too late for that. Do we have any heel jobbers?
always considered Beat and Break (Lisa's girls, the Hartz Sisters; always wondered if anyone got the pun...) to be a pair of jobbers. April the felon seems surprisingly easy to beat for a professional criminal, and Lisa Dollar Bill always struck me as being a little unimpressive in a fight. She always struck me as an opponent to check just how well a character can handle cheating enemies.

To the exclusive purpose of jobbing, there hasn't been one yet, I guess

Also, I've wondered sometimes about just how far the technology and science in this game goes. We've already had hypno rays, even if they're supposedly alien tech. Various potions, sex drugs, and meds have shown up that are downright impossible, and clones were mentioned once in the ancient storyline following the mad scientist male wrestler. I've tied him to a few similar notions, including being alluded to having genetically bred Kitty.

How far do you imagine it going? I've been very vaguely picking at the idea of a wrestler who could shapeshift into her opponent, if not whatever wrestler she wanted. Or she might just mirror their skills exactly, giving anyone a very tough fight.
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You know what idea I always had but never figure out how to do

bad girls vs their good girls alter egos
And vice Versa

Figure Power Molly could Hook someone to a VR machine. Or I could make a character that the League MENTAL HEALTH EXPERT, who hooks someone to a VR machin. A doctor who a bit crazy herself

maybe use my Character from the story

Doctor Humplaot

I have 3 names by the way, cause my password was lost a couple of differnt times. My password JUST STOP WORKING. Then started working for no reason. Weird as hell.

Was going to add to Luffy chapter with Cassie

But figure he wanted to describe her. Sense I didnt really view her as a bad guy despite Becky Craze description about her not having mercy and not caring who she hurt.

I had a line where Mama Luv said

"She not that she Evil...hell she not even badly attention. She just dont know her own strengh, Like if someone tried to fuck a WILD bull...sigh the luvs lost a lot of people that way"

figure it nice, showed despite her fear she has some symphty for the craze sex lady
I've tried to use some Ultimate Surrender stuff in this story, but mostly it doesn't work out so well. I guess Ultimate Surrender's deal is how real it is, and Create-A-Wrestler isn't exactly realistic.

Not that I don't dig Ultimate Surrender... I buy a membership once a year or so and go on downloading rampages.

I'm trying to work up the motivation to start the second person new-girl-in-the-league story, but when you're not in the mood to write erotica there's no point even trying.

Oh yeah and I had to edit Sheana's bio to say why she was a good girl and not a bad one... I was going to start a thread with her against Bambi, but too late for that. Do we have any heel jobbers?

Well good girls can fight good girl

Could always make some though
mean to create a Cassie bio soon. probably finish it up tonight

Mighty Allison too, for the Hayt family's muscle
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I wrote Sheana destroying Dolly the Bully. Haven't finished yet, but I think Sheana's going to be a fun one to write for.

If you want an image of Sheana, she's not based off a real person like Tara and Melissa were. But you can start with Laurie Noack (another fitness model) then imagine her 20 years younger, taller with about the same build, and with real breasts instead of fake ones. There's even a photo set of her in a leopard pattern bikini somewhere...

As for the Hartz sisters, I thought about doing bios for them, but I always pictured them as being not really that attractive... Break's scrawny and Beat's chubby, or is it the other way around? Either way I'm the dude who wears a "No Fat Chicks" T-shirt at the beach.
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much say Cassie Bio

She seem a lot less (how to put it nicely) mentaly...umm SPEACIAL then Becky Luv describe and less insane

Nice to see her Bio

Going to right her differntly then

Imagine her put legs in putting pussy and crazy shit before.

last time I trust narrator (becky) who mentaly insane
haha, good point... i should maybe edit it a little, but she's really not a dangerous person.... i mean, she's not going to be putting anyone in the hospital.

but i did say that her style focuses on hurting people at the same time as she arouses them, which I meant for her to be very good at maximizing both. she's kind of a bubble-head, so she's really just guiltless more than she is ruthless.

Becky did exaggerate a bit, but mostly about her violent nature. She's really just supposed to be an incredible threat in the ring, and just has Mama shaken because of her devastating loss. Figured that would make a good affect on emphasizing that she's meant to be kind of a "big boss" character (i guess the unlockable character in the video game...). I guess something like Tigeress' lust, but maintains her intelligence (for what that's worth) and with a ton of skill and knowledge on turning others on.

Also, which alternate personality character does everyone think came out the best, or most interesting?

While I'm curious to see Goddess and Mommy Dearest in the ring, I really like Auntie Becky's character development. I'm eager for the thread of her fighting her way through the Luvs to come to a conclusion (have a few ideas on where to go from there).
made a fight between Cassie and mama which not to toot my own horn, pretty sweet. Even made mama the underdog in strengh and power. Figure In the end make one storyline where she the champ. Sense if she going to be the big boss, then champ is the way to go. Also if cassie lose, it be good climax for mama. Sense her champ story been going for a bit depening on which story you pick

oh and we got a NEW hardcore belt champ

Delisha the punk rocker

Have Aunti becky fighting the second evil luv person. Timmy the Brave

My favorit new persona is Goddess hera

lot of place you can go with that

Casey works well sense it in her backstory
thinking of using the extra thread trick

to make an area to put women who not a heel or face

middle ground chicks
The new doctor character and Luffy's earlier question about the technology reminded me of a character I thought up, never mentioned, and forgot about. She was Baroness' personal (mad?) scientist, and was responsible for a lot fo the stuff that the league has, especially some of Tanya McVan's impossibly hitec sex toys.
had been tossing around the idea of a weaker, nerdy girl who was going to be entirely aided by a variety of tech, including vibrator gloves and some light armor. wasn't sure if it'd sail or not and still wondering how well it'd fly anyway.

Also, like the new Dr Humpalot angle. However, just how good of a fighter should we take her to be? As needed, make her strong enough to be able to force people into her therapy, or just totally doctor and has hired hands to get her people/only takes on willing?
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